First of all, click on the Windows Start menu icon and select ‘Settings ’ Select ‘Settings’ Step 2. If I choose "Windows" I still get the dreaded mouse lag/lack of response which makes it so that I pretty much can't turn and aim. I get the game to launch with it but after about a minute or so the game crashes. Archived. On the Settings page, you need to click on the ‘Devices’ option. level 2. Disabling mouse acceleration allows you to aim and play faster. Look toward a wall with high/stable fps, move mouse back and forth and it feels normal. It's weird, when I first started playing (the intro) the "windows" option for mouse worked really well and was extremely responsive (better than Raw or direct input), but as soon as that was over, I turned on my Xbox 360 controller to drive better, and now the mouse is laggy as fuck with the Windows option on. 5 years … Mouse Smoothing . GTA 5; GTA Online; Minecraft; PUBG; Roblox. what windows version are you running. Going from 60 to 30 increases my sensitivity by near double. My mouse is lagging around a lot and when I try to click on things I need to click multiple times for it to register. There is no way to disable mouse acceleration in macOS High Sierra 10.13 (17A365) using Logitech Options 6.70.1030. If you are viewing … In the pop-up window, click Devices. Follow the steps below to disable Pointer Precision (Mouse Acceleration) on your Windows 10 PC. Are you having any random crashing with dxtory enabled? Dyson Sphere Program Added X and Y sensitivity for both space flight and on planet. So, let’s know how to disable mouse acceleration in Windows 10. I know this has been asked before but most things people said didnt really help me. In the normal game I get on average 80-90+ FPS, in the first mission in North Yankton I get 130-150.. EDIT: That is, you weren't supposed to be able to go there but someone found a glitch to do it, I don't know if you can still do it though. * GTA V for PC (obviously) * Script Hook V * Community Script Hook V .net The script in action (video) Video Usage * While on a vechicle (all vehicles supported except planes, helis and boats), press numpad1 to enable/disable Custom Camera V * Shooting: aim and shoot just like in the built-in camera (mouse and gamepad supported) Once you’ve clicked it, a new set of categories will appear on your screen. Report Save. i set my mouse to windows instead of raw input and it was much better. 5 years ago. Turn around and look at traffic where fps drops and the mouse goes A LOT faster. Not super related, but if you're using the steam version, you can view your fps in game. Please add a way to disable mouse acceleration (having the mouse cursor move farther based on how fast or slow you are moving it). I never drop below 60 fps and get up to 130 in a lot of places and finally realized why my mouse feels awful and accelerated half the time. Like someone else said, turn the mouse input setting to DirectInput. Please upvote on Rockstar support, Thanks. 7. Disable mouse acceleration in Windows 10 . Mouse acceleration issue identified. This. This helps a little, but doesn't fix the problem. -Navigate menu (DPAD or Scroll Arrows, mouse) -Select option (A or Enter) -Go back (B or Backspace) Features Fully supports gamepad, mouse & keyboard A full … I've got raw input enabled in the options menu and v-sync turned off, but my mouse still feels really floaty. It's really annoying, but my game works and runs awesome so I'm good. Is there a fix to the terrible mouse lag/acceleration I'm getting? Having the same issue regarding typing. This happens on RAW and all the other input choices, although people with generally low fps are stating that using directinput or windows has made it better for them. No acceleration or any nonsense felt. My FPS drops to 3-4 in menu. If I alt tab while paused and simply type the text pops up delayed. Steering wheel/ flight stick resets position as soon as you move the mouse in a different direction. Only with DXTory running, if I close it out it works fine. I have the same "issue" but i am not sure, might be made by design. Close. -Navigate menu (DPAD or Scroll Arrows, mouse) -Select option (A or Enter) -Go back (B or Backspace) Features Fully supports gamepad, mouse & keyboard A full … Continue this thread level 1. Step 3. Definitely noticed my mouse movement being choppy. For many people, this is a useful feature, but many others do not desire this behaviour. With 120 FPS I need double the mouse movement compared to 60 FPS. Weird, in the performance thread people are talking about the awesome raw mouse performance, lack of input latency and no mouse acceleration. There are third party alternatives that make it work, e.g. Codes; LATEST NEWS . this seems not to be a viable option for windows 8.1 users. - Enable/disable drunk cam & automatic vehicle smoke and acceleration at will - Disable cinematic cutscene camera, letting you walk around while cutscenes are playing - Teleport to camera, this can be used before disable cutscene camera to teleport to the intro ship for example - Display vehicle imposters (SuperLOD cars that appear when high above the map) up close - Display … Does anyone else have problems when the game is paused? I observed the same thing. China Executes Former Head of Asset Management Firm in Bribery Case; Severe weather risk upgraded and expanded for parts of Alabama tonight; Celebrities, leaders remember Larry King as ‘talk-show legend and cultural icon’ YouTube TV Promo Code 14 Day Free Trial + 1 Month Free (11, … As far as I know there shouldn't be any skill things like that, at least there isn't on console. Just put it on "direct input" worked flawlessly for me. I'm not quite sure but I noticed menus and loading screens seem to be locked to 30fps. Changing the input type doesn't really do much, or at least doesn't eliminate the problem I'm talking about. 610. Why can't Logitech enable this feature but SteelSeries can? v-sync off and set to raw input, still mouse acel on the main menu, but once in game is off. Posted by 2 years ago. Yeah I'm getting the same issue. Kinda dumb that there is smoothing considering this is not a port...but I am sure we will get a patch soon enough. Disable Mouse Acceleration. With mouse smoothing disabled and raw input enabled, you should get the same sensitivity 100% of the time regardless of FPS. Capping the … I want the aiming in GTA V to feel like in CS:GO - very direct and no smoothing or acceleration at all. This is a guide on how to fix issues and bugs for GTA 5 on PC.. Depending on what area of the map I'm in … * GTA V for PC (obviously) * Script Hook V * Community Script Hook V .net The script in action (video) Video Usage * While on a vechicle (all vehicles supported except planes, helis and boats), press numpad1 to enable/disable Custom Camera V * Shooting: aim and shoot just like in the built-in camera (mouse and gamepad supported) For now I've used msi afterburner/rivatuner statistics server to limit my fps to 72 and at least it's better than it was for now, but please Rockstar, fix this! In this video we take a look at the differences between Keyboard and Mouse Steering in GTA 5. I never drop below 60 fps and get up to 130 in a lot of places and finally realized why my mouse feels awful and accelerated half the time. Yep, i had some kind of frame hitching, now fixed on direct imput. If you don't mind my asking, did you have to do anything special to get DXtory to keep your game from crashing? Step 5 Click Apply, then OK. You're done! I just used DXTory to test various framerates, can confirm. The in-game sensitivity slider is very inaccurate, use the config file and remember to disable acceleration according to the notes! Looks like rockstar doesn't know what mouse acceleration is and gave us some kind of placebo for peace of mind. Read more... By DPI Wizard. 3. share. Please note, much of this is a preventive guide, so even if you have not run … (XBOX Controller or Keyboard & Mouse) -Open/Close the menu using (RB + DPAD LEFT or N key) or edit C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\pc_trainer.ini to define your own keyboard bind. It's worked flawlessly for me. * GTA V for PC (obviously) * Script Hook V * Community Script Hook V .net The script in action (video) Video Usage * While on a vechicle (all vehicles supported except planes, helis and boats), press numpad1 to enable/disable Custom Camera V * Shooting: aim and shoot just like in the built-in camera (mouse and gamepad supported) Tried to find some solution on google but no luck, it's not my Windows mouse setting problems, I already did the tweaks for that, is just this game that has … Mouse acceleration issue identified. Press Windows key and I key together to open Settings. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, is it too much to ask to have the option of setting pointer and scrolling speed to exact values and not just … Step 4 Uncheck the box next to Enhance pointer precision. It's 2015, there's no excuse to tie FPS to anything other than FPS. Not run the game yet but normally the best fix for this is to disable triple buffering / disable vsync and if necessary put the pre-rendered frames to 1 from your video card control panel (or in game if u can), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the GrandTheftAutoV_PC community, Continue browsing in r/GrandTheftAutoV_PC, The official subreddit for Grand Theft Auto V PC, Press J to jump to the feed. I hope they fix the launching issues and this acceleration the next patch, i set my mouse to windows instead of raw input and it was much better. Archived. Benvingut a Then navigate to the Mouse tab, and click Additional mouse options. Under Devices and Printers, click on Mouse. Yes me too. In the menus I'd have ~5fps where I was getting 60+ in game! Exactly this, tried all 3 options, because everything felt laggy at 60+, until DirectInput, now it feels smooth exactly as it should. (XBOX Controller or Keyboard & Mouse) -Open/Close the menu using (RB + DPAD LEFT or N key) or edit C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\pc_trainer.ini to define your own keyboard bind. Close. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Now, here is the tutorial. Depending on what area of the map I'm in my sensitivity feels up to 50% faster or slower (faster where I get lower fps, slower where I get good fps) This does not happen in other games. I tested this using vsync at 60hz and 120hz, raw input gave the most accurate sensitivity (the only one that didn't change at the specific hz). For a while after the game came out on PS3/X360 you could actually go there, it's a really tiny map though, there really isn't anything else than the road and couple of building you see in the first mission which is probably why it runs so smooth there. And the first mission is actually on a map separate from the normal GTA map, called North Yankton. In the first mission you have very skilled characters, my first thought there was "wow that runs smooth". This works for me too. * GTA V for PC (obviously) * Script Hook V * Community Script Hook V .net The script in action (video) Video Usage * While on a vechicle (all vehicles supported except planes, helis and boats), press numpad1 to enable/disable Custom Camera V * Shooting: aim and shoot just like in the built-in camera (mouse and gamepad supported) The mouse sensitivity is frame rate dependent, and needs to be fixed ASAP. Doing so will open the Mouse Properties window. If possible, please post your recordings to Rockstar support as a reproducible test case. I switched from raw input to directinput and it helped the game feel way better and less stuttered - for those with lower framerates ie 30-40fps range. i get insufferable stuttering and loss of control of the mouse. SteelSeries ExactMouse Tool. Step 1. You char can evolve in his shooting, driving,...skills maybe this "laggy" feeling becomes less after leveling up a specific skill. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Did you get this fixed? Cookies help us deliver our Services. They need to release a patch to fix the mouse issues. Steam put that option in recently, its under the in-game tab of steams settings. It is not mouse acceleration, raw input should be enabled the problem is MOUSE SMOOTHING, the mouse sensitivity is based on the FPS you get, many console ports have this problem, I have just installed the game but hopefully there is a way to fix it. However like all the others raw input gave a different mouse sensitivity at a different monitor hz (with vsync enabled) due to MOUSE SMOOTHING being enabled by default and no way to disable it as far as I can tell. Selecciona una de les següents categories per començar a veure els últims mods de GTA 5 PC: Turned off vsync and Windows mouse input did it for me. 5 years ago More than 1 child. The mouse sensitivity is frame rate dependent, and needs to be fixed ASAP. Click on the ‘Devices’ option. Step 1: Tap the Windows key + X keyboard buttons to … Wow, Rockstar. Under the devices, click on the ‘Mouse’ Step 4. Mouse Smoothing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the GrandTheftAutoV_PC community, Continue browsing in r/GrandTheftAutoV_PC, The official subreddit for Grand Theft Auto V PC, Press J to jump to the feed. :D. I had this issue this morning, turning on vsync solved the issue for me weirdly! Posted by 5 years ago. In the pop-up window, navigate to the Pointer Options and uncheck the option … Text appears about 5 seconds later. Makes it impossible to drive/fly for me. There is a very bad mouse smoothing issue when trying to fine aim for headshot, when I move the mouse very slowly the crosshair doesn't move, it moves only if I move the mouse a little more rapidly, this is a very annoying issue. That helped a bit, but it still feels floaty. Way better aiming.
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