The Genshin Impact Tianqui Treasure Trail quest has players seeking out hidden treasure.While the game does point you in the right direction with a treasure map and a few riddles to go off it wouldn't be impossible to think you could lose your way … ・Speak to Nervous An in Liyue Harbor after reaching AR 30. An interactive Map of Teyvat showing the location of all; Anemoculus, Geoculus, Statues of the 7, World Quests, Shrines, Plants, Monsters, Enemies, Chests and Minerals. To enable it, you must walk through the water until you reach the Nameless Island. ・Speak to Clerk Zhao in Liyue Harbor after reaching AR 30. Genshin Impact is packed with side quests, with many of them involving riddles and puzzles. The most rewarding quest right now on Mondstadt, this will you 500 XP. ・Unlocks after Version 1.2 update when you pick up one of four Strange Tooth in Dragonspine. Simply go to the Snowboar King's location on the map and defeat him to help Harris complete his dish. ・Speak to Katheryne after reaching Adventure Rank 12. This can be obtained from thawing out and killing the frozen boars scattered around the mountain. She will want you to investigate some ice that is blocking one of the mountain paths, which can only be done with scarlet quartz. The Genshin Impact 1.3 update is in full swing, and now, following on from the Genshin Impact … There are four different locations for the posters and billboards. All you need to do now is locate the Arcadian Ruins and … Defeat the Treasure Hoarders near to the Dawn Winery. Guide includes locations of Azurite, how to get, location, & where to find Azurite! This will be a hill filled with swords with a shield protecting it. Her favorite console is the Nintendo 64 and she revels in replaying through Paper Mario and Megaman Legends. ・Read the tablet in the middle of Cuijue Slope. Character Tier Lists That can lead to a … These rewards can range from Adventure Experience to Original Resin so you should do as many as you can. One of the new World Quests available in Genshin Impact ... As you’ll see on the map, you have to go to Dunyu Ruins to find the treasure. ・Talk to Lynn by the camp next to the bridge going to Mondstadt. In order to get the 80th Crimson Agate, you need to complete the world quest called “Lost in the Snow” first. Dailies Are Your Greatest Source Of Adventure Rank Progression. Learn how to unlock Zhongli's Story Quest, where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest. Share Share Tweet Email. The Treasure Hoarders that spawn for this quest do not … Genshin Impact ’s expansive world ... Head to Tianqiu Valley and interact with a tombstone located on the central platform to begin the quest. The player will need to follow the clues in the journals in order to find the others. Related: Genshin Impact: 10 Paimon Memes That Are Too Funny. You can save a comment for later by giving it a Like.As a member:Get access to several features! Afterward, the player will need to simply deliver a letter to Cyrus at the Adventurers Guild. To begin this quest, talk to Harris in the Dragonspine camp, who will request you find him ten pieces of chilled meat. DPS wise she ain't the best but her heals more than make up for it. Some World Quests will not only give you the typical rewards, but they can also increase your World Level by 1. ・Talk to Wagner the blacksmith after completing the prologue. This will lead you to a series of different locations that notes describing Joel's father's adventure progress. The new 1.3 update is out for Genshin Impact and while we haven't made it to a new region there are plenty of new world quests to enjoy. Genshin Impact: The Illumiscreen 3 Quest Guide. Genshin Impact already has so much to explore and discover, so I couldn't believe my eyes when traveling back to the starting area that there was an island off in the distance that didn't show on the in-game map. Secret Pirate Treasure is a Story Quest in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact map: All Anemoculus locations Genshin Impact code: Rewards and how to redeem Genshin Impact build: The best overall setups. Fishing Jiangxue in Genshin Impact is a commission type quest and the quest describes that this character known as Jiangxue is fishing by himself, but it seems like he's waiting for something to happen. The Lingering Malady quest will become available in Genshin Impact at Adventure Rank 30. Recently, Genshin Impact has been given a massive content update in the form of Dragonspine, a brand new explorable location on the map. ・Talk to Millelith Qiaoxi in Dihua Marsh . Players looking to complete Genshin Impact's third and final Illumiscreen Lantern Rite Tale will … ・To the far west of Linju Pass climb up to the top of the cliff where you will be attacked by Treasure Hoarders. This will become available after completing the first Great Mountain Survey. Pablo Ernandes Xavier November 17, 2020 Last Updated: November 17, 2020. These quests cannot be triggered at will, so if one shows up while you're around you should prioritize completing it. The new 1.3 update is out for Genshin Impact and while we haven't made it to a new region there are plenty of new world quests to enjoy. You will see him standing in front of the Cathedral’s steps. This will bring the boss back for you to finally finish off and put this quest to bed. This is a bit simpler for the player as long as they have made it to the top of the mountain. Character Tier Lists ・Talk to Jack at the southern part of Mondstadt. Time and the Wind is a quest that can be activated by going to the far off island near Starsnatch Cliff. One of them is Yanxiao’s Crazy Kitchen quest. Pressing Deadlines is a World Quest in Genshin Impact. ・Unlocks after Version 1.2 update, talk to Xu in Liyue Harbor. Detailed Character pages of all playable characters showing talent trees, skill buils etc. There will be a bit of fighting against an Eye of The Storm, but the quest is generally easy to complete. Genshin Impact Wiki Guide: Weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, items and more. ・Talk to Flora after completing the prologue. While Primogems are given out for story-related events like joining the Adventurers guild in Mondstadt, this isn't really enough to make a pull. ... Interactive Map Guide - Oculus, Chest, & Material Locations . Forum . Use the progress tracker to find everything! ・Speak with Swan at the gates of Mondstadt. ・Unlocks after Version 1.2 update when you pick up one of three journals in Dragonspine. The Luhua Landscape side-quest in Genshin Impact has you exploring specific locations in Luhua Pool. By William Parks … How to find the posters and billboards. You just need to run around the region and find all 3 campsites with a note. Genshin Impact is created by miHoYo, a company that is known for games such as Hokai Gakuen & Honkai Impact 3rd. It has several steps that will guide you throughout the new area. ・Interact with the Worn Letter guarded by a Ruin Hunter in Guili Plains. If you land upon this quest you will have to find the answer for the following question: What Would Holden Like to Order & Casper Like to Eat? Little Chef on a Hunt. Genshin Impact is filled with a ton of side quests and amazing characters. Find out what characters to aim for!★ Keqing Wish with Gacha Simulator. Jess has been writing for clients all around the world for years. Genshin Impact Guide & Walkthrough Wiki. 0. 1 Profile 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 2 Location 3 Quests 3.1 Story Quests 3.2 Commissions 3.3 Requests 4 Idle Lines 5 Dialogue 6 Trivia Timmie has trouble fitting in with his peers in the city and stays … ・Talk to Cyrus after completing the prologue. If you're looking to pile up Primogems while playing Genshin Impact, these quests in Mondstadt could help line your pockets. Genshin Impact Secret Pirate Treasure Map Locations After completing all of the early story stuff in Genshin Impact, you’ll be required to raise your Adventure Rank a little to continue the story. Genshin Impact has seen a ton of updates since its launch in December. Comment. Genshin Impact The Perfect Shot is an upcoming quest, connected to Five Flushes of Fortune. RELATED: Genshin Impact: 10 Most Powerful Elemental Combinations This way you can get back to exploring the new region without being interrupted. Which Fate Item Should You Trade Primogems For? 1 Steps 2 Notes 3 Dialogue 4 Change History Start the quest by talking to Cyrus near the Adventurers' Guild in Mondstadt. Detailed Character pages of all playable characters showing talent trees, skill buils etc. See our Version 1.3 Summary here:★ 1.3 Update News and Release Date, Check out the new Lantern Rite events here!★ Lantern Rite☆ Lantern Rite Tales☆ Theater Mechanicus, Ready to pull? ・Speak to Landa at the top of Wangshu Inn. The players will have to find out what he is waiting for as he clearly knows a lot. To begin A Land Entombed, the player will need to find the Ancient Investigation Journals throughout the region. When not fighting Reaverbots she can be found gushing over the newest JRPGs or watching seasonal anime with her furless cat Noko. ・Reach the Secret Island on the far east end of the map. 1.3 Update; Story Walkthrough; Reroll Guide; Reroll Tier List; Best Characters; Best Wish to Pull; Anemoculus; Leveling Guide; Starter Guide; Game8. Available Platforms | Will Genshin Impact be on Xbox? This quest was introduced in version 1.3 and helps to answer some questions about the missing sibling. An interactive Map of Teyvat showing the location of all; Anemoculus, Geoculus, Statues of the 7, World Quests, Shrines, Plants, Monsters, Enemies, Chests and Minerals. Commonly these types of quests can be solved by approaching the quest target and using the investigate button, but in this case, there is no option to investigate. We could not find the message board you were looking for. The journals will all involve solving small puzzles in the region, and most players find the first by just naturally exploring the mountain. This map has the location of the Arcadian Ruins. The entire area is covered in snow and ice with tons of waypoints to unlock, missions to complete, and domains to conquer. This guide for Genshin Imapct includes the following: Coming soon! ・Speak to Yan'er near the ruins south of Quingce Village. Features Anime-like Beautiful Graphics It is a part of the world quest in Genshin Impact and needed to be completed in order to get all 80th Crimson Agate and unlock a hidden achievement “Untellable Tale”. Related: Genshin Impact: 5 Side Quests Explaining Mondstadt's History (And Guides For Each One). Veteran … It's a straightforward quest with multiple steps, and many players can complete it by consulting a simple guide or exploring around a bit. Head to the middle of Springvale to meet Xiangling. This mission is a really easy one and you don’t need to do puzzles or fight enemies. The Genshin Impact Tianqui Treasure Trail quest has players seeking out hidden treasure.While the game does point you in the right direction with a treasure map and a few riddles to go off it wouldn't be impossible to think you could lose … Genshin Impact In The Mountains Quest Guide One of the early quests in 1.2 of Genshin Impact is called In The Mountains. This wiki is an English resource for information about the Global version of the game. Prologue One. Next: Genshin Impact Violetgrass Location Guide — Where To Find Violetgrass These quests are often given by NPCs around the map and can take anywhere from a few minutes to over thirty, depending on the player. Each is linked with some kind of puzzle or objective. Need a hand with the Genshin Impact Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei quest? Genshin Impact's Lingering Malady quest asks fans to look for posters and billboards in Mondstadt, and this guide is here to help. Previously, Mondstadt was a starter region that helped set up the game's story. One of the most rewarding world quests in Genshin Impact is the Luhua Landscape quest, which offers players three chests as a reward for finding the the renowned artist Vermeer's paintbrush. ・Unlocks after Version 1.2 update, talk to Joel in the adventurers camp in Dragonspine. 4; Tier List 1.3 - Best Character Ranking (February 2021) 5; Read on. Next: Genshin Impact: Every Quest In Liyue That Gives Primogems. There are some World Quests that will begin just by being in the right area. ・Talk to Elzer in Dawn Winery after completing. Two quests to increase your Adventure Rank quickly 1. October 5, 2020. Genshin Impact has become one of the most popular RPG game this month. About • Official Website • Official News • Manga Genshin Impact is an open-world, action RPG developed and published by miHoYo for PC, iOS/Android, and PS4 platforms. There are three journals in total that will need to be gathered and given to Stevens in the Dragonspine camp. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Guide & Walkthrough Wiki, Persona 5 Strikers Guide & Walkthrough Wiki, Bravely Default 2 Guide & Walkthrough Wiki, Monster Hunter Rise | MHR (MHRise) Guide & Walkthrough Wiki, Resident Evil Village Guide & Walkthrough Wiki. If you go off this point into the water, there is an island where you can complete a quest. To start the quest, though, speak with Iris and the Dragonspine camp. In Genshin Impact, several in-game experiences are locked to your Rank. By Jessica Thomas Published Jan 18, 2021. Previously, Mondstadt was a starter region that helped set up the game's story. Journey across a magical realm of diverse cultures and kingdoms in the epic title of Genshin Impact. Anemoculus or Geoculus are the two crucial things you have to collect in Genshin Impact. With the addition of Dragonspine, though, players can now earn a wealth of primogems without having to venture to Liyue in the early hours of gameplay. This guide for Genshin Imapct includes the following: Coming soon! You can perform this quite easily using the Cryo characters.From there, you must go to an abandoned camping spot where a breakable rock waits for … Sal Flore is a Story Quest in Genshin Impact. This is a quest that players should do as it will unlock the powerful four-star Dragonspine spear. These quests are known as Ascension Quests. This is a guide to World Quests in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact … You will get the World Quest as you level up to AR 12: 100: 20-Adventurer's Experience x2 In order to start the quest you need to talk to Vermeer at Luhua Pool, and it is recommended to start this quest at least at Level 30. The first one is … Copyright© 2012-2020 miHoYo ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThe copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. These are the quests you'll receive to progress the storyline of Genshin Impact. ・Speak to Jiayi in Liyue Harbor after reaching AR 30. ・Unlocks after completing Fishing for Jade world quest. Now, it contains the Dragonspine regions, as well as extra world quests that award Primogems to players brave enough to complete them. ・Talk to Dr. Livingstone at the lake in Dadaupa Gorge. Really nice, btw this is a link to a video with helpful tips for genshin ・Speak to Manager Kuan in Liyue Harbor after completing. Just like Archon and Story Quests, World Quests will provide a variety of rewards for completing. He likes to feed the pigeons and gets mad at the Traveler for making the pigeons fly away. One of the early quests in 1.2 of Genshin Impact is called In The Mountains. Not to be confused with Archon Quests, Story Quests involve … Learn how to unlock this Story Quest, where it is found, the best gift to give to Lisa on your date, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest. Once there, they will need to examine the island, wait too late at night, and then use elemental sight to solve the puzzle. These Genshin Impact quests have stories and rewards you need ASAP. ・Unlocks after Version 1.3 update, during the Five Flushes of Fortune event. ・Speak to Aramis in front of the Cathedral after reaching AR 30. Check out our story walkthrough for more information on Archon Quests! ・Speak with Vermeer at the ruins south of Luhua Pool. Below is a list of missions and side quests in Genshin Impact, divided up and listed in the order you will receive them. One of the new World Quests available in Genshin Impact 1.3 entails finding a treasure for a Liyue Harbor Adventurers’ Guild member named Lan.You can find Lan in Liyue Harbor next to Kathryne of the Adventurers’ Guild. Eventually you will start to run into … Strange Teeth are required to create the Dragonspine Spear in Genshin Impact. There’s a red X marking the exact location for you. ・Speak with Adelinde outside of the Dawn Winery building. Please read the Community Page before … To start this quest, go to the Dragonspine camp and speak to a small boy named Joel. This is not your character level, which determines how strong your characters are, … To begin the quest, find a strange tooth in the Dragonspine region and then take it to Orban at the Dragonspine camp; he will send you on a mission to find three more teeth scattered around the map and some Starsilver. Azurite is a Quests material in Genshin Impact. The Luhua Landscape side-quest in Genshin Impact has you exploring specific locations in Luhua Pool. Archon Quests. Besides its great graphic and interesting storyline, you can also explore the map for the treasures and some hidden quests. The location is shown in the map below, marked by the player location. Recently, Genshin Impact has been given a massive content update in the form of Dragonspine, a brand new explorable location on the map. Time and the Wind. These quests are currently unavailable and will be available after some time during Version 1.3 on February 3, 2021. ), How to Get the Best Artifact Stats and Substats, How to Get More Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate. To begin the quest, talk to Aramis who is near the Cathedral. Look For Anemoculus or Geoculus. Genshin Impact Liyue side quests, world quest guides, Vemeer's Paintbrush, Chi of Guyun, world quests map, world quest locations. 2520. In Genshin Impact, there is a secret island that you cannot spot on the map.Once you reach the indie island, the Time and the Wind Quest will be opened. Now, it contains the Dragonspine regions, as well as extra world quests that award Primogems to players brave enough to complete them. Here’s a walkthrough of Lingering Malady in Genshin Impact. The first step to helping … It’s a Geo-based region in the game, to the southwest of the Guili Plains. Read Also >> Genshin Impact, Domain of The Wayward Path Puzzle Guide. Continue reading to find out more about this quest. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Following the treasure trail can be a tad difficult if you’re not sure where to look. The location of the Arcadian Ruins will be marked near the Falcon coast. Genshin Impact: The Illumiscreen 3 Quest Guide. There are three regions now available, including Dragonspine, and nearly 30 playable characters in the game. In Genshin Impact's previous update of Dragonspine, the players will go through a tough quest which will ask them to "investigate the strange ice in the mountains." It’s a Geo-based region in the game, to the southwest of the Guili Plains. Especially since they constantly apply Hydro to enemies around you, and you can spam Diluc's Skill for all your Vaporizing needs. Re:Dive - 10 Best Characters To Train When Starting Out, Ranked, Everything You Need To Know About Skyrim Together, 15 Free Games To Try If You Like Genshin Impact, God of War: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Kratos, Pokemon: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Lucario. There are 4 types of Quests in Genshin Impact: . All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers, Overwatch: 15 Game Winning Comps To Run In Role Lock, Genshin Impact: Every Quest In Mondstadt That Gives Primogems, Genshin Impact: 5 Side Quests Explaining Mondstadt's History (And Guides For Each One), Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Need to Know About Xiao, find a strange tooth in the Dragonspine region, Genshin Impact: 10 Paimon Memes That Are Too Funny, Genshin Impact: Every Quest In Liyue That Gives Primogems, Genshin Impact: 13 Most Powerful "Free" Characters, Ranked, Dungeons & Dragons: 12 Best Spellcaster Builds To Run, The Sims 4: 15 Of The Best Community Lot Builds, Genshin Impact: Everything You Need To Know About The Knights Of Favonius, Destiny 2: Every Nightfall Weapon, Ranked, Forza Horizon 4: 5 Ways Winter Is The Worst Season (& 5 Why It's Actually Great), Genshin Impact: 10 Fixes Its Co-Op Mode Needs, Every Resident Evil Game (In Chronological Order), 10 Genshin Impact Characters And Their Perfect Pokemon Partners, Fortnite: Everything We Know About The Seven, The Sims 4: The Best Items You Can Only Get In Paranormal Stuff, Hearthstone: 10 Best Legendary Minion Cards, Princess Connect! Players looking to complete Genshin Impact's third and final Illumiscreen Lantern Rite Tale will find all chest locations and solutions in this guide. Learn how to unlock Zhongli's Story Quest, where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest. Learn how to unlock this Quest and where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest. Genshin Impact is an ongoing fantasy-adventure manga series published by miHoYo that features top notch art, engaging story, and captivating characters. The Genshin Impact 1.3 update is in full swing, and now, following on from the Genshin Impact … List of World Quests and How to Accept | Genshin Impact|Game8 4. Genshin Impact's new map location, Dragonspine, is filled with new quests and new materials to collect.One of these is Crimson Agate which is located all over the mountains of Dragonspine. World Quests can be found while exploring the map and speaking to NPCs that appear there. Shrines of Depths. 0. This will also unlock the Goulash recipe that helps fight off the effects of sheer cold. ・Unlocks after Version 1.3 update, talk to Zhiping at the south Liyue Harbor exit. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had. ※We will add to this list as we find out more! First things first, don’t attempt this quest without A) someone with Anemo in … There are three notes in total; once they are all gathered, return to Joel to report what you have found. Talk to Cyrus. Share it with a comment! The player will need to raise their stamina quite a bit to make the long glide to the island. Now, it contains the Dragonspine regions, as well as extra world quests that award Primogems to players brave enough to complete them. Previously, Mondstadt was a starter region that helped set up the game's story. This article will show you how to reach the isolated island and solve the Time and the Wind quest in Genshin Impact. Below is a guide to every single quest that gives Primogems in Mondstadt. Found any useful intel? 2. Some have Adventure Rank requirements or are only available after a certain Archon Quest has been completed. Defeat the Treasure Hoarders guarding the camps. cant interact with the tianqui valley stone to start the challenge, do i need to be on a certain adventure level??? From companies in Japan to being featured on The Kim Komando Show, Jess has prided herself in expressing her love for gaming. While there is some talk … ・Speak to Cyrus after fighting Stormterror the first time during, ・This quest unlocks at Adventure Rank 14 and if you have already completed, ・Pass by the Adventurers' Guild after completing, ・Pass by the Good Hunter in Mondstadt after completing, ・This quest will automatically unlock once you have reached. 1 3 minutes read. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. ・This quest will automatically unlock once you have reached Adventure Rank 35. Quests and secret missions. This will lead to fighting a few Fatui members and having to explore several different parts of the region. Teleport to … Shrines of Depths are the strange ruins that are sprinkled all over Teyvat. Once the player gathers them, an additional four spots on the map will be marked for the player to place the retrieve beacons. World Quests give insight into the various locations and stories of the world. Once you return, Harris will request that you hunt down the legendary Snowboar King. The locations are marked on the map and easy to get to. Story Quests. The Genshin Impact Secret Island not only has a challenging fight and a few treasure chests, but also a great questline for players to discover. So far, it's worked out just fine for me, Please add me and help me farm domains and cube bossesID: 620527514-- 100% map unlocked-- all domains unlocked-- all teleport locations/statues-- world 3. To begin this quest, you will need to speak with a woman on the Entombed City Outskirts across the river from the mountain. Esther will simply request that the player place the beacon on the highest point of the mountain near the Skyfrost Nail. Troublesome Work is a Story Quest in Genshin Impact. Artifact Farming Routes and Artifact Leveling Guide, Experience Missions | Adventurer Handbook, Secrets, Exploits, and Tricks to Make Your Life Easier, How to Increase Friendship Level | Companionship EXP, What to Spend Genesis Crystals On | Currency Guide. The side quest … Genshin Impact: Best quests to increase your Adventure Rank Increase your Adventure Rank now! ・Talk to Cyrus in front of the Knights of Favonius headquarters after completing, ・This quest will unlock when leaving the Knights of the Favonius headquarters the first time during. One of the steps that was a little troublesome for me was Thaw all the Shards Out.This step will ask you to find two shards by following the strange blue plants, but you also have to solve a small puzzle and find a hidden … Activating The Quest. The Chi of Guyun is a multi-step quest that involves activating statues. Timmie is a little boy found on the bridge in front of the City of Mondstadt main gate. ... Genshin Impact Theater Mechanicus Guide Difficulty 5 Multiplier 1.8x Map 5 AFK By: digitsguide. ・Talk to Zhen Qiang at the bottom of Wangshu Inn. For more Genshin Impact guides, be sure to check out our Genshin Impact complete guide and walkthrough. Game8 - Your Go-To Platform For All Game Walkthroughs and Strategy Guides, In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about. Related: Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Need to Know About Xiao. ・Speak to the ghost of Yuan Hong in Mingyun Village. ・Return to the lake in Mt. Genshin Impact has seen a ton of updates since its launch in December. (It's free! Check out this Genshin Impact In The Mountains guide to get through it with no trouble at all. Ultimate Guide & Walkthrough Wiki, >>[11]I personally went for Barbara instead. This guide will show the locations of each Strange Tooth during the Festering Fang Quest. Multiplayer Forum (UID Exchange) Friend Code Exchange Forum ; Five Flushes Of Fortune - … ・Speak with Childish Jiang near the Teleport Waypoint north of Mt. This is a longer quest that players will need to solve several puzzles in order to complete. Join these young warriors in their quest to defend their beloved city in a world governed by the 7 Elemental Archons while … Need a hand with the Genshin Impact Iron Ingot Meets Ziwei quest? Players will need to be Adventure Rank 36 before this quest becomes available. It is located in the area of the map labeled Dadaupa Gorge near the lake area.----Every Day a New Advenutre: Katheryne from the Adventurer's Guild has something to talk to you. It is a part of the world quest in Genshin Impact and needed to be completed in order to get all 80th Crimson Agate and unlock a hidden achievement “Untellable Tale”. ・After completing the Fatui Agent's commission quest inside the Cathedral, talk to him again. In the Mountains is a world quest in Dragonspine area in Genshin Impact. Aozang after completing, ・Talk to Ivanovich at Liyue Harbor after beating the, ・Talk to Jifang at Wanwen Bookhouse in Liyue Harbor after beating the, ・Talk to Changchang at Liyue Harbor after beating the, ・Talk to Jiayi at Liyue Harbor after beating the, ・Talk to Qinzhou at Wangshu Inn after beating the, ・Talk to Alrani in Liyue Harbor after completing the.
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