The debate about which one is the best among the same type of gear has been an ongoing subject since the release of Black Desert Online. His harder to reach location makes him less popular than the others. Drop Item: ★ Kutum’s Sealed Sub-weapon Box , Black Magic Crystal - Assault, Black Magic Crystal - Memory, Black Stone (Weapon), Black Stone (Armor), Silver Coins, and others. Kutum still better bc 12 accuracy outweighs the + 2AP you get from 261 nouver. Great article to finally explain the difference! ", [UPDATE 2/24] Schalke 04 might have to sell LEC spot as the club is riddled with debt, LeTigress talks career turning points: "The first time casting Academy — what a rush it was! A look at the various corporations participating in the LCK Franchising, [Cartoon] Pro gamers’ health issues and retirement, [LoL] Battle Academia Katarina/Lux - TTcle HAEUN, When the color caster for LCK Global Nicholas “LS” De Cesare left the LCK in pursuit of new opportunities in late 2020, LCK Global held open applications for the color caster position. Nouver is a little bit more popular for players whose AP is over 250, or even over 280. Although Kutum had Accuracy, but the difference in Nouver’s AP and Kutum’s AP seemed big enough to make up for the Accuracy gap. Awakening just felt awkward, and very unfamiliar. There were some items like Ultimate Vangertz Shield that had high Accuracy and additional Special Attack damage, but Nouver was always the final winner. If your total AP is less than 240 with a Nouver, than neither one will be better than the other one. Plus, 271 or over AP is impossible to reach with a Kutum off-hand. And obviously kutum is better for everyone at 261with kutum (263 with bug). Let us look at the history of off-hand weapons, and find out the current state of boss off-hands. Muraka Location. Bundesliga football team Schalke 04 might be forced to sell their LEC spot to get back part of its investment and repair its poor financial state, French outlet L'Équipe reports. Menu LOUD GG Don Arts talks about leaving Prime League for CBLoL. When the hidden options were revealed last year, it seemed like Kutum had finally taken the throne. Depends on your class, for a lot of classes nouver slightly outperforms kutum once you get to 261 nouver (263 at the moment because of Bartali bug). Hey, i was away for a while. After the big revelation, the demand for Kutum rapidly increased while the demand for Nouver plunged. Synowie Maryi. For more information, please visit our Naru Gear Guide. Once you reach 261 AP with TET Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE, until you reach 265 AP with TET Kutum, then swap back to Kutum. But for my class (maehwa) Kutum is always better, even at 267 nouver. However, players could not find the reason behind this difference. Then, a new World Boss spawned in the west of the Valencia Desert. so the 261 is the new 263 until a fix for this. Most agree that upon reaching 260 ~ 270 AP with Nouver it is generally more effective in PvE than Kutum given the respective AP thresholds. Not to mention people usually gem their Nouver with HP and flat AP crystals. With that being said there does become a time when this changes. Area Agris Loot Scroll 241-260 Kutum / 253-272 Nouver 261-270 Kutum / 273-284 Nouver 273-280 Kutum / 285-290 Nouver 281+ Kutum / 293+ Nouver; Aakman: No Original Poster 1 year ago. Another game changer: Additional damage based on AP, However, Kutum could not stay on top forever. Further Kutum also drops Latent Aura’s, Black Stones, Crystal’s, Silver and Hunter Seals. The update was big enough to shift the meta once again. As the importance of AP increased, the demand for Nouver started to rise as well. Kutum gives Accuracy and survivability in PvP, and deals more damage in PvE with the “hidden” monster damage. Depends on your class, for a lot of classes nouver slightly outperforms kutum once you get to 261 nouver (263 at the moment because of Bartali bug). Sorceress’ succession begins with the quest ‘[Sorceress Succession] The Choice’ which can be accepted from the Black Spirit. It turns out, that Kutum had massive additional damage against monsters. COVID-19 SPECIAL OFFERS AVAILABLE. When you are 261 (using Nouver) it is actually better to use Nouver in PVE as well because of the bonus AP given in the AP brackets. "I feel I'm just starting to hit my stride," LeTigress told Inven Global, as we sat down for a quick interview with the LCS host. Vatson With Friend 1,506 views - Streaming regularly on weekends on twitch! So for PVE nouver is better for the 265 and 269 brackets and as soon as you hit 261 kutum then nouver is no longer BiS for PVE, From 261 to 272 nouver is better, but the difference at 261 isnt really noticeable. In the beginning, players were discussing which Green gear is the best, and in the present, players are discussing which Boss equipment is the best. Crit crystals are enough to make the kutum outperform the nouver with 265 to 272 as well. Don't forget that Bartali and Lvl 60 AP points don't cound at the moment ... to get the 261 bracket you need to be actually 263 with those ExtraAP. Battery Operated Heaters; Car Heaters; Pet Heaters Nouver, World Boss, Black Desert Online (image by @MotherOfHarlots) A massive dragon and in my opinion the current coolest boss in BDO. But the players’ opinions started to shift towards one side. Vell, the Heart of the Ocean, is a massive ocean world boss which is coming soon. There has always been a debate as to whether Kutum or Nouver is better for your class. BDO SEA Community. Kutum is used when unable to hit that 261 breakpoint with Nouver and Kutum is used again when you're able to hit 261 with Kutum. The Kutum sub-weapons are popular and have both AP and DP, while the Nouver sub-weapons only have AP. The loot for nouver and kutum is exactly the same drop-rate and everything, except nouver drops the nouver sub-weapon box instead of kutum. Also in PvE, some players prefer Kutum when they are grinding in high level grind spots like Gyfin Rhasia Temple so they do not die. Then which one is the better one in KR right now? Nouver – PvP Sub-Weapon. bdo nouver vs kutum chart. Nouver is not easy to buy anymore, and is one of the items that has the highest bidding competitions. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. One thing you should consider when choosing between the two is your total AP when wearing all of your gear. Need your mount in bdo vs nouver spreadsheet end, the fairy of serendia. Naru Gear is easier than any other gear to enhance. If we consider the offhands on their own, kutum is better for PVE due to the extra monster damage, and nouver is usually considered better for PVP because of the higher AP. Nouver beats Kutum at 261 for PvE. An increasing number of players started to argue “I tried both off-hands and it seems like Kutum is better in PvE.” The player-base opinion was divided into two: “People are giving false information just so they can sell their Kutums” and “You’ll notice the difference once you try grinding with Kutum.”. Home; Ceramic Heaters; Convection Heaters; Liquid Fuel Heaters; Halogen Heaters; Misc. Boots is for grinding vs spreadsheet enough to identify you to the server engineer left the text between fishers on your documents or a bug in a piece you. Hope they fix that soon though. Kutum, the new World Boss, dropped a new boss off-hand called the Kutum off-hand and the ones who could not get a Nouver off-hand saw their chances of getting a Boss off-hand increase. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, ACanadianDude | Guides: Depending on your class and if you’re into PvP or PvE, one is better than the other. Handler that it to bdo kutum vs nouver and small scale. With 265 the AP gap gets bigger, then Nouver excels most until Kutum hits 261. In PvP, players tend to have both Nouver and Kutum and switch between the two depending on the opponent’s gear setting. The additional damage to monsters that Kutum has is 34 at TRI(III) and 45 at TET(IV), which is 31 and 41 higher than Nouver’s at those same levels, respectively. But with the recent updates regarding additional damage based on AP, Nouver is rising again and the debate has started again. However, when you consider the AP brackets, this can change. More information about AP and DP brackers can be … Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert It has been officially proved that the datamined stats were true. More and more players ran multiple experiments and admitted that Kutum is better in PvE, and that opinion was accepted as truth. Muraka is located west of Manshas Forest. Got any source for this? Nouver and Kutum are both boss off-hands, but the fight over which one is better has been on and off throughout the game’s run. Might be the accuracy but I'm not sure. Another game-changing update arrived in the KR server first, and then later in the NA/EU server. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The additional damage when your AP is below 240 is not that big, so using a Nouver off-hand will not give you any huge advantage. Just refer to big and shiny tests. The discussions and experiments made in search of the best gear sets has and will likely never stopped. Was it Accuracy that made Kutum so much stronger than Nouver? In conclusion, in KR there is no right answer to the question “Nouver or Kutum.” As such, this post was written not to give you an answer to the above question, but to help you choose your boss off-hand by giving you the history of the two boss off-hands. If your total AP is less than 240 with a Nouver, than neither one will be better than the other one. The update that started a new meta was the additional damage for characters with 251-270 AP and 271-300 AP. - Fuser Gameplay Video after 3 days. When someone asks “Nouver or Kutum?”, the answer will be “whichever you get first.” One thing you should consider when choosing between the two is your total AP when wearing all of your gear. Nouver if you'll be at 261-273 AP with Nouver. For a guide on enhancing normal gear, please view our Enhancement Guide. One thing I think you could add was that for classes who have Pure AP off-hands, Nouver did not seem like a big upgrade as it does not have +1 Special Attack Damage. Kutum doesn't start winning again until the 273~ area. BDO *(Black Desert Online)ninja succession star grave 273nouver/261kutum 4000+ Trash/Hr w/LootScroll - Duration: 34:34. Then it makes sense to use Kutum for extra DP in the current meta. Crystals remain the nodes to bdo kutum vs nouver and by items. You can complete the Succession and Awakening quests for Hashashin with a Hashashin … Is this still a thing? Naru Gear is easier than any other gear to enhance. ", IGEAS Day 1 Where’s The Funding How Competitive Gaming Programs Are Well Within Your Reach, IGEAS Day 1 How can we make scholastic esports more equitable, IGEAS Day 2 Working For An Org Vs Working For A Company What To Expect, 4AM takes week 2 of the PGI.S 2021 Weekly Finals, [PGI.S] Week 2 Weekly Finals participants decided, here are the 16 competitors for this week, Afreeca Freecs win the first PGI.S Weekly Finals, [Cartoon] Sports cars... resorts... and noodles? That said, eventually you'll want both since the higher grind spots are going to require duels/PvP and you'll do better by switching between the two. Lv61+ 245 tet kutum, full TET DR boss armor (296 DP): some classes like sorc and dk and mystic and warrior have a nice time at Hystria at this ap. Might be the accuracy but I'm not sure. Nouver vs Kutum(PvP): Nouver is typically used till about 220-230 AP in PvP. If you have the acc elsewhere, Jin vipers etc, I don't think you're correct. ", Advertising Toko Listrik Online Pasar Kenari Telp : 02131922673 ; 02131909628 ; 08151673519 ; 08111095131 Fax : 0213904548 So Iâ ll start off with the advantages. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Kutum has lower base AP than Nouver, but the high additional damage to monsters and Accuracy made it much more powerful than Nouver. 100 Thieves Goldenglue: "I'm in an extremely unique position… I know exactly what these guys need. As far as i can remember having 261 ap with nouver was better than tet kutum for pve. This will change as AP and DP keeps increasing. I'm not there yet but I see maes on stream going Nouver at 261+ at hystria instead of kutum. Nobody wanted to use Kutum, which had a lower AP than Nouver. From that point and beyond Kutum isn’t as effective as Nouver in PvE but later on this flips back to Kutum being superior in PvE. Black Desert BDO Witch/Wizard Succession or Awakening. The history of ups and downs for Nouver and Kutum is now over, and both off-hands are just as popular. Isnt the 261 ap bracket broken right now? Did they change something that would make this not true anymore? The best one for … And the real question: Should they DO something about the actions of toxic fans? Yeah, basically at that point it's better, then when you hit 261 with kutum it's better again. Inquiry. Armor Choices: This probably ones of the most cookie cutter parts of end game PvP. The answer finally came out when the hidden options were revealed. Naru Gear and most gear in BDO must be enhanced in order to help you as you progress in levels and enter more dangerous territories. I want to do it justice. But the reign of Kutum did not last long. Unlike Accuracy, which was actually visible in the item description, Monster Damage was completely hidden. Once you reach 261 AP with Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE however, until you reach 265 AP with Kutum. Wit. Among all the gear, the two items that invoke the most intense debate are Nouver and Kutum. But as time went by and players ran more experiments, Kutum slowly but clearly began to threaten the reign of Nouver. When someone asks “Nouver or Kutum?”, the answer will be “whichever you get first.”. If you want to play more safe, then you should choose Kutum. Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile, Press J to jump to the feed. After Team Liquid's victory over Cloud9, head coach Joshua "Jatt" Leesman shared his thoughts with Inven Global on the current competitive jungle meta, the contributing factors of Team Liquid's less-than-stellar first half of spring, and why the team's recent performances give him confidence heading into the second round robin of the split. Heaters. (Additional damage for 160-243 AP characters was only updated in KR because NA/EU already had this system implemented.). The players who had Accessories with high AP chose Nouver over Kutum for additional damage, and the players who were upgrading their gear chose Nouver as well, hoping that one day when their gear is fully set Nouver will give them the additional damage. You want your AP roughly within 50-60 of your opponents DP. But a few months later, the hidden options were revealed and players could see exactly why. it changed to 263 because the 2 free ap from level 60 and bartali are not applying the brackets corretly. Location Nouver quickly regained its past popularity, and the Nouver off-hands that were left over at the Marketplace were sold out. READ MORE HERE: BOOK NOW The White Villas. "They played my song?!" INB4 "harpooning omegalul" 866. Back then, the hidden options were not an issue at all and a majority of players preferred AP over DP. Witamy; Aktualności. When the grand desert of Valencia was added and World Boss Nouver came out, the Nouver off-hand was the one that everyone was hungry for. Perform Heating on Young Sea Monster’s Neidan x10 to obtain [Guild] Sea Monster’s Neidan x1. The meta had completely shifted, and there were only a very few people who preferred Nouver over Kutum. Succession & Awakening AP Awakened Skills: adds 30% of main hand weapon AP for damage calculations Succession Skills: adds 30% of Awakening weapon AP. Monster Knowledge is also granting additional benefits while fighting your foe: S Rank Increases the Chance for Rare Items. Talon, Olaf, Nidalee among Teamfight Tactics' champions receiving balance changes, [Guide] How to play Call of Duty’s new Outbreak mode, Meet the newest LCK caster Chronicler: "I love the LCK. BDO Fashion's character galleries are a chance for people to show off their characters. But for my class (maehwa) Kutum is always better, even at 267 nouver. some others need to wait until 261 or even 265 nouver to get good at hystria and some never get there and will always make more money elsewhere. If you still want to deal more damage even if the amount is only slightly bigger, you can choose Nouver. The additional damage is especially significant when the character’s AP is over 271. 01-21-2019 #1. moneyman23. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the blackdesertonline community, The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl Abyss.
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