nioh kusarigama build deutsch

Another skill to get right away is Serpent Strike, a highly versatile skill that triggers from High Stance. Sword Build – Nioh. A basic sword build for enthusiasts which offers tips and focuses on speed. If you happen to have a sword as your secondary then this will definitely be a nice bonus. Serpent Strike has excellent range, but if the enemy is really far away, it will not draw them close enough to follow up with a the Kusarigama High Stance combo. Your playstyle just sounds like a Shinobi so might aswell play like one. The Kusarigama may be the best weapon Nioh has to offer. Parries aren’t automatically available in Nioh, so this is a must have. Other moves you can get right off the bat are: Whirlwind Kick, a fast counterattack that works in any stance, and Tangle Strike, a combo ender that works in Low Stance or Mid Stance. Here are some Kurasigama specific skills that can get you on the right path early on when using a Kusarigama build: Living Water (Heaven, Man, and Earth) – The three versions of this skill apply to High, Mid, and Low stances, so you should invest in all three. This leaves them open for brutal, high-damage attacks. Serpent Strike is very effective against Revenants (which are light). Both reduce the amount of Ki used. Heart also boosts the power of your swords and bows. Guns are powerful and can help whittle down a crowd before you jump into the fray. The issue with this stat is that it doesn’t do much else for you outside of boosting these parameters. Right now I’m trying to make a good sword/tonfa build and I’m coming up short :/ I tried saratobi 4p, Kingo 5p (still A agility) but that build sucked. It's only real weakness is that it's got low Parry stats, which means poor blocking capabilities. Description. Rakuyo's Kusarigama Build . It’s great against armored enemies who like to guard, and is a useful skill to breaking down enemy Ki. Deliverance is a combo ender for High Stance, which otherwise doesn't have a combo ender, and which really helps seal up the gaps in your High Stance combos. You can find infromation on the best Kusarigama build and skills as well as how to use the Kusarigama. Do note that if you use the Kusarigama against a very large or powerful enemy, you’ll be pulled towards them instead (which can still have its uses). Nov 10, 2017 @ 10:38am I WANT TO BE OP what build do you think? I have susano 7p, and kigetsu 4p, so one weapon slot always has the kigetsu odachi, but the other weapon slot is filled with pretty much whatever I feel like since I have all weapon skills unlocked. The fact that it pushes enemies back a great distance helps to create distance, giving you time to regain Ki and prepare yourself. Nioh: Complete Edition. The Kusarigama is one of Nioh’s more interesting weapons. Swings are parallel to William’s body, but they reach further in front of him and behind him allowing him to deal with groups if necessary, though the sides are still open for attack. High and Low are extremely similar, with Mid being a strong go-to for a majority of your time. Heart is your second major stat for the Kusarigama. Kawanami Kusarigama Description Normally dodging during combat cancels your opportunity to regain Ki in Nioh, and that leaves you gasping for air and open for a takedown. As described before, the Kusarigama covers a wide range with incredible speed and lengthy combos. so if your Build has high Dexterity, consider using this Weapon type. Nioh: Complete Edition. It's flexible, it's damaging, it's got range, it's got speed, it comes with powerful attack buffs, and is excellent for inflicting Status Effects. With a focus on these skills, the stats mentioned before, and an understanding of how the Kusarigama works, you’ll be able to make a master build in Nioh. Below is a list of Kusarigamas in Nioh 2, and each Kusarigama has an effect that will ALWAYS be present, no matter what other random bonuses there may be, and these are listed in the "effect" column.Damage values are not listed since these change by rarity and level, making it difficult to compare them easily. Home » Guides » Nioh: How to Use a Kusarigama Build. Whirlwind Kick – I cannot stress enough how useful this attack is, and you can basically spam it if you have great Ki management. Even with it’s wider swings, this stance fares well in tight corridors. You can regain Ki while guarding and moving, which is very useful when up against groups of enemies. ". In essence, the chain of the Kusarigama allows for the player to have a continuous attack effect that other weapons don’t have in Nioh. It stumbles your opponent and can break guards. There are really a good number of ways of using the Kusarigama. The only difference is Serpent Strike uses the sickle part of the Kusarigama and does a bit more damage. A powerful Kusarigama build with high end applications. It increases your Ki, allowing you to fight for far longer before having to back off, and increases your Life as well. Whirlwind is a powerful alternative to Whirlwind Kick, it makes you uninterruptible, while hitting enemies in a 360° angle, and it ends with a powerful long range attack. As we mentioned before, the Kusarigama is good at managing groups, but that means you’ll find yourself in the middle of enemies often which can be dangerous. One particularly powerful kusarigama to look for is the Hayabusa Kusarigama which can be combined with the Dragon Ninja Set for substantially increased damage. For example, weapons that use the axe moveset can be either axes, or hammers. The best build and skills for Kusarigama in Nioh 2 on PS5 and PS4. It provides a small, curved blade (not unlike a sickle) on a chain that has a blunt weight on the other end. Tobikura Kusarigama is one of the Kusarigama in Nioh 2.This weapon works in conjunction with the Kusarigama Skills tree, and usually has good scaling with the Magic stat. The Kusarigama offers a good number of buffs which may be triggered manually, … I must note I barely played the first game and still barely understand the stats/mechanics of the 2nd game lol. I live by the axe. Low – This is your defensive stance. Rakuyo's Sword Build . The first one applies to the weight (meaning it’s better for those who prefer Mid stance), and the other applies to the sickle (better for High). Prepare for the fight of your life with revamped mechanics that build on the fan-favorite elements of Nioh, requiring your full concentration and skill. CalculusMarx. After you unlock Novice level skills you can acquire Tangle Strike II and Leaping Strike. For more help with Nioh, check out our wiki. Waterfall – This mid-stance skill parries enemy attacks and pushes them backwards. Description. Furthermore, some enemies are too "heavy" to pull towards to you. New to the game. Break and Block are listed, since these do not change with rarity or level. ... Kusarigama also has an insanely powerful strong attack in LW. They allow you to use Ki Pulse even as you dodge which is very important. Like all weapons in Nioh, it can be used in three stances – High, Mid, and Low. Reaper can also be used in LW. Nioh 2 is a prequel to Team Ninja's popular Action-RPG Nioh. Mid – Attacks with the Kusarigama in this stance are stronger than in Low and cover a larger area. This page features several Nioh 2 Builds by the Fextralife Team, as well as user-submitted builds. When combined with the Kusarigama which already uses little Ki, you’re set for a swift build capable of steady attacking and maneuverability. While it does take some getting used to thanks to its unconventional nature, it’s a great weapon for those who want to manage Ki (which acts as your stamina) and keep enemies off balance. This weapon overcomes that thanks to its chain and the utility of both ends. In order to make the best use of that, though, you’ll definitely need to outfit William accordingly. The stats needed to buff the Kusarigama prevent the player from really building Life and defense unless they’re willing to grind in order to over level. The Kusarigama may be the best weapon Nioh has to offer. It also scales with Constitution and Skill.So if your Build has high Magic, consider using this Weapon type.. Tobikura Kusarigama Description. Ninja armor has bonuses that help manage Ki usage, using less for attacks and allowing for excellent mobility. Skill is the second stat that actually can boost the power of Kusarigama. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. For Nioh on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Perfect Susanoo (LW Kusa/Odachi Build)". Leaping Strike is a very fast and effective counterattack, while Tangle Strike is good for its added damage and powerful guard breaking capabilities. Nioh 2 Wiki Guide: Everything About Nioh 2. It’s lack of brute power compared to the likes of an axe or heavy sword, makes it a poor match for bulky gear. Shadow Strike – All three of these upgrades increase the amount of damage you do from behind. For Nioh on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Good guardian spirit for my kusarigama build? So I'm trying for a Kusarigama/katana build because I like to use two weapons. Serpent Strike and Black Vines – These are High and Mid versions of basically the same attack. In order to make the most of the Kusarigama in Nioh, you’re going to want to invest in skills that promote combos, Ki management, and enemy control. For this build I recommend having the Pipe as it provides additional Ki and either of the white and black Fans as they provide Ki Recovery, but you can go with whatever makes sense for you. Renegade Dragon  is a very impressive looking combo which excels at knocking enemies away from you at mid range. Now I must warn the reader that I myself am not a huge fan of the sword moveset, but I have compiled a list of interesting skills that will guide you past the worst stinkers and provide you with some useful information. For Character Creation and Fashion, see Character Creation Codes and Armor. Nioh 2 Builds are optimized combinations of equipment such as Weapons and Armor, Skills that define a specific set of playstyle or highlight a certain natural strength of a character. Nioh 2 Builds: Poisonous Shinobi (Kusarigama) The Poisonous Shinobi Build uses a combination of Stealth, good Agility and Poison to take down enemies one by one without getting into situations where you are outnumbered. 78.7k. The next skills to get are Whirlwind, Renegade Dragon and Deliverance. Mind that the AI of some enemies, like Ninjas, or Revenants, is smart enough sidestep the combo, making most of the attacks miss. Dual swords are fast and close, and can easily break down an opponent, they’re also good at covering your sides and have a block/attack skill that can help in tight corners. Skills for Mid revolve around the use of the blunt weight at the end of the chain to pull enemies in and keep them down. If you`re at the endgame/abyss you should already have a preference.
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