azur lane prototype triple 203mm main gun skc ap

Type 1 AP shell (main) (Gold) Super heavy shell. Portal da comunidade brasileira de Azur Lane Search for: Início; Novidades. Junta de Andalucía. The difference between it and the Twin 203mm SKC34 is however extremely marginal. No es tan bueno como AP contra armadura media. Press J to jump to the feed. The Type 3 proto 203mm gun is also decent, though it's a bit better on Takao and other CAs with double damage skills, because the double damage skills (at least on CAs) usually have an internal 5 second cooldown before they can be triggered again, and accounting for the reload stat the "Sanrui" gun (203mm triple AA/Mle) can reload a little faster than that, which … Explanation: Monarch gets her second main gun +1 only at dev lvl30, so before that using 381 to proc her barrage more often should be a better idea. Single 138.6mm Main Gun (Mle 1929) Twin 127mm MK12 Dual Gun. But it's an AP gun. It's an incredibly good AP gun- better in fact than the Izumo gun (though not as good as the Twin 457mm Georgia gun). Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Overall it's very similar to the purple Twin 381mm, except it's better in every way. Their visual design is from a much earlier stage of Azur Lane's development overall; they're really just little girls in shorts or skirts, tube tops, and knock-off Schutzstaffel coats and vague naval hats, and feature none of the decoration, detailing or inferred complex lighting that came to define the look of Azur Lane's shipgirls. Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun (SK C) Nome alternativo: Roon gun Uma evolução direta da Eugen gun , mas não com uma diferença tão grande quanto a que existe entre a Nep gun e a Twin 150mm Main Gun (TbtsK C/36) . Type 91 AP shell (main… Stub page. Ok, untuk masalah berikutnya. They are guilty of this ... Ironblood's Triple 203mm Prototype Gun Best BB/BC gun: Ironblood's Twin 406mm ... and of course less than a week ago I bought a battery for 800 core points when I could've gotten another white AP shell or a rainbow torpedo. It's good on literally every CA, but considering how limited PR guns are it's better used on proc-on-fire CA, CA with good barrages, or Torp-CA who need every shot they can get off. Azur Lane Equipment Tier List. Murmer: Triple 406 mm MK 6. Inicio; La Consejería de Salud y Familias; Secretaría General de Familias; Familias con hijos/as; Jóvenes y familia; Mayores y familia; Convivencia familiar; Familias diversas; Prestaciones y ayudas Edited August 9, 2020 by Blorgh2017 Stereotypical top tier CA gun. The Triple 406mm Mle 1938 Prototype is, unlike what some might think, not the "Mk6 killer". Very accurate AP gun. Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. Fast reloading guns have a usage in triggering firing-dependent BB skills, but the AP ammo has limited usage. Much better choices, while fitting with the whole German theme. •Similar a la relación entre el Triple 155 mm de oro, esta arma tiene una relación especial con Atago y otras CA que tienen habilidades que interactúan con los proyectiles HE. Close suggestions. Others are the same. Consejería de Salud y Familias. Upload. Will be worked into a proper page eventually. Search Search. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Familias Andalucía. I did have to mention Azur Lane in this thread. Kongou merupakan Battlecruiser maupun Battleship tanpa barrage. Dev lv30: I prefer purple 410mm as her main gun. In a mobile market saturated by predatory, thinly disguised gambling simulators posing as RPGs, where the only valid choice is the rarest, most expensive, most lootboxable one, Azur Lane bucks the trend by having ALL of its units entirely viable for all content, given proper gear and care. Twin 406mm skc CN enhancement costs Cannot scrap Triple 305mm Main Gun (M1907): Name does not match Mission report item stays after event ended (Skill) Class timer stops at 00:00:01 when open Medallions do not show the date they were granted Academy marker doesn't go away Lab menu disables touchscreen Jadi, disini keputusan dikembalikan ke para pemain. Main Gun (Mahal, lagi): Triple 406 mm (sangat klise, we need moar gun, Yostar! Typically for CA's, I've usually stuck to the Prototype Triple 203mm Main gun (SkC) from research but not really sure which one I really should be using. But that's the catch; the Triple 406mm Mk6 is an HE chucker. » Azur Lane » Azur Lane Equipment and Gear Guide. The Triple 203mm SKC34 prototype is probably the best overall AP-firing heavy cruiser gun in the game. Azur Lane Equipment and Gear Guide. Link to post [Roon Gun (203mm Triple SKC34)] A direct upgrade over the SKC203, it is considerably faster to reload due to its pattern and has better per-shell damage. Thank you as always for playing Azur Lane. Main Gun, there will likely be categories in the same tier. ... ex. The Triple gun has an extra 7 degrees "random walk" on the shot pattern, so it is technically not as accurate. •Recargar es más rápido que el dorado Twin 203mm Main Gun (SK C), pero no por mucho. Intended as a scaled-down, tier-less, early-game version of the full Tier Guide for new commanders, the listings here will focus on specific early-game concerns and only include units from W1 to W4, as that is where most newbies struggle and … Triple 203mm SK C/34 100mm Type 98 610mm Quadruple Twin 113mm SG Radar. Contribute to Enbayft/Random-AL-Stuff development by creating an account on GitHub. Azur Lane is a special little gem of a game. So you basically need both, for different target sets. Introduction. Sign In. ), Triple 410 mm AP, dan Twin 381 mm Advance. Before dev lv30: Twin 381mm, Triple 152mm Prototype/Triple 155mm, HPFCR, SG radar. Group Four - High level difficult enemy boss ... IJN triple 155 mm (2nd gun for BB) (Purple) IJN triple 155 mm (Purple) US triple 152 mm When choosing a gun to equip, the damage type and enemy armor are the most important factors to consider. Next maintenance will be on Jan. 26th, from 10:00 to 16:00, JST New Features 1.Neptunia collaboration event "Visitors from another dimension" Event period: from the end of Jan. 26th maintenance to Feb. 12nd maintenance. Ship skills and special equipment should also be considered and may favor specific guns over the normal choices. Share this post. If I were you, I would plan for either the German prototype twin 406mm (Mama Freddie's gun) or triple 305mm (Odin's gun). Izumo — Japanese Tier IX battleship.. One of the draft designs for a "super battleship" concept, preceding the appearance of the Yamato-class battleships.This design featured heavy armor and a sufficiently high speed complemented by powerful main battery guns that were unconventionally placed in three turrets located at the ship's front end. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [Louis Gun (203mm Triple Mle 1934)] A direct upgrade over the Type 3, lower volume of fire but higher DPS with better accuracy, better reload speeds, better per-shell damage and lower volume of fire. en Change Language. Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. Single 150mm (6"/47 caliber gun) Single 150mm (SK C/28) Single 152mm (6"/53 caliber gun) Single 152mm (BL 6" Mk XII) Single 76mm (3″/50 caliber gun) Steam Catapult; Submarine-mounted 550mm 24V Torpedo; Submarine-mounted G7a Torpedo Patch Notes; ... Precisa de munição AP? This table1 lists the most common damage types and their damage coefficients against the … Reload is very fast. While not a true bug, there's an oversight in certain heavy cruiser skills "Focused damage" and "Chain Assault" (and a few others) that have an internal cooldown; while not much of an issue normally, but with the Prototype Triple 203mm AA Gun (Mle 1934 prototype/Sanrui gun), it's possible to fire faster than the CD. The only downside it has is a slight drop in accuracy due to it firing three shells in a tight line instead of just two.
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