Nonprofit-Management und Public Governance. So zeigen wir u.a. +++ Die FOM hat ihr Studienangebot aufgrund der behördlichen Verordnungen für das Wintersemester auf virtuelle Präsenzlehre umgestellt. So zeigen wir u.a. Die Studierenden lernen mit Live-Webinaren, Online-Tutorials und weiteren digitalen Lehr- und Lernmedien und werden online von ihren Lehrenden begleitet. International Corporate Finance: The aims of this unit are to address the importance of the corporate finance function in an internationally diverse corporation and to offer a … - Our graduates have gone on to work for leading accounting firms, including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, KPMG and Ernst & Young, as well as multinationals such as Kimberly-Clark and other financial institutions, such as London Stock Exchange, Royal Bank of Scotland, and Allifunds Bank S.A. A minimum of a lower second class honours degree (2:2). We understand that your MSc is an investment in your future. For example, in financial statement analysis and valuation, you'll compare the business strategies of two multinational firms applying financial statement analysis techniques to actual corporate governance data. [CDATA[// > Whether you qualify depends on: We have excellent industry links with some of the top firms in accounting and finance.
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