floch aot age

Sometime after the meeting with Yelena, Eren meets with Floch privately and states that he is going to follow Zeke in appearance only, asking him to do the same. Louise has shoulder-length light hair which she keeps parted down the middle. Bystander Floch has a dofferent story. Report Save. Eren tries to dissuade Levi from giving Erwin the serum, but Floch forcibly restrains him to stop him from interfering. Eren tries to defend Armin, but Floch accuses him of acting childishly and allowing his personal feelings to keep him from making a rational choice. Floch Forster is a supporting character during the Return to Shiganshina arc and an antagonist in the later chapters of Attack on Titan,serving as one of the secondary antagonists of the final arc. After Eren escapes his cell and arrives, Floch informs him of their numbers along with their involvement in Zackly's assassination. 55 notes. [15] Some time after, Floch is forced to take cover from the Beast Titan's bombardment. Height Floch begins to panic, and Levi has to force him along to the base of the Wall. Alive | I like Floch ngl #anime #fypシ #funny #attackontitan #aot #leviackerman … save. hongfairy. When the Cart Titan appears, Floch tries to target her himself but is caught off guard by the emergence of the Jaw Titan. Acting Information He manages to hit the boat's fuel tank, but Mikasa quickly fires one of her anchors into his throat. Floch Forsterフロック・フォルスターFurokku Forusutā He openly criticizes the choice to save Armin over Erwin, and claims that the choice was a result of those involved allowing their emotions to cloud their judgment. [13], He believed that those who cannot give up something important to them for the greater good and refuse to listen to reason are childish. 2. share. Despite this, Floch has proved himself to be capable of acting courageously. As recruits begin to join him, Floch informs them that they will have to prove their loyalty by beating Keith, and that anyone who does not will be thrown in jail. Affiliation Levi orders that he be left alone to inject Erwin, and Floch forcibly moves Eren to another house rooftop. Floch is somewhat a hypocrite in my eyes when he deliberately attacks civilians in the battle of Liberio, but it is understandable why he did that. Species As Levi prepares to give Eren Jaeger the Titan injection needed to heal Armin Arlelt, he arrives with Erwin hanging unconscious on his back. Friday, February 12, 2021. However, as he is firing, he is shot by Gabi Braun, throwing off his aim and causing him to plummet, injured, into the ocean. Debut Soldier Floch is left uneased by Jean's nonchalant attitude toward him, noting that the cadets who joined the scouts after graduation have changed greatly since the last time he saw them. [10] He openly criticized the choice to save Armin over Erwin, and claimed that the choice was a result of those involved allowing their emotions to cloud their judgment. Hange points out that Eren's actions have only demonized them to the rest of the world, but Floch insists that they have nothing to worry about as long as Eren has the power of the Founding Titan. October 8th[1] [38] As Floch confronts the worsening situation, Eren makes contact with Zeke and starts the Rumbling as Floch watches the Wall begin to crumble from beneath him. He was willing to participate in Erwin Smith's suicide charge against the Beast Titan,[9] despite his fear, and was willing to stand up to his fellow soldiers when they suggested allowing Erwin to die in favor of saving the life of Armin Arlert, even going so far as to risk being attacked by Mikasa Ackerman to keep her from taking the Titan injection from Levi. The faction threatens Hange and their subordinates with firearms, and Floch demands that they take them to Zeke's location. His eyebrows were also quite noticeable, being very thick and bushy.Erwin typically dressed in the standard military uniform, donning the Survey Corps' signature green cape when on missions. [4] Floch and his squad mates are left in charge of the scouts' horses, and are ordered to defend them from any approaching Titans. He argued passionately for Erwin to receive the life-saving Titan injection, believing that only Erwin was capable of making the choices necessary to guarantee victory for humanity. of the Survey Corps. Biological Information He has not grown much in height but still stands in a similar structure to his peers. 65 kg[1] One of Floch's most evident personality traits is his respect for Erwin Smith. However, he is caught off guard and disarmed by Kiyomi. Floch and Jean bring the two Volunteers before the Yeagerists and Floch announces their execution, explaining that Yelena conspired with Zeke to destroy the Eldians and that Onyankopon had chosen death over joining Yeagerists. [34], Floch and the Yeagerists with him learn that Zeke is in the custody of Levi and thirty members of the Survey Corps still loyal to the military. Floch appears to be of average height with short, tousled red hair. Floch and Jean have realistic judgements and are not afraid to get their points across. [11], Jean and Floch argue about civilian casualties, Floch joins the Scout Regiment's attack on Liberio, where he sets explosives to destroy buildings around the internment zone. He argued passionately for Erwin to receive the life-saving Titan serum, believing that only Erwin was capable of making the choices necessary to guarantee victory for humanity. He wears a belt that has a blade attached to it that he can use in combat. Discover more posts about aot floch. [29], As the Survey Corps makes its retreat from Liberio, Floch leads the surviving soldiers in a celebration of their overwhelming victory against Marley. Floch Manga Aot - See more of manga horse on facebook. By that virtue, he thought of those who knew when to back off and restrain themselves from acting on their emotions as "adults." Floch then tries to get Zeke to explain what happened but Zeke brushes him off claiming that they need to move on. Human He was willing, despite his fear, to participate in Erwin Smith's suicide charge against the Beast Titan, and was willing to stand up to his fellow soldiers when they suggested allowing Erwin to die in favor of saving the life of Armin Arlelt, even going so far as to risk being attacked by Mikasa Ackermann to keep her from taking the Titan injection from Levi. Name They are quickly discovered, and are called before Hange to explain themselves. During the operation to retake Shiganshina District Floch and the rest of the recruits enter Shiganshina on foot while the rest of the soldiers use their vertical maneuvering equipment to make their way to the top of the Wall. **The age of some characters is different from the canon. This is evident when he criticizes Eren and Levi on their decision to save Armin instead of Erwin, while praising Mikasa, who though acted on impulse at the start, reigned herself in eventually and made the logical choice. During the night raid in Marley, he wears a new black Scout uniform with anti-personnel ODM gear. [21] During the charge Floch is knocked off of his horse, but miraculously manages to survive. [3] After discovering the truth, Floch developed a hatred for humanity outside the Walls. Right, a sad event. Roughly a year after the Struggle for Trost, after the Executioner from Hell has dispatched all of the Titans in Wall Maria and Shiganshina has been repopulated, the Scouts embark on their first scouting mission beyond the Walls in six years. Marlo scolds him for letting some of their horses run away in the attack, but Floch hysterically retorts that there is no point to watching the horses since they will all soon die. [35] They go to investigate and find a completely destroyed wagon, along with an injured soldier lying on the bank of a river. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the past, Keith had a head of neatly combed short dark hair and a much more youthful face, lacking the wrinkles and bags under his eyes that he would later develop. Jean fires four shots at Onyankopon and misses all of them, and to Floch's shock, the Cart Titan suddenly attacks, eating Jean, Onyankopon and Yelena.[42]. level 1. He admitted to Hitch that Marlowe must have regretted entering the Survey Corps in his final moments, and informed Armin that most Military personnel who had read the Corps' report from the Shiganshina battle agreed that Armin's survival was a mistake. Status Imagine aot being about Flochs story. Erwin had a commanding presence, standing tall above most members of the Survey Corps, with his blond hair kept neatly parted on the left side.Erwin always wore a calm and collected expression on his face, with his icy blue eyes being one of his most striking features. Floch alerts the Yeagerists. Gender After Armin is given the serum instead of Erwin, Floch is left dismayed and asks Levi why he chose Armin over Erwin. Attack on Titan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. He notes how much the 104th soldiers have changed since they had graduated.[16]. Shocked by his survival, Floch begins to wander the battlefield searching for anyone else who may have survived. Rather than freeing Eren, Hange concludes the hearing by arresting Floch and his compatriots. During the night raid in Marley, he wore a new black Survey Corps uniform with anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment. As Hitch leaves, an appalled Jean demands to know why Floch said such a thing to Hitch, and Floch tells him that someone should be honest about what happened. Floch invites all of the assembled recruits to join the Yeagerists and abandon their old customs from before they learned of the outside world. Gelo (@gelo.time) has created a short video on TikTok with music Dip - Remix. Discover more posts about aot-floch. Chapter He has not grown much in height but still stands in a similar structure to his peers. Status Hange tries to reason with Floch, arguing that they do not have time to be infighting while Zeke is making his own moves, but their words fall on deaf ears and Floch orders that they be restrained. They encounter a deformed Titan which has been dragging itself towards the Walls and leave it alive to follow the trail it has left, despite Floch's protests that they should kill it. 854 Recalling the ceremony where he decided to join the Survey Corps, Floch laments that he is going to die a meaningless death rather than bravely sacrifice himself for humanity. Jean and Conny intervene before things can escalate further, but Floch reprimands them as well, pointing out that they made no effort to stop Eren and Mikasa. 854 He talks with Jean, expressing that he could not die during the moment of the Eldian Empire's return. When on duty, she can be seen wearing the standard Survey Corps uniform. Four years after the recovery mission, Floch wears his hair with thick bangs which are swept to the right side, while keeping it shorter at the bottom. 1 year ago. Alex (@lex_anime) has created a short video on TikTok with music Always Saucy. [6] During the charge Floch is knocked off of his horse, but miraculously manages to survive. While his soldiers are killed, Floch manages to escape the Jaw Titan and targets the boat, attempting to sink it with a thunder spear while saying that he will be the savior of Eldia. Su cabellera es larga y de tono rubio, la cual le llega hasta un poco más abajo de los hombros y suele mantenerla suelta, aunque la suele atar en las expediciones; sus ojos son grandes y sus irises son de tono aguamarina. As Hitch leaves, an appalled Jean demands to know why Floch said such a thing to Hitch, and Floch tells him that someone should be honest about what happened. Jean assures her that Marlowe acted bravely on their mission, and asks Floch to recount the events to her. | #greenscreen floch loyalty elite ‍♂️ #anime #aot #dame #nba #weeb #attackontitan #aotseason4 #foryoupage #foryourpage #forurpage #foryou #fyp | Team Eren | Eldians | The Devils of Paradis When Jean argues with him, Floch points to Eren and reminds Jean that Eren told them to fight rather than wait within the Walls for death to find them, declaring that Eren is the devil that they need. Attack on Titan: The Harsh Mistress of the City, Attack on Titan Choose Your Path Adventure, Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment, https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Floch_Forster?oldid=310900. Name Suspecting that the two are lying, Floch decides to execute the Azumabito mechanics to keep them from posing a threat in the future. Professional Information Although Floch praises Marlo for staying calm and encouraging his fellow recruits, he admits that Marlo likely regretted his actions in his final moments. He and the Yeagerists inform instructor Keith Shadis and the recruits that the Yeagerists will now be operating out of the Training Corps's base, shooting off a warning shot when Keith attempts to resist. After receiving a smoke signal from Levi to return, Floch keeps watch of the district while Armin is filled in on the events of the battle. Attack on Titan: The Harsh Mistress of the City, Attack on Titan Choose Your Path Adventure, Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death, https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Floch_Forster_(Anime)?oldid=311146. Weight When Jean asks why he and his friends joined the Survey Corps, Floch says the increased propaganda for the Survey Corps after the uprising is what drew them in. Male Attack On Titan Floch Forster, Dragonball VS AOT, Attack On Titan Floch Forster Other than Hange Zoë and Squad Levi, he was the only survivor of the battle. He acknowledges that the Volunteers' respective homelands will indeed be destroyed by Eren's plan and offers to grant them status as honorary Eldians in the new empire Eren will create if they agree to cooperate. As the remaining Scouts prepare for a ceremony in their honor, they are approached by Hitch, who has come to watch the ceremony. Jean assures her that Marlo acted bravely on their mission, and asks Floch to recount the events to her. [8] Despite this, Floch had proved himself to be capable of acting courageously. of the Scout Regiment. Wall Rose Biological Information Debut Jean yells at him to minimize civilian casualties, but Floch is unrepentant; he tells Jean of all of the people inside the Walls who were killed by the people outside of it. Armin admits that he knows Floch wanted Erwin to live, and Floch claims that everyone who has read the Scouts' report believes Erwin should have lived. Wall Rose During the night raid in Marley, he wears a new black Survey Corps uniform with anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment. In an attempt to gain Jean's support, Floch makes an appeal to Jean's old desire to live a comfortable life as an MP. Historia se caracteriza por ser muy hermosa en o… Residence Floch has undergone a development that completely changed himself, he now may come out as a big patriots, but it's for the sake of Eldia. [43] After executing three of Kiyomi's companions, he gloats about Eren's impending success and cheerfully reminds them that Hizuru will also be wiped out. #I love them so much #they mean the world to me #Floch #floch forster #aot floch #Floch foster #jean #jean kirschstein #jean kirstein #Aot #attack on titan #snk #snk s4 #shingeki no kyojin #anime #manga #art #digital art #my art #flojean #jean x floch. Human While the others begin to argue over who should receive the serum,[23] Floch gives his opinion that Erwin should be the one to receive the serum as only a "demon" like Erwin can overcome the Titans. Floch expresses his initial worry about Levi being a problem, but is pleased to see he will not be a concern due to his injuries; after hearing Hange claim that Levi is dead, Floch is not fully convinced and orders Hange to move so he can check for a pulse. Floch was open to conducting scorched earth tactics and was not concerned with collateral damage; he did not hesitate in burning entire city blocks in Liberio to the ground, simply to deny resources to the enemy with no thought of the casualties that would result from it. Floch Forster (フロック・フォルスター Furokku Forusutā? Anime movie Affiliation Floch Forster フロック・フォルスターFurokku Forusutā Despite his protests, Floch and his comrades are won over by Erwin's urging that they fight for the good of humanity so that the living can give meaning to their deaths. By that virtue, he thinks of those who know when to back off and restrain themselves from acting on their emotions as "adults." If Jean didn't join the SC and that Marco's death didn't made an impact on him, he'll retain his training days behaviour and he would probably agreed with Floch, that 'Erwin should have been saved not Armin and that the 104th corps were irrational about … Floch then points his gun at Yelena and demands her to gather the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers so they can be detained.[40]. Keith is a tall and intimidating man. Floch argues that Eren was justified in his actions, and that his actions have saved the lives of the citizens of Paradis. Hange deduces that Floch was aware of the spinal fluid scheme but Floch refuses to give an answer, only ordering Hange to remain quiet. They seemingly manage to take the Titan down but are caught off guard when Marleyan soldiers appear from the Cart Titan's corpse and begin firing on them, forcing them to retreat. Floch appeared to be of medium height with short, tousled blond hair. [32], After being informed of Hange's location by a sympathetic employee, Floch joins the other Yeagerists in raiding a restaurant. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. One of the Volunteers tries resisting and Floch wounds the man by shooting him in the hand. After Armin is given the serum instead of Erwin, Floch is left dismayed and asks Levi why he chose Armin over Erwin. 175 cm[1] Floch asks Jean if he should throw them out of the airship, but is denied. [18] Floch and his squad mates are left in charge of the corps's horses, and are ordered to defend them from any approaching Titans. Species pieck’s wife (@shroomsoup) has created a short video on TikTok with music The Home Depot Beat. After the recruits have finished beating Keith, Floch orders Hange to take him to Zeke. He is bald, with prominent wrinkles on his forehead and dark circles around his eyes. Floch closes by demanding that they inform any future recruits of what they are truly signing up for, so that no more cowards like him join. [45], Despite his injuries, Floch manages to attach his maneuvering gear's anchors to the boat and follows the group across the ocean to Odiha. Attack on Titan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Episode However, he is caught off guard and disarmed by Kiyomi. She wears the standard Military Police Regimentuniform like her fellow officers, except she wears a light green shirt underneath. [9], After returning home victorious, Floch attends a meeting with the rest of the survivors of the expedition where they are debriefed on the information they recovered from Eren's basement.[10]. They are also rather blunt. However, before he can, he and the other soldiers are suddenly distracted by the sight of Zeke emerging from inside a decomposing Titan. Deceased Following an attempt by Armin and Connie to get to the flying boat, Floch decides to execute the Azumabito mechanics to keep them from posing a threat in the future. Recalling the ceremony where he decided to join the Scout Regiment, Floch laments that he is going to die a meaningless death rather than bravely sacrifice himself for humanity. Floch and the Yeagerists try to destroy the basement, As the Yeagerists attack, Floch becomes uneasy that Mikasa and the Azumabito have fled to the basement. When she was younger, her outfit consisted of a jacket which she wore over a dark shirt and skirt. Follow. #snk floch #floch x reader #floch x y/n #floch forster #floch aot #attack on titan #attack on titan reactions #attack on titan masterlist #attack on titan imagine #attack on titan requests #aot x reader #aot x oc #aot x y/n #aot #aot season 4 #aot manga #aot spoilers #snk #sorry in advance # … [11], Floch was also very honest with others, to the point of being insensitive. The injured Volunteer continues to belittle Floch, who responds by nonchalantly executing him. [14], Four years after reclaiming Wall Maria, Floch adopted a more vindictive attitude towards humans outside the Wall; once joining the Yeagerists, Floch became even more open to using violence against anyone who is not an Eldian or resisted the efforts made by Eren, whether they were Marleyans or even his allies in the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers. 185x500 - Other than hange zoë and squad levi, he was the only survivor of the battle. Kenshō Ono (Japanese)Matt Shipman (English). Posted by mebs09. Floch is also very honest with others, to the point of being insensitive. Levi orders that he be left alone to inject Erwin, and Floch forcibly moves Eren to another house rooftop. He joined the regiment before the return to Shiganshina District, where he was assigned to Squad Klaus.
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