eu4 teutonic order decisions

You can take less land and bankrupt them instead if you want - I usually keep an eye on how many loans they have and make my judgment accordingly. Having this government ensures: 1. Put them out of their misery. You start out in the right place to form Prussia, for one. Been while since we had one of these. Agree on almost everything, although personally I find that allying Kebab is the most efficient way to prevent Ottoman expansion. EU4 patch 1.13 YEREN into Qing true one tag (no CN) AAR: For the horde! In normal games its provinces are coloured gray, in fantasia games, they are coloured light orange. Tag Alongside these the Banner could also contain Rival Teutonic Order, Saxony and if … Baltic Crusader - Rhoth's EU4 Teutonic Order Ironman AAR Sign in to follow this . After Christian forces were defeated in the Middle East, the Order moved to Transylvania in 1211 to help defend the South-Eastern borders of the Kingdom of Hungary against the Kipchaks. Teutonic Order Guide. share. if you are going for the Baltic crusader achievement, forming Prussia is a big no-no. Formed during the Third Crusade, the Teutonic Knights were at times based in Acre and, after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the Holy Land, in Hungarian-Transylvania, before finding renewed purpose in the Polish-backed Prussian Crusade of 1230. The correct time to ally Denmark is NEVER. Sort by. As promised, here is the straw poll for the ROTW features on Monday. The correct first group is always gonna be influence so you can take more land from the dirty latvians, poles, and fake prussia (aka brandenturd). Prussian missions are designed to be an extension of Brandenburg, Pomerania and Teutonic Order. Perhaps most dangerous of them all however, is the Grand Duchy of Muscovy in the far north east. Pretty much every nation around you will hate you, they want some territory with high trade power that you have. By the time the provinces are sold, you should easily have 200 to 250 ducats. Strategy I. Especially Bohemia will ally Poland, if they have not rivalled them. The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus der Heiligen Maria in Jerusalem), commonly the Teutonic Order (Deutscher Orden, Deutschherrenorden or Deutschritterorden), is a Catholic religious order founded as a military order c. … A soldier that has to go home to tend his fields is not one that will regularly exercise with his weapon. This thread is archived. The plan here is to give all the land you can to sweden except for one in a few wars (with danish culture) that you take, release denmark as a vassal, stab sweden in their fermented shark tasting asshole and return that land for pretty much no AE then annex them. You will probably have to fight some rebels, so keep your army maintenance high. I'm puzzled why I can't seem to replicate it even with saved games like the Teutonic order save. 427 votes, 43 comments. Go talk to great moscow foreign minister Molotov, form alliance in exchange for peroshki (apparently these are not perogi) and help muscovy take all of novgorod province... but one over course of two wars. Discord Sunucumuz İçin : Decisions are a set of choices a nation can make if certain conditions are met. Because Poland is usually a lot stronger than you, you will need good allies to beat them. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. tag TEU. How can I know how many loans someone has?I didn't found it in the ledger but maybe I missed it. You will also need +1 Stability and no spawned rebel armies to complete 'Curtail the Prussian Confederation'. If Königsberg (41) is part of the HRE, but its owner is not a member then: The Teutonic Order starts bordering Wolgast in the west, Poland in the south, Lithuania in the east, and Livonian Order to the north-east. It is strongly recommended to prevent this declaration of independence. 2 years ago. Danzig is a country located in the Prussian region. Oh look, another vassal to release in the HRE aka the AE double dick zone and return all those provinces you helped them conquer. The cheat to add Teutonic Order to your country's interest is:. Skyrim: 5 Secret Magical Effects and Spells You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - … As promised, here is the straw poll for the ROTW features on Monday. The Teutonic Order is a theocracy situated on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The Teutonic Order is a theocracy situated on the coast of the Baltic Sea. After several tries, I have found a pretty good solution: 1. Hire a Statesman if available. Loading... Unsubscribe from Urbe Condita-VI? Allying with the Livonian Order is not so useful in most cases because they are weak, instead you can expand into them - if you're not joining the HRE, they are the only target at the start of the game which you can take without allies. You can use Brandenburg to take on Pomerania, which is useful because you can get more trade power in the trade node. Tutorial. Poland, Lithu, Sweden, Denmark, will hate you eventually. Been while since we had one of these. Teutonic Order Danzig even 1.30. 2, Sell Neumark to Brandenberg, (to avoid any conflict with Austria) Brandenberg WILL attack it early. Scroll Down to discover. 100% Upvoted. still having 1 province? My only question is regarding the new estates... Paradox Forum ... Europa Universalis IV. Teutonic order 1.30 Question I recently did my first play through of eu4 as Teutonic order and had a blast, however in 1.30 things are quite different, is there a guide or any tips for the early game? Brandenburg will make a great early ally. A special mention to Religious Ideas, which are very recommended if going for Baltic Crusader, as the Casus Belli and the conversion boost is very useful for dealing with Orthodox provinces. Now Poland and your truce with teutonic order is synced, so possibly next time you attack TO, you can call in Poland without promising any land. February 6, 2021 Category : Uncategorized Alternate between Poland, Denmark and a few bits of the HRE with your wars - all of them have better land than LO, whom you're better off keeping as an ally. The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem (official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus der Heiligen Maria in Jerusalem), commonly the Teutonic Order (Deutscher Orden, Deutschherrenorden or Deutschritterorden), is a Catholic religious order founded as a military order c. … Teutonic Order own and control either Neumark (49) or Dramburg (4747) Teutonic Order owns none of Kolberg (48), Poznan (254), Stettin (1858), Notec (2963), Wolgast (2994), and Stolp (2995) Is not at war with Teutonic Order; Year is before 1466; Mean time to happen. I instantly increased relations with austria and aliied livan order joined HRE took over pomerania and riga as vassels rested abit took over livain order pushed up into sweden took some of their land. Ally Brandenburg if possible, help them expand in north germany. Release Danzig as a vassal before the event fires. report. Bonus points if TO joins the HRE, which is always a wonderful sight as it lets you join too. No need to even take loans, as Danzig is so insanely good that you should have 175 ducats by the time you've fully improved with Austria. When Teutonic Order Become Prussia [EU4 Meme] Urbe Condita-VI. Teutonic Order is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Form Prussia and have at least 125% Discipline. Their national ideas are well suited for crusading as they include military and religious ideas. −0.075 Monthly autonomy change 4. Cyprus. Their exclave Neumark shares borders with Brandenburg, Wolgast, Stettin, and Poland. By 1444, with their mission of Christianizing the region complete, they are beginning to look obsolete and are drawing the attention of their neighbours, especially Poland and Lithuania. Support Sweden's independence. TEU. Get max relations with Austria then take some loans and send gold until you have enough relations. How to join HRE as Teutonic Order? Formed during the Third Crusade, the Teutonic Knights were at times based in Acre and, after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the Holy Land, in Hungarian-Transylvania, before finding renewed purpose in the Polish-backed Prussian Crusade of 1230. This page was last edited on 30 December 2020, at 07:14. almost 60k fellas against your 18-20k, 18k LO and 11-12k BB makes you 12k-ish less troops. These country tags are most commonly used with console commands. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Forming Prussia will make wars easier. it must have a papal influence of at least 25. As Teutonic Order or Livonian Order, own all of Russia as core provinces and convert it to Catholic. However, if you are going for the Baltic Crusader Achievement, you must stay the Teutonic Order. The Teutonic Order is a German holy order of knights which was founded in Acre. Kagemin. The game becomes much easier if Denmark doesn't rival you (around 20% chance). Then raise your stability to 2 (getting administrative points from the clergy estate helps a lot) and take the decision. level 2. Then tell them you are real prussia. Written by ; Categorized Press ReleasesPress Releases Poland brings not only their 20k army, but also 24k Lithuania, 5-6k Mazovia and 3-4k Moldavia. Can I form Prussia for spacemarines, but then convert back to catholic for the achievement? what i got from this is that you have tasted a lot of different assholes. Also, Teutonic Order will be a nightmare now for new players who do not know of this event and how to deal with it - my buddy ragequitted in our multiplayer game because of this. Until 1525, he was elected by the Generalkapitel. Joining the HRE will usually guard against Poland provided the Emperor is strong enough, although one may still be dragged into wars due to an alliance, particularly with the Livonian Order (that's another reason to reject an alliance with the Livonians). Defensive: I would say Defensive first, as the +15% morale idea is better the earlier it is. if you are going for the Baltic crusader achievement, forming Prussia is a big no-no. In which we start our first war of conquest! dont know about any hapsburgs but the habsburgs ruled pretty long in the hre. Do what you can to make the Protestant league as strong as possible, but dont join the league war. +3 Monarch military skill (for future monarchs)Note: The Prussian monarchy doesn't set a minimum of 3 for rulers, but directly increases their mil… The Livonian Order is a large Monastic Order based in the Baltics. The votes are officially in, and as of 10PM EST the first featured nation will be (rather predictably, I might add) the Teutonic Order. 97% Upvoted. To do so, you need at least 60 loyalty and 2 stability. The danger especially comes with an event firing soon after the start of the game: The Prussian Confederation. The only way you might struggle with that is if you declare on LO, but that's extremely suboptimal this patch when you can so … Teutonic Order is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. What I dont like about this new event: The AI will probably never release Danzig before it fires, so Teutonic Order will never be a big player anymore in this game. The command to play as Teutonic Order in EU4 is:. Zion_Shall-Fall. This thread is archived. I'd rather have Denmark and/or Bohemia as allies. −0.02 Monthly war exhaustion 3. The Hochmeister (grand master) was the highest officer of the order. The Teutonic Order, at its start, is a Catholic Prussian monastic order located in the West and East Prussia areas, Baltic region of the Eastern Europe subcontinent. The decisions of the Generalkapitel had a binding effect on the Großgebietigers of the order. For ideas, focus on military ideas if going for Prussia or looking for strong armies in general; Quality, Offensive, and/or Defensive are the most useful to create a small, but powerful army. Locks up a diplo slot for Denmark and prevents Sweden from doing anything. Each decision has consequences, which can be both positive and negative. How are you consistently ending wars in which you're not the war leader with your target (Denmark, Novgorod, etc.) Religious/Humanist: I've tried both, and they both work. 5 comments. Attack them early, if Poland is willing to help you out. The Teutonic Order was originally formed in the late 12th century to care for sick pilgrims traveling to the Holy land. The votes are officially in, and as of 10PM EST the first featured nation will be (rather predictably, I might add) the Teutonic Order. Bust them the fuck up until they have one province. I'm puzzled why I can't seem to replicate it even with saved games like the Teutonic order save. I can't ally HRE either that early on so wtf to do? If you go to war, you are the attacker, so your allies will not join, while Poland will join. Rival them and ally their rivals. An uneasy agreement has been reached with the Knights following the Lithuanian Civil War, by which all parties agreed to recognize both the existing borders and the Polish-Lithuanian king. To curtail the Prussian Confederation, you need to take the merchant's son as an heir (15 loy), than wait one month (0.1 loy) and then grand privileges (15 loy). hide. I played Teutonic Order twice on Iron Mode, and it was very challenging. Smash Poland with only LO and BB as allies? share. Teutonic Order strategies I tried playing as them earlier and got entirely shut out by Poland. Keep killing all the slavs. Seriously how do I get going as T.O.? Luckily nobody really gives a fuck about scandanavian AE and they ally someone stupid like England. Then start operation barbarosa and return all that land to novgorod.. and annex! Neither of which are recommended at all given how easy avoiding it is for a human player. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Teutonic Order is a German holy order of knights which was founded in Acre. 59 Badges. In order to be efficient, however, firearms require regular training and a steady supply of ammunition. +10 Maximum absolutism 5. 1 Introduction and position 2 Main differences with Vanilla 2.1 Good 2.2 Bad 2.3 Neutral 3 Events 4 Missions 5 Decisions 6 Neighbours 6.1 Bohemia 6.2 Hungary 6.3 Lithuania 6.4 The Teutonic Order 6.5 Mazovia 6.6 7 Strategy 7.1 Early game. Always sell the provinces back to Brandenburg (you can also take advantage of the already present development in both provinces to earn more ducats). Keep killing muscovy, nobody cares about orthodox AE either. Dealing with The Prussian Confederation is your highest priority (I would strongly recommend you begin in dealing with this before you unpause) as if left unchecked it will lead to a war against Poland in which you will not be able to call in your allies. I would usually say Influence, but the loss of a diplomat due to being a duchy is too much, and Diplomatic's early diplomat is pretty awesome. There are two events that you should look out for: The Prussian Confederation and The Fate of Neumark. If one wishes to join the Holy Roman Empire, one needs to befriend the Emperor. Prussia is a country in Europa Universalis II. hide. It doesn't exist in the 1444 start, although it exists from 9 August 1807 on. Then raise your stability to 2 (getting administrative points from the clergy estate helps a lot) and take the decision. 86. share. It will work 100% of the time. You can turn against Brandenburg when they turn Protestant because Austria will break its alliance. 239k members in the eu4 community. level 1. Across the Baltic Sea lie Sweden and Denmark. Seeing an opportunity to expand Prussian influence (and dreaming of a unified German empire), Bismarck seized territory through wars with Denmark and … The event needs at least one burgher province to fire, and at the start there are three burgher provinces (Danzig, Tuchola and Kulm). Report Save. 2 years ago. Revoke the Burgher territory, stomp the rebels, and take the decision to curtail the Prussian Confederation. To the north the highly militarized Teutonic Order consider the two states its main enemy. Release Danzig as a vassal before the event fires. Sparkez I bear no responsibility for any issues caused by the tips on this website. Use them at your own risk. A classic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It lies on the coast of the Baltic sea and borders Teutonic Order to the southwest, Lithuania to the south, Novgorod to the east, and contains Riga as an enclave within its borders. report. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa … Better than killing TO for Danzig and the rest of their good land since you now have a very easy punching bag to destroy after every truce. Europa Universalis IV - Prussian Baltic Crusader [Teutonic Order into Prussia into Germany!] If they do opt for the PU, exploit Lithuania's sheer poverty and have LO siege their forts and bait out separatists, then annihilate everyone in your path once you hit tech 4. Administrative: Obvious. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The first event only describes the danger, but if the player does not intervene, Danzig (which represents the Prussian Confederation) will declare independence, and they will be backed up by Poland. Take Neumark in the first war and give poland bare minimum of provinces so they don’t lose trust in you. save. Before you unpause off of the 11 November 1445 start date, make sure that you are Improving Relations with Austria and seeking alliances from Bohemia or/and Brandenburg. I was allied with Denmark and Sweden, but they both broke their alliance and wanted war. Sort by. TO has always been one of my favorite countries, In EU4 surviving the Polish onslaught is near impossible. Revoke the Burgher territory, stomp the rebels, and take the decision to curtail the Prussian Confederation. A classic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'd also like to thank everyone who participated, as of writing this 26 people have voted which is about 24 more than I expected, you all are really an awesome community. Out of 5 starts I've done with Teutonic Order in 1.12, only once Bohemia didn't rival me. Look to Maritime and Trade Ideas if seeking to dominate trade in the Baltic Sea, which the Teutons already do own a large share of. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When you want to take on Poland, Lithuania, The Commonwealth, getting Russia/Muscovy as an ally will make the war a lot easier. The command to kill the ruler of Teutonic Order is:. < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . I would not agree on supporting the independence of Sweden. It is absolutely vital that you improve relations with Austria ASAP. The goddamn danes are stealing all the money that you want in Lubeck and what not. It is a historical friend of the Teutonic Order and Riga. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych, Poland. When this happens you can easily take all of Northern Germany. Create your Lifestyle Freedom., Playing with normal or historical nations, gains a permanent claim on all non-owned provinces in the West Prussia and East Prussia areas, then it changes its government to monarchy and enacts the government reform. Note that even if you do seize land, you will still need 40% Crown land which you can make up the deficit by improving your development. Me and my friends will play the new dlc/patch tomorrow and i was thinking of playing Teutonic Order. Pretty weird, considering their excellent relations with TO since XIII century. Just make sure you have a CB on the protestant league leader/future emperor. Eh, the HRE can help a bit early I guess, but you're gonna leave anyway, also you are more holy than that hapsburg prick. The Teutonic Order starts bordering Wolgast in the west, Poland in the south, Lithuania in the east, and Livonian Order to the north-east. respect to the biz. 05 Feb eu4 teutonic order missions. −2 National unrest 2. The Teutonic Order, at its start, is a Catholic Prussian monastic order located in the West and East Prussia areas, Baltic region of the Eastern Europe subcontinent. [49][50] Jerzy Lukowski in They should be dying for your wars, not their own expansion! 1 General Information 2 History 3 Form Prussia 3.1 Form Kingdom of Prussia 3.2 Reform into Prussia (Teutonic Order) 3.3 Reform into Prussia 4 Decisions 4.1 Form German Nation 5 Updates For the Old, Baltic Prussians, see Prussians. The Muscovites … Ally Hungary, for great general Janos if possible, or like bohemia, or brandenburg, also the livonians temporarily. They start with Prussian ideas after all... What makes the LO a powerful government type? LO is even easier but more RNG-heavy. After Acre fell to the Muslims (Around 1210), The Order moved first to Hungary, and then to Prussia and in 1230, With the support of Poland and the Holy Roman Emperor The Teutonic Knights initiated the Prussian Crusade to christen the pagan Old Prussians and Lithuanians. Its government type is a Theocracy. Thread starter Zettacel; Start date May 11, 2020; Forums 44 months It becomes also easier if Poland has strong rivals ( Hungary, Austria, Bohemia, Muscovy) or rejects the union with Lithuania. To add a province to the HRE as the Teutonic Order… Don't think that's easy at all. It's certainly not the easiest option if what you actually want is to reform the HRE, but it's interesting. 2 years ago. Once you own the delicious northern parts of Poland, you're pretty much unstoppable and can get and ditch allies as you go along. prussian confederation eu4 poland . My current strategy mostly revolves around not being afraid of Poland. He had the rank of an ecclastic emperial state and was sovereign prince of Prussia until 1466. Go cleanse the region of the turks. If they choose a local noble fuck them twice as hard for being stupid. Don't annex these tards just yet they will help kill things. Teutonic order. Better to keep them under the yoke and disloyal to cripple both Denmark and Sweden. Europa Universalis IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. Or you could get the Baltic Crusader achievement, then convert to Protestant/Reformed Prussia. DoW them as soon as they win when there's only like 3 electors and dismantle that shitty AE nightmare that only let's you take one province every 15 years.. Congrats now you can steamroll the rest f the lubeck node. The Fate of Neumark is another event that will pop normally within the first few years of the game. That means, that when forming Prussia as those nations, your old missions won't be lost and the new missions will be appended onto the current tree you have. The correct expansion path is every direction. This is made more difficult in the starting event, because there you lose 20 loyalty. To do so, there are two major ways: The first way is to revoke all land held by burghers. tl;dr While you expand into poland and lithuania, set up situations in sandanavia, germany and russia for you to return cores to expand quickly with vassals for nearly no AE. Going the Teutonic Order route makes it a bit more meaningful to form Prussia. For a regular levy army this level of proficiency can be hard to maintain. best . You probably need to build galleys to really make this war go easily. If they don't opt for the PU, just rush Lithuania and peace them out so LO doesn't get attacked by Denmark. Set focus to mil, ally LO and Brandenburg (they'll be happy to do so after improving even if they ally Poland), build up to FL, improve with Austria, let Poland declare on you (guaranteed if you only ally these two, not so much if it's anyone else), join the HRE, smash Poland, take 100 WS worth of land. The Prussian Monarchy is a unique government type available only for Prussia that gives a major advantage in military power income. Maybe the player wants to restart, until at least some of this is fulfilled. Boom, you're almost a great power now. Your primary initial goals in no particular order: Get history off right by fucking poland in their dirty perogi tasting asshole.Take land, release nations, break subjects, make lithuania disloyal when the PU happens. Frin's x10 mod for EU4 Oct 24 2020 Released Oct 24, 2020 Grand Strategy . The second way is to take the decision "curtail Prussian Confederation". Poland attacked by 1446 and I can't defend their massive armies. Note that the following strategy is only viable if you have the Emperor DLC installed. 05 Feb eu4 teutonic order missions. I mean, the only guy I could take on was the Livonian order, because Poland has its personnal union buddies and pomerania is protected by Austria. Its government type is a Theocracy. You need lebensraum. best . Poland is a country in central-eastern Europe. They should always be your primary target, and you should always bait them into declaring on you if you can as TO. 43 comments. I'd also like to thank everyone who participated, as of writing this 26 people have voted which is about 24 more than I expected, you all are really an awesome community. Give all of this to Austria and you should have enough relations with the Emperor to join the HRE. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Whatever you do, don't be scared of Poland. It is an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. The country tag for Teutonic Order in EU4 is:. level 1. Why isn't the AI just full annexing them and telling you to pound sand? Right now something is probably stinking to your south because a weak poland invites kebab north. level 2. eu4 teutonic order 13. Formed at the end of the 12th century in Acre, in the Levant, the medieval Order played an important role in Outremer, controlling the port tolls of Acre. Title. Press J to jump to the feed. Sweden is a dick, and between your russian and danish vassals/holdings. Thread starter ... and then pick the "Curtail the Burgers" decision. Written by ; Categorized Press ReleasesPress Releases The Teutonic Order is in a precarious situation in 1444. In order to prevent the Confederation revolt, you must Seize Land from your Estates for a total of three times before 1460. If you want Prussian ideas without the all powerful Prussian Monarchy you might as well start as Brandenburg and just... be Brandenburg. It is recommended to form Prussia when possible due to their superior military ideas, government (with Rights of Man enabled) and added prestige. Nicolas Sarkozy, who made this a key issue in his presidential campaign, offered a symbolic commitment not to … 4. share. If either Brandenburg or Bohemia have you selected as a rival then restart. A nation is never forced to take a decision. This is a compilation and strategy article for Teutonic Order.Mechanics and flavor content are transcluded from other pages. Every time I start as T.O. Report Save. Love the poland ball style, text could be a bit larger though. Wait... doesn't going revolutionary make you lose your really overpowered special government type? Apr 17, 2014 @ 5:52am Teutonic order strategy ... Brandenburg; can Teutonic order survive against all these haters?Some advice pls. You can of course use the Estate modifier 'Curtail the Prussian Confederation' but this will convert the Teutonic Order to Danzig as your playable nation. add_interest TEU Diplomatic: Teutonic Order starts out as a duchy. Seriously they are the shittiest ally in the game, especially since they lose one battle and sweden goes disloyal. Ally TO and Riga, improve with Muscovy immediately while getting a single claim on Lithuania, ally Muscovy when they go friendly (pretty much guaranteed), then call TO and Muscovy in for land. Advice Wanted. 361 votes, 61 comments. save. It is recommended to look at the Emperor's rivals, since if the Teutonic Order is allies with any of those rivals, they will have a -25 relationship penalty with the Emperor. kill TEU. ... Top 10 Worst Countries in EU4 - … By 1444, with their mission of Christianizing the region complete, they are … The Teutonic Knights used the Prussian Crusade as an excuse to consolidate its power in the Baltic, much to the dismay of P… Constitution [edit | edit source] This is the Prussian Constitution, a document designed to guarantee the liberty and welfare of all members of The Prussian Confederation. Hochmeister. Gaming [EU4] Teutonic Order Ironman Campaign [UPDATE #1] [1544 CE] . prussian confederation eu4 poland Uncategorized February 17, 2021 | 0 February 17, 2021 | 0 There are two other ways to deal with the Prussian Confederation: To release Danzig as a vassal, or fight Poland when it fires. 1; Reactions: K. Knight117 Corporal.
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