Akaga requires hard 3-4 mining, and the other slot can be a random BB you want. Below is a diagram showing how these ships are arranged in the Details screen and in battle. They also possess Destroyers with evasion-oriented … The game is now available to play for free on both iOS and Android devices. Or, some chapters during the main story award new ships if you successfully finish them. ・Those in the Support Fleet will not take any damage. Log In Sign Up. Also the USS fleet cannot be left out. They emphasize the use of powerful Battleships, as well as Battlecruisers, which are lighter and faster at the cost of firepower, and Monitors, which are fragile and more oil efficient while retaining the big guns and unique special attacks typical of the class. 946. The 14 stats: HP: The ship's Health stat, defines how much damage she can take before … The Main Fleet that will lead me to victory. Fleet Slots. ・You will lose if all the Kansen in the Main Fleet are destroyed. Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Destroyer Main Guns September 13, 2018 Return to Index Destroyer Main Gun Overview The purpose of destroyer main guns can be either skill trigger or damage output. USS: United States Ship. 1 year ago. ・As long as the Kansen are participating in the Joint Military Exercise (the … In fact, the vanguard fleet is your main fleet so build fleets accordingly. Instead, it is made out of ships used for special attacks like air and artillery attacks. 3. Get Them As A Reward. (Tirpitz is best if you have her). Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. Press J to jump to the feed. 946. For frontline, use Eugen + Z23 + Kako/Furutaka. While the real-life definitions of these ships are much more pronounced, in Azur Lane both of them denote your main source of artillery damage.Battleships and battlecruisers are part of your fleet’s back line, which cannot be controlled directly and will only fire once they’ve sufficiently reloaded their guns. Her second ability is called Efficacious Planning, and it reduces Burn damage taken by the Main Fleet, while also increasing their Evasion rate. Identifies ships belonging to the Eagle Union. The main row doesn’t contain ships you’ll use in battle. By regularly logging in to Azur Lane, you can earn new ships as well as other prizes. ・Kansen in the Support Fleet slots offer skill support in tandem with the support listed under Fleet Effects. Our Azur Lane tier list provides you a selection of the best ships to include in your team to progress through the game as painlessly as possible. Try and find a combination of skills that allow you to make the most of your fleet’s damage, while at the same time giving your back line a good balance between damage resilience and output. Throughout this guide, I will be using a very specific vocabulary to how we arrange our ships. 1 Overview 1.1 Main Stats 1.2 Submarine Related Stats 2 Formation 3 Naval Combat 3.1 Combat Support Buttons 3.2 Battle Formation 4 Ship Skills There are 13 visible ship stats in this game, with a fixed 10th hidden stat which decides how fast the ships you control move when you control them. For example, you can earn a new ship by completing 10 weekly missions. Each fleet is made out of two ship rows. GrafZeppelin. Close. As Azur Lane lacks any sort of enmity tools, there are no explicit tanks, but the lead ship in the vanguard and the flagship in the main fleet tend to take more damage than other ships in their respective halves of your fleet. Axis fleet is also a good setup, but hard to obtain. Shelling: Activation of a BB’s main guns. Archived. Meme. Stay tuned for more guides on Azur Lane. Completing certain missions in Azur Lane can help you win ships for free. Main Fleet Ships Play Supporting Role. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. User account menu. Posted by. The Main Fleet that will lead me to victory. Meme. The Royal Navy is a Nation of ships based on the (British) Royal Navy. ・Kansen in the Main Fleet slots are able to directly join battle.
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