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Boomstick: That’s right, that’s when something hit the Earth, either a meteor, or a space ship. The Mosasaur thrashed and tried to throw its attacker off, but the shark’s grip was too strong. Then, it would unhinge its jaw and swallow the thing whole, like a snake. Boomstick: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle. Download Shark: Mosasaurus vs Megalodon apk 1.4 for Android. They survived extinction by migrating to the warm climates of the Mariana Trench, and it is also how they avoided detection. And just when you thought that it was safe to go back in the water! Enable JavaScript support in your browser and reload this page. Online video by Jeruhmi: MOSASAURUS vs MEGALODON SHARK!Roblox SharkBite New Update • Jeruhmi • MOSASAURUS vs MEGALODON SHARK! Fossil evidence suggests that megalodon was an active predator of large whales with teeth marks found on whale vertebrae and their teeth were built in a way that they would rarely crack even if they hit bone. El megalodón o megalodonte (Carcharocles megalodon; del gr. Megalodon's (a bit harder to get exact size measurements because of lack of bone, etc) are suggested to have been on average 50-55ft in length with large ones getting around 70feet (or more) in length. About Crystals & Minerals. The extinction of aquatic reptiles, the large mosasaurs in particular, at the end of the Cretaceous allowed for massive sharks like megalodon to evolve to fill the void left behind. The Mosasaur took the opportunity to breach the surface, and grab a breath of fresh air. Megalodon Mosasaurus Defeat Colossus 04 Jurassic World The Game - Vido1 is the best way of watch share upload download videos. Boomstick: And, finally, the Meg had lived its life preying on...well, whatever it was that it preyed on down there, while the Mosasaur lived its whole life in a cement enclosure, never having to face any sort of dangerous foe. Doraemon cartoons , doraemon in hindi urdu, doraemon movie, doraemon cartoons for kids wtch cartoons very funny , entertainmenet, animated cartoons, doraemon , japaness cartoons. The Mosasaur was growing hungry, and knew that it would have to look for a new hunting ground. She moved underneath the monster, and suddenly turned up. •MANEATER •*FINAL* • VEGETTA777 • Hoy regresamos al episodio final de Maneater! Boomstick: This beast of a beast did not take bites out of its prey, but instead bit down with 40 to 50 sharp, conical teeth that it used to incapacitate its prey. What If Megalodon Met Giant Sea Dinosaur Mosasaurus We cannot load the video because your browser does not support JavaScript. For comparison, the Great White shark usually only grows to be about 20 feet max, weighing not much more than 4,200 lbs. The Meg cruised through the water, every sense reaching out, when suddenly she smelled something in the water. Mosasaur 41% ... A Mosasaurus would not have been able to get its jaws around the much thicker body of the Megalodon. Both are angry and hungry by being displaced in time and are hankering for a fight. But, the shark was too far away, so the Mosasaur reversed her course, and resumed moving towards its island. The scent was unfamiliar, but then so many smells in this new environment were as well. So, I am curious as to why the dossier is making the comments about Mosasaurus as the apex sea predator. In the massive jaws 7 ft. jaws of megalodon there were 5 rows of around 276 compressed, blade-like teeth that were made for cutting and grasping powerful prey. FAQ. Staff Post. Wiz: Now, what Jaws was to great whites, the Meg was to megalodons. Megalodon was a species of giant shark that lived around the world from the late Oligocene to the early Pleistocene periods. Mess with it at your own peril! See more of Gente Inteligente Science on Facebook Then, she spotted a very large fish charging up from the depths at her. We provide the best quality videos for download and watching. Wiz: But, when we watch the movie, Jurassic World, we can see their mosasaur easily take down an indominus rex, which was approximately 50 feet long. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Mosasaur’s mouth and teeth, on the other hand were designed to hold an opponent, and swallow it whole, not unlike the way that a snake does. That was a brutal fight. The Moser bites into the Shark's fin the Moser might expect the Megalodon to either retreat or die, but since the Megalodon shark is so massive it won't give up just yet. The Megalodon are the main antagonists of the novel series MEG, and are described as giant albino creatures. The Avengers, or any other plethora of battle combinations, paleontology nerds have arguments very similar just for the fun of it. Wiz: And the other is the mosasaurus from the 2015 movie, Jurassic World. Megalodon's(a bit harder to get exact size measurements because of lack of bone, etc) are suggested to have been on average 50-55ft in length with large ones getting around 70feet(or more) in length. Cart. 6.3 K.O.! Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. It turned, and put all of its strength into as mighty of a dive as it could manage. With Michael Madsen, Caroline Harris, Ego Mikitas, Aimee Stolte. After being released from the Marianas Trench, the Meg found itself in an environment rich in prey. With ammonites reaching from mere inches to 4.5 ft. in diameter, mosasaurs could have survived on a smorgasbord of Cephalopods alone. The largest ever recorded or known Mosasaurus was 59feet. Mosasaurus vs Megalodon: The Long Essay about how the fight will REALLY end. She moved deeper, looking to spot the creature against the light descending from above. The Meg vs. Mosasaurus (Jurassic World) is a What-If? He does not show interest in the weak, he goes to find a stronger like himself. Wiz: Yep, it sure is! Geological Time Scale. The megalodon just swims in a steady, watchful way with its piercing black eyes. Its tail was causing agony at every movement through the water. (Ep.22) • Pixlriffs • PixARK continues! Boomstick: At the time, the mosasaur grew to a max of about 50 feet, and weighed in at a good 30,000 lbs. Mosasaurus ("lagarto del río Mosa") es un género extinto de saurópsidos mosasáuridos que vivió durante el Maastrichtiense en el período Cretácico (era Mesozoica), hace entre 70-66 millones de años en el área de las actuales Europa Occidental, Norteamérica, Sudamérica y Antártida. Login. Boomstick: But, the Meg is not a mutant, of a common variety shark, instead, she lived in the Marianas Trench, a deep sea ecosystem – ha, ha, see I know some big words as well – that was cut off from the rest of the ocean, and housing some species extinct everywhere else, including the megalodon. You don’t see them coming, until they scarf you down like the last Chicken McNugget in the box! Suddenly the megalodon twists with a burst of speed and rushes the Mosasaur, not allowing it to get an upper hand by positioning itself to strike from below. Hello everyone, Dinoanime here. About Mosasaurus. with the Moses sword chopping on. Makes no sense, if we're speaking from findings and scientific understandings. It needed to find cover, and shallower waters, somewhere it could outmaneuver its enemy. Boomstick: Now, you can take your Hiney anywhere: to the beach, the demolition derby, or the shooting range. 2. Dirigida por Ace Hannah, fue protagonizada por la cantante Deborah Gibson y el actor Lorenzo Lamas. It feasted on large prey, and found no predators of a large enough size to threaten it. Megalodon is the main antagonist of the game mode Megalodon Hunting in the game Depth. A page dedicated to the awesomest thing in the Jurassic Park franchise, the Mosasaurus! The body shape of a megalodon is likely similar to a larger and more robust great white shark. It’s fast, and extremely dangerous. Mosasaurus vs Megalodon So, I am curious as to why the dossier is making the comments about Mosasaurus as the apex sea predator. It then put on all the speed it could towards the island. She was 75 feet long and likely weighed over 100,000 lbs. You can see the latest music videos, movies, tv shows, funny, extreme videos on our featured content. If megalodon exhibitied behavior like great white sharks and was an ambush hunter, it would have taken prey by surprise from below and made precision strikes to immobilize its prey with a amazingly strong bite. Off the coast of Isla Nublar, the great Mosasaur hunkered down in a bed of seaweed, using its keen senses to try to detect any prey in the nearby water. The winner is the Meg! Boomstick: Remember, folks, if it’s at all convenient, drink responsibly...but drink! It was pointed straight at the Mosasaur, which moved evasively, but too late. Boomstick: And, once released, the Meg began to cause havoc wherever it went, eating anything edible and even some things inedible. The Meg vs. Mosasaurus (Jurassic World) is a What-If? Boomstick: Unfortunately, the Meg was just too big for the Mosasaur to swallow, and its teeth could not do enough damage to kill the giant shark. mega could bit harder, but the mosa could more easily aim their heads and succeed in biting. Boomstick: That makes it one heck of a large dinosaur! A good fisherman always has stories of the “one that got away.” Indeed, “it was a monster!” Well, these are two monsters of the sea, and if you hook into them, you’ll be lucky to get away! It would just take one catastrophic bite for the Megalodon to end the battle. 10:37. The Meg snapped its toothed jaws down, catching the end of the Mosasaur’s tail. She moved towards the scent, and then detected the creature’s movement as well. I am talking about the real Mosasaurus. The exact classification of Megalodon has been disputed for decades, mostly concerning whether it should be placed in the species Carcharodon megalodon (thus classifying it as a relative of the great white shark) or the species Carcharocles megalodon . 10 Most Incredible Repairs Done With 3D Printers! Directed by James Thomas. Un enorme abrazo mis tiburones!!! Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Wiz: Paleontological evidence suggests that when megalodons killed particularly large whales, they used the tactic of bighting off their flippers. Megalodón vs Mosasaurus: ¿Quién ganaría la batalla? Check out the download rank history for Shark: Mosasaurus vs Megalodon in United States. espero que lo paséis genial y disfrutéis tantísimo como yo! Wiz: Unfortunately, when a group of scientist explored this special ecosystem, they unwittingly released at least two megalodons, a more normal sized specimen, perhaps a male, and the larger female, the Meg. Wiz: The Meg, on the other hand was a good deal faster than the Mosasaur, and its mouth and teeth were designed to take pieces off of an opponent. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 The Meg 4 Mosasaurus 5 Intermission 6 DEATH BATTLE! a mosasaurus would be more dangerous due to higher speeds. The largest ever recorded or known Mosasaurus was 59feet. Go. Boomstick: Which makes for a whole lot of fish sticks. Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Spinosaurus is a common match and was fun to watch in Jurassic Park III, but this post will be focused on two of the largest predators of the sea, Mosasaurus hoffmanni vs. Carcharocles megalodon. A big Livyatan is exploring the same zone when the shark makes a charge inspecting if its a potential prey.
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