Tech Points are gained by obtaining, max limit breaking and max levelling (level 120) ships. Azur Lane Review Howe ... BB Guns – Twin 406mm (SK C/34 Prototype) ปืนวิจัย , Twin 410mm (3rd Year Type) สีม่วง. Enhance your ship's stats with common rarity ships. Triple 152mm (6″/47 Mk 17 DP Prototype) Triple 155mm (3rd Year Type) CL/DD Guns – ปืนรองCL Guns คือ Triple 152mm (6″/47 Mk 17 DP Prototype) และ Triple 155mm (3rd Year Type) Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG Mk II. Azur Lane Thread 2 Thread ... (Twin 406mm SKC). EN accounts are easiest to recover with an account bind; make sure to bind your account in the settings and only use the login screen binding buttons to reconnect your account. 100mm Twin High-angle Cannon; 102mm AA QF 4" Mk V; 12.7mm AA M2 Browning; 127mm AA Type 89; 2. PR EXP is only earned through oil-consuming PvE content with the ships specified under the EXP objectives in the Shipyard. After having a rerun these items are permanently added to the prototype shop. The Seal of the Four Gods, improves Anshan class ships but otherwise is not worth buying. by Intel8008. Twin 381mm is for fast but low shelling damage. Ships are constructed with non-premium currency that you can easily get through gameplay. Probably have to wait till her event goes to the archives before that happens (no idea when that will be, I'm missing dunkerque from that event myself), ** IMPORTANT REMINDER TO BIND YOUR ACCOUNT **, Press J to jump to the feed. Except when getting the third star on a map, you should always go for the boss as soon as it spawns. Using the login screen buttons without a bound account will create a new account for you and effectively erase your progress with no way of recovering it outside of contacting customer support. While at the beginning it doesn't matter - in fact you'd be better off using both of your fleets equally to level them up - your two fleets should eventually be split up into a mob-killer fleet and boss-killer fleet; the mob-killer fleet sacrifices firepower for sustain so use (self-)healing ships to survive the 4-7 fights needed to summon the boss for the boss-killer fleet. Farming fleets are designed to clear stages with as little fuel use as possible. Or the fight wasn't long enough so the BB didn't get enough shots off. 50° Spread Range. If she needs even more damage, use Twin 406mm. As typical for German battleship guns, these fired a relatively light projectile for their size at high velocity; while this increased the danger space of the shells, it also reduced deck penetration capability. Duplicates of ships you don't use, Rare or higher: Retire for Medals of Honor (in Build menu). Apply other two guns if content actually needs more DPS. If your BBs are doing less damage either your BB gearing is poor/wrong, or you're using weaker BBs. As a rule of thumb big ships such as CVs or BBs will give you more tech points than little ships regardless of rarity. Intended for the H-class battleships, represented in-game by Friedrich der Große, around a dozen of these guns were built. Respectable raw DPS of 41.22. Nenhuma das opções acima? Base ID: 14180 CN: 双联装406mm主炮Mk1 JP: 406mm連装砲Mk1 KR: 연장포 406mm 주포 Mk1 EN: Twin 406mm Main Gun Mount Mk1 Você quer tempo de recarga rápido? The exception to this rule are collaboration events which - so far - haven't seen any reruns due to licensing deals. Only boss fleets can drop SR ships/boss-only ships, and clearing the boss fleet with an S-rank guarantees a ship drop. Heavy Cruisers (CA, CB) - Expensive; high damage and/or large HP pool; some utility. And you might want to hold on to 10 purple and 5 gold Sakura tech packs. If she needs even more damage, use Twin 406mm. Any idea when Jean Bart will be coming into one of the summoning pools? Over-level your ships as level difference matters. From Azur Lane Wiki. Most light cruisers as of now don't rely too much on their firing trigger-based skills. Otherwise, solid purchases are gold and purple Bulins (if needed), T3 Skillbooks, T2 Retrofit Blueprints (T3 if needed), PR Blueprints and Dorm food; anything else isn't recommended though your needs may vary. If she needs a bit more damage + spread targets then use Triple 305mm. How scalable is Avrora in late game? The exchange shop also caps at 6k vouchers, ideally you're looking at 6k between coins (at 1:100 rate) and tokens. Eagle Union BB Gun. If you lean towards hardcore play and sortie frequently, Limit Break only if you are struggling to progress. I joined one early on & it's dead now. No other drop rates are currently known. I thought she wanted the twin 381 advanced because of her lower firepower or does it not matter which one is used? This doesn’t end the Stronghold, it just lets your fleets leave. Twin 406mm skc CN enhancement costs. NOTE: Regardless of your playstyle, Limit Break when your ships are approaching level cap (70/80/90) to avoid losing XP. 20mm AA Oerlikon; 25mm AA Type 96; 3. Você quer dano? High value ships are often stage drops and cannot be built. F4U(VF-17 “Pirate” Squad) A7M Reppuu. FP+25. Only the boss fleet and event elites can drop SR gear blueprints, and the boss has a chance to drop two. After clearing B3/D3/the last of the non-EX stage of the event, try beating it a few more times. You can help Azur Lane Wiki by expanding it. a list showing off how useful they are depending on their development level. If you run dry consider running less ships in your fleets, running ships with lower rarity/fewer limit breaks and taking a break. Check your equipment; equip Purple/Gold/Rainbow rarity equipment and upgrade it. Twin 406mm (16"/45 Mk 8) T0. How do I get Coins? I just recently started playing a month ago and I really want to get one along with her New Years skin. So I'm looking at the website with the ship ranking and their recommended gear and it says Hood should be using the prototype twin 406. Anti-Air Guns – Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG Mk II … Base ID: 14300 CN: 三联装406mm主炮Mk6 JP: 406mm三連装砲MK6 KR: 406mm 3연장포 Mk6 EN: Triple 406mm MK6 Main Gun A popular method is farming map 7-2 until all the "?" So what should I spend the Opsi currency on at the ports? While unable to fire the "super heavy" shells that later American 16" naval guns could handle, they showed respectable performance throughout the war. Compare numbers yourself at and see that difference between the two is 7% of dps, 8% of fire rate, and 16% of burn damage. Help . Is there an event roadmap? The EXP goals are rather large; be prepared for a long grind. Azur Lane Review Kii ... BB Guns – Twin 406mm (SK C/34 Prototype) ปืน BB สุดแรงที่ได้จากการวิจัย. Firing Angle . It has the highest damage per shell of any HE BB gun, meaning it inflicts the most damaging burn effects on enemies, while having a near optimal firing timer in order to maximise burn uptime. Stats. User Info: 67210094 System Info: Nox Frequency: Guaranteed. Base ID: 14260 CN: 双联装406mm主炮Mk8 JP: 406mm連装砲Mk8 KR: 연장포 406mm 주포 Mk8 EN: Twin 406mm Main Gun Mount Mk8. Eagle Union BB Gun. I don't think it's likely I'll ever need more than one, and in order for the Triple 310 to be … Twin 40mm AA Vickers pom-pom ★ 0 14x1 1.10 Normal Twin 40mm AA Vickers pom-pom ★★ 5 19x1 1.05 Normal Twin 40mm AA Vickers pom-pom ★★★ 12 23x1 1.00 Normal Quadruple 20mm AA Flakvierling 38 ★ 0 17x1 0.99 Normal Quadruple 20mm AA Flakvierling 38 ★★ 5 20x1 0.94 Normal Quadruple 20mm AA Flakvierling 38 ★★★ 12 23x1 0.90 Normal 102mm AA QF 4" Mk V ★★ 5 19x1 … Twin 234mm: Good HE gun, basically great against everything. The only known drop rate is for Akagi & Kaga; each have a 0.75% chance to drop after defeating the boss of 3-4. Her own stats are relatively poor to the point where the buff doesn't really cover it. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Ashes ship fortification materials are relatively low priority unless you have a schedule to field Hiryuu Meta and subsequent Ashes ships. You can check the Azur Lane Wiki to see if an event has already reran on your server's region. Adaptation samples are the worst to spend on as you will have an excess of adaptive tuning scores at the end of the day just through grinding OS., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. UR retrofit item are acquired through limited-time events. Use ships with no/few limit breaks since LBs increase oil costs. Whiskey144 The one thing that keeps confusing me is that I thought Azur Lane already has the triple 203mm Mark15 Baltimore gun ... Twin 128mm SK C/41 HA DP, which does 16 bdmg per shell, 2x2 shot pattern, a coefficient of 120%, 30 FP/15 AA, 90/70/40 armor mods, and 1.5 second reload time. … Take a fleet to the edge of the map and click outside the map. You can technically beat Strongholds by just whittling the bosses down over many attempts because you can just go back to ports to heal and come back to the Steonghold with all the previous progress (including any damage done to bosses) still there. Twin 406mm (16"/45 Mk 5) Type: Battleship Main Gun Rarity: Common ★★ Nation: Eagle Union : Stats Stat Value Damage 48 x 2 → 72 x 2 Fire Rate 25.94s → 24.74s Firepower 5 Ammo Type Normal Shell Velocity 12 Armor Mod. Also note when OS resets each month, your items will basically be wiped so there's no point in conserving resources if you can use them. Damage. Burn difference between the Triple and Twin 406mm guns isn't very great. Light cruiser(CL) gun choices are less polarizing compared to destroyers. Pages in category "Equipment" The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total. Wikipedia. Intro. Note that you only need one twin or triple 406 for burns per fleet as they don't stack and only strongest applies. Aircraft Carriers (CV, CVL) - Clears the screen of enemy projectiles and weaker ships; Airspace Control Value (ACV) improves damage dealt by your carriers and reduces hostile encounters. Twin 406mm (SK C/34 Prototype) Type: Battleship Main Gun Rarity: Super Rare ★★★★★ Nation: Iron Blood : Stats Stat Value Damage 58 x 2 → 154 x 2 Fire Rate 24.41s → 19.42s Firepower 45 Ammo Type HE Shell Velocity 10 Armor Mod. The curious thing is the selection of target shipgirls. Duplicates of ships you don't use, Normal rarity: Consume for enhancement of used ships. NOTE: It's also a good idea to remember your server and take a screenshot of your resume so that customer support has an easier time recovering your account. Does more damage in OPS (Operation Siren). Tap on her 30 times in the shop menu to get started. Repair kits only as many as you would need to do any field repairs at all, besides doing abyssals and fractured seas you can often just get out of the map to repair and return, bringing Perseus with a good mob fleet you can also basically go on indefinitely without repairs. EN packs are good trade if intend to grind OS at any frequency, as you will only regenerate 144 AP a day if you don't intend to drop oil onto it. Spending Gems on anything not listed here isn't recommended (ESPECIALLY Oil/Gold). The rates are worth better than the coins at the end of the month, and a number of purchases will require you to pay tokens. Azur Lane Review Bismarck August 21, 2020 ... BB Guns – Twin 406mm (SK C/34 Prototype) ปืน BB สุดแรงที่ได้จากการวิจัย. What are Retrofit Blueprints? For high-level farming add healers (Akashi, Vestal, Unicorn, Shouhou, Ryuuhou, Arizona) and a strong boss-killer fleet. Level up and limit break your ships; Level advantage makes a difference. Take these "completely" and "low" with a kashinoload of salt. If you run dry consider running less ships in your fleets, running ships with lower rarity/fewer limit breaks and taking a break. Once you have got the higher tier one, and you have install them to all your ships, any extra you can proceed to scrap the lower version. Duplicates of ships you use: Keep for limit breaking and retrofitting. Outside of events, spend 1 cube per day (4 on Sunday) to satisfy the daily build mission; in doing so you'll complete the weekly mission which gives 6 cubes. Azur Lane Equipment and Gear Guide. Gamepedia. Register. MLBing a ship gives you the largest amount of points out of the 3 step process; PR1 ships requirements are generally easier to meet than PR2/PR3 ships' fleet tech thresholds. For the frontline: Destroyers (DD) > Light Cruisers (CL) > Heavy Cruisers (CA, CB). Prototype 406mm Twin Drh LC/34 shoots HE shells, uncharacteristic for an Ironblood gun. Animal Crossing Arknights Azur Lane Battlegrounds Carano Chess Cm Cafe CODM daisy daisy Epic7 epicseven fever genshin impact granita hearthstone Heroes War: Counterattack idol2u invate Legends of Runeterra LOL wild Rift LOR melt mallow news pangya pcoth pokem pokemon pokemon build pokemon extra review pokemon moveset pokemon … Jump to navigation Jump to search. 200. It's recommended to save your blueprints and only retrofit ships you plan on using as higher tier blueprints can be hard to come by. Get to the edge of the map and click outside the map. How do I use them? Energy modules will be needed to activate certain gimmicks you will encounter, but you should be able to pick up more than you will need just from salvage nodes. Battleships, Battlecruisers (BB, BC, BBV, BM) - Concentrated damage better suited for high-value targets; secondary gun protects backline from suicide ships. [EN] Daily reset is at midnight PDT; weekly reset is Sunday at midnight PDT. From Azur Lane Wiki. The MK5 is far less popular than the MK6. 21.15s/wave. Basically Twin 381mm still sees use when it doesn’t matter how much damage she is doing, things are already dead anyway. Triple 305 is as somewhat expected quite terrible for burn damage. Also enter the reload stat for the battleship in question (potentially including fleet tech) and the percentage reload buff, if any. They will have reruns, if you missed them you will have a chance to obtain them in the future. 406mm MK6, Monarch gun outdamage the MK6 at +13 enhanced but it's impractical right now due to how hard it is to get the gold plates so stick to MK6 or twin HE guns for barrage procs Edit: As for Algerie's gun, I'll take the MK IX gun for raw DPS since it … Buy the featured SSR if you want her/need a duplicate for limit breaking. Complete the stage several times with stronger fleets to lower its threat level. XF5F Skyrocket. The shops draw from a limited pool of items which reset along with OS monthly reset, if you do a lot of OS you will have excess currency to get everything, if you don't then the below: Buy all special item tokens you are offered. Therefore: Use fewer ships. Twin 406mm is for a bit slower, but does decent shelling damage. How do I unlock the last few memories in X event? It's an ~5% difference. Also for once (so far at least) the burn damage matches that listed on the spreadsheet. This article is a stub. I'm struggling on X stage, what should I do? What is the next big event? The only naval engagement I can see these girls meeting would roughly be... Battle of the North Cape. HMS Belfast HMS Vampire HMS Jamaica KMS Admiral Hipper 3 Royal Navy girls and a single Ironblood. If she is heavily overkilling things already you can just use the Twin 381mm for its speed. 533mm Quadruple Homing Torpedo Mount; 533mm Quadruple Torpedo Mount ; 533mm … On Azur Lane JP, seems like there will be a pre-event XP bonus campaign. There is also a list for those who are looking to grind gear blueprints specifically. 37mm AA 70K; 5. Therefore: If you lean towards casual play and don't sortie much, Limit Break as soon as possible. Killing the boss fleet is what gives points (specialized cores, core data, event points, etc. JUST DO IT. Base Fire Rate. AP. It always happens no matter what Perceived Severity: Medium issue that noticeably affects the game experience but can be ignored (e.g., animations not playing correctly) How to Reproduce: The PR2 Twin 406mm skc gun has CN enhancement costs, instead of EN ones Discord Form Submission … Note that not all ships have a retrofit. Light Cruisers (CL) - Balanced stats with high anti-air capability. Triple 305mm is for in between, but bad fires. Other useful items include Fairey Swordfish 818 which slow enemies on hit and the Homing Beacon for synchronizing airstrikes. For research ships there's also a list showing off how useful they are depending on their development level. Oil in Azur Lane is equivalent to stamina in most mobile games; your Canteen generates Oil and you can get more from mission/commission rewards. Twin 406mm (SK C/34 Prototype) T0. Particularly all samples, repair kits and EN packs do not convert to vouchers to use in the OS exchange shop, so feel free to spend as many as possible. Here is the list for the best researches for earning PR blueprints. Navweaps. The main armament of the Colorado-class battleships during WWII, these guns were upgraded versions of their original Mark 1 guns. Sign In. (EDIT: While strong, Heinrich and Z46 aren't exactly the highest output candidates for scaling with Avrora either.). Retrofit Blueprints are used in retrofitting and consumed in the Retrofit tree found in ship details. Triple 305mm: A hybrid between Twin 406mm and MK6, niche use but alright for barrage purposes This page was last modified on 30 January 2021, at 13:28. How do I get retrofit items for Sandy/Warspite/X? nodes appear, collecting the nodes and retreating. PvP matches, Dorm EXP, Lecture EXP and commissions do not count. Saving cubes is crucial as you'll want a large stockpile of them to attempt limited constructions that appear during events. For some, twin 406mm have effectively replaced the twin 381mm adv as the new barrage gun for every barrage BB, even to Hood. Twin 406mm (16"/45 caliber Mark 5) - Azur Lane Wiki. From Azur Lane Wiki. Here you can ask questions/seek advice about Azur Lane; help each other and grow together! Twin 114mm: A direct upgrade from the twin 100mm type 98. You can try following these guides. Probably due to overall better damage for a slightly slower fire rate (somewhat understandable), Twin 381mm completely ditch and sense of damage to rely on really high fire rate. Ships who are at an EXP/level cap (i.e. How do I earn experience for research ships? Light Cruiser Main Gun Overview . In a priority depending on your ship levels and gear access, pick up coordinate and siren loggers. Triple 155mm (3rd Year Type) CL/DD Guns – Triple 155mm (3rd Year Type) กระสุน HE . The AP shell type sealed its fate as a PvP weapon. If anyone have this one they'll use it on almost every CA. Twin 127mm (5″/38 Mk 38) DD Guns – ปืนรองใส่ได้แต่ปืน DD ดีสุดก็เป็น Twin 127mm (5″/38 Mk 38) Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG Mk II. If your device is lost, damaged, or a game update breaks the app and forces you to reinstall you could permanently lose your account. These guidelines only apply to your main use fleets; farming fleets will have a different approach as explained in the next question. For Rear Admiral Lower Half that means you need to be in the top 1000; all ranks and thresholds can be found here. Twin 406mm MK5 Main Gun. Range. Use upgraded equipment and level up skills. Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG Mk II. Next down would be gear lab materials, blue and purple materials should drop fairly often through OS grind so prioritize all gold prints and materials, and the odd rainbow prints that show up. However, it's mostly personal preference. Messerschmitt Me-155A. I'm just saving it up atm cause I have such an excess of everything from the story missions. Base ID: 44200 CN: 试作型双联装406mmSKC主炮 JP: 試作型406mmSKC連装砲 KR: 시제형 406mm SKC 연장포 EN: Prototype Twin 406mm Main Gun (SK C/34) T0. F6F Hellcat. If things aren’t dying from the barrage and shells, Twin 406mm is best option because it has better fire damage. Jump to: navigation, search. 70/80/90/100~120 depending on limit break, cognitive awakening or EXP hard cap) will still contribute EXP to PR EXP objectives, even if it displays +0 EXP in the combat results. I found it on a +11 enhanced gun. Personally I did end up deviating from my plan to +13 my Twin 457 first, and am currently +13'ing my Triple 310mm gun on Azuma. The minimum is one backline and one frontline ship (1:1). Attribute: Volley. 20° Ammo. The Guild Leader logged in about 3 or 4 months ago. Otherwise, use what you have. Take a look at this gallery that shows good, permanently available ships or this tier list for a general indication of any ship's power. Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun . T0. Twin 406mm have this balance of fire rate and damage while triple 305mm is an odd case of wanting both FP and fire rate but they fire 3 shells. ); the amount of points is bound to the map, not to the amount of mobs killed. The main reason to take it is to spam barrages. Prototype Twin 457mm Main Gun (18″ MKA) Triple 406mm MK6 Main Gun. This depends on your playstyle; Limit Breaking increases a ship's stats and capabilities at the price of increased Oil costs. Destroyers (DD) - Cheap; low gun damage with high-damage torpedoes; high evasion with poor armor and HP; speeds up your fleet and helps avoid ambushes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Azur Lane Official English Discord Server, Littorio's Luxurious Lounge - Gacha, Dorm Screenshots and Discussions. Her vanguard dmg boost seems super strong now and been running her with heinrich and z46, and they end up doing crazy dmg in boss fights surpassing BB barrage levels (granted the gear on BBs are a bit worse), Overall a bleh, her base stat is far too low to be acceptable in late game and ger 35% vanguard dmg bonus is there for new players to fight through early on since she was given as a reward to closed beta testers originally, Heinrich and Z46 would fair better when paired with Bismarck and Graf Zeppelin, No. SSR ships are NOT required for progression. Eagle Union BB Gun. Você quer dano? 3rd Tactical Classroom slot (depends on your needs). Reruns generally occur at least a year after the event's first debut; after the rerun is concluded ships from that event will slowly come to permanent construction pools. Apply other two guns if content actually needs more DPS. Except that was already covered in Winter Crown. However, players starting out should spam construction for the first 2 or 3 days in order to expand their options for fleet setups. If you can manage high difficulties, I would make picking up all coordinate and siren loggers a priority as they offer the best drops for gear lab materials as well as a fair amount of tokens. Instructions: Enter the absolute cooldown for the battleship's main gun (in seconds), as well as any any relevant cooldown reduction. Note that PR ships are an endgame goal; investing cubes and coins into research projects early on will greatly impede your progress with little benefit so free researches are a better option while starting out. I noticed that her rerun already went by and she still isn’t in the summoning pools so would I be able to get her before the new year skins come back next year? 1. Aside from generation via the Merchant, large coin drops come from Daily Raids and the 8-10 hour commission (costs 800+ fuel). Basically Twin 381mm still sees use when it doesn’t matter how much damage she is doing, things are already dead anyway. How do you leave a guild? Azur Lane Japanese Pronunciation Guide for Ships w... Azur Lane Weeaboo Pronunciation Guide for Ships wi... WHAT EQUIPMENTS SHOULD I USE IF I HAVE NOTHING BUT... Azur Lane Ammo Type Modifiers (Table) Azur Lane(EN) Equipment Box Contents: WHICH BOXES ... Azur Lane Dorm Guide; Azur Lane Simplified AA Equipment Guide v.20180901 Twin 406mm (16"/45 caliber Mark 5) From Azur Lane Wiki. What is OPS Damage Boost? For the frontline position put your tankiest ship on the left and second tankiest on the right; for the backline try to have your strongest ship in the middle (flagship) position; battleships with a barrage skill should be in the center because it greatly improves their aim. There is no known roadmap for any of the regions; big events are usually announced a week or two at most before the event itself is released. For the backline: Monitors (BM) > Battlecruisers (BC) > Battleships (BB) and Light Carriers (CVL) > standard Carriers (CV), Popular vanguard ships: Phoenix, Leander, Cassin, Downes, Fletcher DDs Popular main fleet ships: Erebus, Terror, Nelson, Rodney, Tirpitz, Duke of York, Yorktown. You'll want several Oxytorps and Black/White shells, the F4U Corsairs are currently the best fighters in the game. Historical Notes. Triple 234mm gun: Rainbow, have Normal+ ammo with really good armor modifier. Oil in Azur Lane is equivalent to stamina in most mobile games; your Canteen generates Oil and you can get more from mission/commission rewards. Jump to: navigation, search. Most major events get a single rerun per region. Is there a way to retreat from a Siren controlled stronghold in Operation Siren? Maybe some of the more unique gun options, like the Quad 380 for Jean Bart, or Triple 381mm M1934 for Littorio. You can see how many points each ship will give you in the Lab > Fleet Tech tab.
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