The macro will stop if you're already channeling "Mind Flay". General macros and templates that you can use to enhance your spellcasting abilities. For example, I have wheels for my Consumables, Raid Markers and Profession windows! All of these patch 7.0 Disc Priest Macros have been tested and are currently working for patch 7.0. Alt: Self CastMouseover: Cast on MouseoverReticle: Cast at Cursor (while in combat)Default casting behavior. Also on Clique, it's the only way I know that lets you bind a single mouse button for autorun AND a mouseover cast <3 It's impossible to do that with the default interface, for some reason. Like the healing macro, you can set this up as a mouseover macro. I've included the keys I have them bound to but you can use whatever. Raid Frames are a key component of any healer's UI. We will also cover the best PvP addons for Discipline Priests, and for PvP in general. Anyone have any links or macros they could share? You simply replace SPELL with the spell you want that should be cast on a friendly unit including healing spells and dispels. These are my personal macros that I use for each spec. OPie is an extremely convenient addon that allows you to set keybinds to open up a wheel-based UI where you can select predetermined items or abilities that aren't frequently used enough to justify an individual keybind. Details! Home; About; General . It works as follows. Examples. Holy Priest UI. Click to cast, Right click to Cancel - You can replace [btn:2] with any other conditional you'd rather use. Both addons below do an excellent job of displaying timers of boss abilities and allowing deep customization on displaying such information. 3.1 Guardian Spirit; 4 Patch 4.0.6 Holy Macros. Once you select your covenant you'll need to replace the placeholder spells with the specific spells granted by the covenant (no idea why Blizz has made it work this way but they have). ie Alt-1 = PoM on self, #1 - Leap of Faith (shift+alt), Divine Star/Halo (shift), Prayer of Mending, #2 - Symbol of Hope (shift+alt), Guardian Spirit (shift), Flash Heal, #3 - Holy Word: Salvation (shift+alt), Holy Word: Sanctify (shift), Holy Word: Serenity, #4 - Binding Heal/Circle of Healing (nomod), Divine Hymn, Num- (Number 4 on my Naga) - Desperate Prayer (ctrl), Angelic Feather [@player] (shift), Apotheosis/Holy Word: Salvation (alt), Prayer of Healing, Note: alt click will cast the unmodified spell on yourself. Macros are simple, in-game tools which allow you to sequence spells together, create custom names and icons, cast different abilities depending on whether the target is friendly or hostile, define targeting conditions, and much, much more. Target Friend: Cast on Target. Click the "Save" button, and drag your macro icon onto your bars, which will allow it to be used just like any other spell from your spellbook. This allows you to prevent spells from casting and is often used to prevent Penance clipping. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip. This replaces my baseline Elvui raid frames. They call us lazy, we call it smart. To close the window, click "Exit", or just press Escape. Disc priest mouseover macro problem I'm used to use mouseover macros for healing, worked great while I was in holy, but there's ONE problem in Disc: how to macro Penance to heal while I mouseover, while being able to use it offensively on mobs? A more complicated macro can introduce a sequence of DPS spells: #showtooltip /use 13 /use 14 /castsequence [harm] reset=6 Holy Fire, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite; Flash Heal Focus: Universal; Works in 5.4.2; Shackle Undead and focus on target This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip. In Shadowlands Rapture will instantly cast a Power Word: Shield on your target so make sure to make a mouseover macro for Rapture. Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. This is a collection of Penance macros that give you more control of whether or not you're casting on a helpful or harmful target. I personally prefer this method even for single condition macros. This macro allows you to either mouseover or target an undead target that you want to shackle with just one bind. You can do any ability as a mouseover. I am having issues with mouse over macros for my disc priest for TBC. Arena macros make gameplay feel more fluid and make it easier to make quick decisions. Finally, there also are @cursor macros which will cause certain reticule based abilities like Mass Dispel to instantly cast wherever your mouse is hovering instead of hitting your keybind for Mass Dispel then hitting left click over the location to cast it. Otherwise, it will cast "Mind Flay". Note: These are just your basic Macros.For more advanced ones Click Here For an Addon With Premade 7.0 Macros (video tutorial for all the macros at the bottom) This macro can be duplicated for other damage and healing spells in the priest's arsenal. World of Warcraft Patch 8.3 Battle for Azeroth (BfA) healer keybind guide video. This is the base macro that all my healing macros are derived from. Replacing bags, action bars, and healing frames all in one system. Holding Alt: Self Cast. If you don't, pressing any of the shift modified macros will cause you to change action page instead of casting the appropriate spell. Categories. Mouseover Enemy: Cast on MouseoverTarget Enemy: Cast on TargetMouseover Friend Targeting Enemy: Cast on Friend's TargetTarget Friend Targeting Enemy: Cast on Friend's TargetDefault casting behavior. Also, this is really only useful for cancelling spells with a cast time > 1 GCD or if you're cancelling so you can cast a spell that's off the GCD. This macro allows you to either mouseover or target an undead target that you want to shackle with just one bind. Disc Priest Macros This is a brief page of useful macros for disc priests, hope it helps! These can be adjusted around as needed for each ability. These posts will contain news, opinion pieces, theorycrafting, and more about shadow priests in Battle for Azeroth. Angry Assignments is a frequently used addon to project information from the raid leader to the rest of the team. Shadow: #showtooltip /stopmacro [channeling] /cast Mind Flay. Be sure to download it and check out the WeakAuras section for the recommended auras that I use. Angelic Feather Macro. Multi-player Greater Heal. Shadow: #showtooltip /stopmacro [channeling] /cast Mind Flay. Some exceptions are an @player macro to cast specific abilities on yourself every single time. Priest Macros: Healing. 1 New macro format request 1.1 Re-creating old macros 1.2 Example macro 2 Patch 3.1 Discipline macros 2.1 Divine Hymn 2.2 Pain Suppression 2.3 Pain Suppression 2.4 Pain Suppression 2.5 Power Infusion 2.6 Disc priest main heal 2.7 Disc priest main prevention 2.8 Disc priest One-Two Punch 2.9 Disc priest PvP healing 3 Patch 3.1 Holy macros 3.1 Guardian Spirit 4 Patch 4.0.6 Holy Macros … Exorsus Raid Tools provides many boss specific tools that have been very helpful on specific encounters throughout the expansions. Here are some of the highly recommended and commonly used Disc Priest addons, which are certainly not required to play, but can go a long way toward increasing the information available to you in combat or simply make for a more pleasant viewing experience. Casts mouseover at your mouseovered target, if you don't have one, then it casts on the current target or the player (self). The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. Priest Macros; Discord Ban Appeal Form; Shadow . ... Mouseover Macro. Alt: Cast at PlayerCombat: Cast at CursorDefault casting behavior. You can download Elvui HERE. Our abilities are very straightforward. by adizzle » Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:15 am . If you would like to import my profiles for these addons (if available) you can find them here and if you would like to see the full list of addons that I personally use you can find them here. This macro casts your penance on your targets target, so for example if you're targeting and healing a player on your team and you use this macro on them, it will automatically cast penance on their target. Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. Each macro is tested in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar for Mists of Pandaria! A more complicated macro can introduce a sequence of DPS spells: #showtooltip /use 13 /use 14 /castsequence [harm] reset=6 Holy Fire, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite; Flash Heal Focus: Universal; Works in 5.4.2; Shackle Undead and focus on target I honestly don't see what macros would be practical with priests. The macro will stop if you're already channeling "Mind Flay". 25toten Tester . Priest. This macro is the basis of all of your healing and buff spell macros. Welcome to the Discipline Priest Healer guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. To make a basic mouseover macro, go in your character-specific macros window and click “New.” It also makes it so you don't need to specify the #showtooltip as the /cast will do it for you like usual. One of the best ways to support the stream is by subscribing with Twitch Prime. Note: this functionality is automatically baked into all interrupts. Categories. You can replace Leap of Faith with any ability, and it will cast that ability on the target you’re currently hovering your mouse over. ie Alt-1 = Plea on self, #1 - Leap of Faith (shift+alt), DStar/Halo (shift), Penance, #2 - Rapture (shift+alt), Pain Suppression (shift), Power Word: Shield, #3 - Mind Sear (shift+alt), Schism (shift), Mind Blast (alt), Shadow Word: Pain, #4 - Power Word: Solace (shift), Shadowfiend (mod), Smite, #5 - Shadow Covenant (shift), Power Word: Barrier (mod), Shadow Mend, Num- (Number 4 on my Naga) - Evangelism (ctrl), Angelic Feather [@player] (shift), Power Word: Radiance. Macros and Addons provide many quality-of-life improvements in WoW, allowing players to improve how information is displayed in-game or automate decision-making to optimize performance. (“shift” and “ctrl” can be substituted for alt if they fit your playstyle better) Target Enemy Targeting Friend: Cast on Enemy's Target. Death Note is an excellent tool for detailing deaths on boss fights, seeing what healing (if any) an ally received before they died, allowing you as the healer to better parse out what you and your team can do to prevent future deaths! Shadow Priest Guide – Shadowlands (9.0.2), Discipline Priest Quick Start Guide – Shadowlands, Discipline Priest Changes: BFA to Shadowlands, Holy Priest Guide Introduction – Shadowlands. Mouseover macros let you target a player and cast a spell in just one movement. My personal preference is the addon Vuhdo as it is both aesthetically pleasing and offers a wide range of customization options. I should say first off that I am not including all mouseover macros in this post as it would be repetitive.If you want a complete list of all my mouseovers feel free to message me and I’ll give you the list! Re: Priest macro thread. Unfortunately this macro will only function as-is while doing the campaign. 2.6 Disc priest main heal; 2.7 Disc priest main prevention; 2.8 Disc priest One-Two Punch; 2.9 Disc priest PvP healing; 3 Patch 3.1 Holy macros. In this section of the guide, we will cover every useful macro for Discipline Priests in PvP, including mouseover macros. Mouseover Friend: Cast on Mouseover. Weylyhiliams-kelthuzad (Weylyhiliams) 22 March 2019 15:39 #1. This macro will cancel any queued spells and interrupt your current cast before casting a spell. Using the /stopmacro variant prevents you from needing to add nochanneling to each condition within your macro, vastly simplifying the construction and cutting down on the number of characters required. Otherwise, it will cast "Mind Flay". This will cast one spell when mousing over or targeting a friend and another when mousing over or targeting an enemy. To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". This macro will cast Greater Heal at a friendly mouseover target, a friendly target or yourself. From: TheMegaSecret | #005 Mouseover macros > clique. Just substitute in your spells of choice! This macro will cast Power Word: Shield on mouseover, provided your target is friendly and alive. Master of both direct heals and heals over time, the priest class is complicated and relies on addons and macros to help keep the entire group alive. Priests are capable of dealing damage well, but they have two specializations for healing damage. Welcome to Wowhead's Discipline Priest Arena PvP Guide! So you put your mouse over a frame and hit a button, opposed to putting your mouse over a frame and hitting a button. Mouseover Enemy: Cast on Mouseover Target Enemy: Cast on Target Mouseover Friend Targeting Enemy: Cast on Friend's Target Target Friend Targeting Enemy: Cast on Friend's Target In this guide, you will learn about playing a Discipline Priest in a raid. #showtooltip Greater Heal /cast [target=mouseover,help][help][target=player] Greater Heal. Mouseover Enemy: Cast on MouseoverDefault casting behavior. If you have any questions or suggestions on the Macros please let me know. Discipline Priest Castle Nathria Covenant Choice. In this guide, we will go over useful Discipline Priest macros for Shadowlands and cover some of the best Discipline Priest addons for both hardcore raiders and general players alike. Angelic Feather Macro. You can add any of the usual macro conditions to it if you'd like. Macros. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay." Validated: 4.2.2; #showtooltip /cast [harm] Smite; [@targettarget] Smite This macro causes the priest to Smite the target, or if the target is friendly, the target's target. Self (alt) > Mouseover Help (mod) > Mouseover Harm > Target, Self (alt) > Mouseover Help > Target Help, This is a basic mouseover macro for offensive spells such as Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, and Void Eruption (Void Bolt). The timing of boss abilities is imperative. La guía contiene desde macros de nivel muy básico hasta algunas un poco más complejas, cualquier macro que consideréis que podría mejorarse o alguna que uséis será … I use Clique (a very lightweight mouseover macro tool) and simply bound both spells to the same key. If copying ours below, you can simply copy/paste the text in. Great for PvE & PvP. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. Hold “alt” and click your keybind to cast Holy Fire. This will cast Angelic Feather at your feet without having to place a cursor, or at your mouse cursor if you press Alt. As a note, I’m using druid spells as examples in this post, but mouseover macros will work for any healer. No problems whatsoever. This is useful while moving / pre voidform. It also has great internal plugins for listing out previous actions. Buenas, os dejo una pequeña guía acerca de algunas macros, haciendo hincapié en las macros mouseover. This macro will cast Power Word: Shield on mouseover, provided your target is friendly and alive. This macro can be duplicated for other damage and healing spells in the priest's arsenal. Basically allows you to dps while having fiendly players targeted or moused over. Casts mouseover at your mouseovered target, if you don't have one, then it casts on the current target or the player (self). How it Works – Click your normal keybinding and you will cast Smite. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip. is my recommended addon for displaying damage and healing meters. This eliminates the need to click with your cursor, and allows you to Feather either yourself or an ally easily. The Venthyr Mindgames stands as the strongest option in raids due to how well it … nochanneling returns false while another spell is channeling. Mouse over macros are extremely helpful as a priest healing both raids and pvp, if anyone has any I would be grateful. This Angelic Feather player macro places a feather on top of you with one button press.. #showtooltip Angelic Feather /cast [@player] Angelic Feather Mouseover macro. 4.1 Chakra Serenity; 4.2 Chakra Sanctuary; 5 Patch 3.1 Shadow macros. Priest Macros . While the amount of options can be complex, making them is easy, so in this section we'll go over how to set them up yourself. Easy to put together and adjust as needed. For more information, check out this page. Most spells in Disc's toolkit do not need much more than a mouseover as the one above to be able to use. These are often preference based so I will detail which addons that I use and some of the common alternatives. From: TheMegaSecret | #005 Mouseover macros > clique. Priest Macros . Venthyr's is the best choice for Discipline Priests in raiding.. Hello, I am trying to PvE more and realized I could really benefit from using mouseover macros instead of targeting each person to put atonement on. Each macro is tested in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar for Mists of Pandaria! Always a good addon to have in your toolkit! This is a basic macro for reticle spells such as Shadow Crash and Holy Word: Sanctify. Guide on focus, mouseover, stopcasting, and modifier healing priest macros. How to create custom Battle for Azeroth Holy Priest Macros 9.0.2. Priests are capable of dealing damage well, but they have two specializations for healing damage. Shadow priest posts made by the Warcraft Priests community for World of Warcraft Priest content. Weak Auras is one of the most important addons that you'll find in the game right now. /cast [target=mouseover,exists,help] Power Word: Shield(Rank 12); [target=player] Power Word: Shield(Rank 12) I use this as my mouseover macros. For whatever reason, Spirit of Redemption is no longer considered a buff and is now a form. Basically allows you to dps while having fiendly players targeted or moused over. This macro is primarily for healers who want to play Disc but want to play it like a traditional healer. Addons are powerful tools that can be used to both customize your gameplay experience, ranging from graphical overlays, replacement action bars, and unit/raid frames, to performance enhancements such as rotation helping spell reminders, buff/debuff tracking, popup reminders, and boss warnings. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay.". The following macro casts Angelic Feather at your feet. The macro for each ability looks the same except for the name of the ability. Shadow Resource Index; Shadow Priest Guide – Shadowlands (9.0.2) Magicsim; Shadow Posts Shadow priest posts made by the Warcraft Priests community for World of Warcraft Priest content. You can do any ability as a mouseover. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. Signature Ability (mod), Covenant Ability, Clear Focus (shift), Set/Shackle Focus (alt), Shackle Target, Clear Focus (shift), Set/Mind Control Focus (alt), Mind Control Target, I use BindPad for this and have it bound to the key to the left of 1: `, Mass Dispel (alt), Dispel Magic (harm), Purify Disease (help, shadow), Purify (help). Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. Utility Macros Dispel Magic #showtooltip /cast Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic Setting up a one-button-does-all macro for your dispel magic is a bit more complicated, but here's how this breaks down. Multi-player Heal. The macro will not cast it until the sequence is complete, potentially wasting damage, healing and efficiency, albeit in exchange for convenience. These posts will contain news, opinion pieces, theorycrafting, and more about shadow priests in Battle for … Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip. A full UI replacement. Esta guía esta sobre todo dirigida a los heals y a los doters, pero puede ser útil para cualquier player. Alt: Self CastMouseover Friend: Cast on MouseoverTarget Friend: Cast on TargetTarget Enemy Targeting Friend: Cast on Enemy's TargetDefault casting behavior. Addons assist in presenting and highlighting specific information for the player. Master of both direct heals and heals over time, the priest class is complicated and relies on addons and macros to help keep the entire group alive. This macro will cast Searing Nightmare while channeling Mind Sear and being talented into the spell, otherwise it will cast Shadow Word: Pain. So you put your mouse over a frame and hit a button, opposed to putting your mouse over a frame and hitting a button. This condition also serves to generate the correct tooltip. 7.1.5 introduced the [@cursor] and [@player] conditions for reticle targeted spells. /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Flash Heal. This macro will cast Heal at a friendly mouseover target, a friendly target or yourself. To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". Discipline in Shadowlands remains focused on producing large bursts of healing through building and extending Atonement and dealing high damage afterwords.. This macro is primarily for healers who want to play Disc but want to play it like a traditional healer. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. Before using these macros make sure you unbind the Action Page 1 - 6 keys in your key bindings. Although it's not necessary, using mouseover macros for all of your heals is preferred. /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [] Flash Heal. #1 - Leap of Faith (shift+alt), Psychic Scream (shift), Vampiric Touch (alt), Shadow Word: Pain, #2 - Vampiric Embrace (shift+alt), Searing Nightmare (shift), Mind Sear (alt), Mind Flay, #3 - Shadow Crash (shift+alt), Power Word: Shield (shift), Devouring Plague (alt), Mind Blast, #4 - Surrender to Madness (shift+alt), Shadowfiend (shift), Shadow Word: Death (alt), Void Eruption/Void Bolt, #5 - Psychich Horror (alt), Silence (shift), Fade, DPS Potion (ctrl), Dispersion (shift), Power Infusion (alt), Damnation/Void Torrent (in form), Shadowform, Note: alt click will cast the unmodified spell on yourself. Utility Macros Dispel Magic #showtooltip /cast Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic Setting up a one-button-does-all macro for your dispel magic is a bit more complicated, but here's how this breaks down. Talents The first build is a… A macro to make sure you can easily Power Word: Shield people without having to take your target away from the boss.
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