Cliffjumper was a part of the crew on board the Ark when it crashed into Earth four million years ago while clearing an asteroid field in the path of Cybertron. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. What if Cliffjumper never died and a new bot came. Actually, this may explain why he prefers the big guns. Rodimus Prime then helped Cliffjumper escape from Unicron, but for some reason, he was never seen again. Status This Studio Series 64 Deluxe Class Cliffjumper figure features vivid, movie-inspired … Bumblebee is a fictional robot superhero in the many continuities in the Transformers franchise. Prisoner of War! It's as cheesy as it is hilarious. This prompted a rather awkward laugh from the other Autobots present. So determined was he to prove his theory true that he followed Mirage when the latter returned to the Decepticon power station to sow seeds of discontent within the Decepticon ranks. $129.95. Follow/Fav Blood Brothers. He goes out and finds Hot Rod, Menacing him with the gun until Ironhide runs in and punches Hot Rod. "I love you guys. R&R. And anybody could be a traitor. When the Autobots attempt to escape, they are saved by Optimus Prime who engages Megatron and introduces Bumblebee to the rest of the Autobots on the Arc. The results surprise them both. Ironhide and Ratchet, the Decepticons' seekers, and me and Cliffjumper." "Where do you keep that giant cannon, Cliffjumper?! Bumblebee asks who in their right mind will sit in front of a console for hours on the off chance they will need backup(cos' Hot Rod is following them).Cliffjumper is yer answer, Bumblebee. Bumblebee proceeds to venture into Charlie’s home, and trashing it as he explores it. Bumblebee (film) Both brothers drive home, where their father Ron asks where they got the car. 10. 9. Cliffjumper Immediately, they were put to work on fighting Megatron's metallic virus, which had spread deep into Canadian territory, using their own internal power as the anti-virus. Warrior Autobots The Transformers He yelled "By Primus!" Night of the Combaticons Cliffjumper worked loyally under Bumblebee's command during this endeavor, participating in Ratchet and Jetfire's plans to disable the solar-powered Decepticon, but missed out on the final battle because he was attending to the injured Omega Supreme. Cybertronian car He is not immune to its effects, so its use requires careful consideration of wind direction. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Fanfiction Transformers Prime Cliffjumper In Sabrina Tucker's eyes, the problem with Jasper, Nevada, was that it was so small nothing exciting ever happened. Andrew Morgado. Atonement. :) The way that I think of it (& this is by no means correct!) The victor was to receive a year's supply of oil and gasoline. On one combat mission, Tailgate failed to take down a Decepticon sniper, forcing Acree to attack the Decepticons directly. Whether because of this or just a general lack of fuel, Cliffjumper was unable to stand up and fight against the Decepticons in the battle at the Ark. refresh Roll Random Skin! Bumblebee's attempt to use "The Touch" to encourage Charlie. Episode 6. Cliffjumper, a redeco of Bumblebee, was to be released as a 3-inch non-transforming figure in the Transformers: Titanium line in early 2007. Ultra Magnus is though to be dead and a memorial is held for his sacrifice. Cliffjumper and Mirage were teamed together for the recon assignment, but were captured by Ultra Magnus and his contingent of soldiers. Bumblebee takes the cube from Soundwave, who hooks up the platform on for the cube on his bumper. The two brothers battled, in which, Primus successfully created seven transforming robotic beings called the Dynasty of Primes. Despite his surly and impetuous nature, however, Bumblebee seems to like him. Which is strange because there is no place for light to enter the head. For almost everyone, Cliffjumper is a fully formed, independent character. Remove backdrop to showcase Cliffjumper in the Cybertron Falls scene. The character is a member of the Autobots, a group of sentient self-configuring modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms.. Ironic. The Transformers. Cliffjumper utterly hates the Decepticons. AU August. Alive (in IDW comics), Deceased (in film Bumblebee) After surviving the destruction of Moonbase One, Cliffjumper returned to the Autobot combat movement on Cybertron by 2007. Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. He was one of the observers to Blaster and Grimlock's battle on the moon. Quickly getting up he leaves the confused twins in the sand surrounded by toys. in excitement. arcee; bulkhead; bumblebee; cliffjumper; optimus; ratchet; romance; sparkling; sparkmate; Table of Contents; Details; Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Get notified when Cliffjumper love story is updated. Shatter"B-127 I almost forgot",Dropkick"i didn’t" transformers toys autobots bumblebee bumblebee movie dropkick shatter in excitement. Further, if you think of Bumblebee and Cliffjumper as sort-of "brothers" the fact that their both rear-engine Euro-cars really fits as well. In "The Great Car Rally", a bunch of humans set up a race for charity. Prime Time! Tainted by Dark Energon taken from the blood of my brother, Unicron. Thank you." The two fought alongside each other frequently. This bust is also notable for being the first new mold G1 Cliffjumper has received since his Decoy in 1987, a period of over twenty years! This version of Cliffjumper does carry a gun. Cliffjumper and Bumblebee asked him what happened. Affliction After their apparent consumption by the planet-eater, they are ultimately saved by Daniel Witwicky when they were about to dropped in the acid vat. "I love you guys. Are you Primus? I could have sworn they said something about that offically, but I cant quite remeber 11:03, 14 October 2008 (UTC) Follow/Fav Blood Brothers. Hed rather find the nearest DECEPTICON and blow him away than sneak around gathering intelligence. They couldn't believe it and wanted to report it to Optimus Prime immediately. Coincidentally, this was also the name given to. The sculpt features Cliffjumper holding the gun he was seen using in "More Than Meets the Eye, Part 1". Cliffjumper and Bumblebee asked him what happened. He spent a time living with them and enjoying a peaceful life before a Decepticon squad tracked him down. More Skins by Bee-127. Follow/Fav Blood Brothers. Sari asks him if he’s okay. share. Soundwave and Shockwave. After the initial encounter left several Autobots damaged, Optimus Prime brought most of his crew back to the Ark for repairs while Prowl organized a small detachment for reconnaissance purposes. They couldn't believe it and wanted to report it to Optimus Prime immediately. He directed them to the sensor array he built. R&R. The victor was to receive a year's supply of oil and gasoline. You can help Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Autobots Arcee: Cliffjumper and Bulkhead busted out laughing, and even Bumblebee giggled before regaining control of himself. Team Prime struggles to batt... A Long Journey . He seemed to regularly work alone using his small size quite effectively for a psychological edge as well as for hiding and combat (ie, presenting a smaller target). One of the original crew members of the Ark when it crash-landed on Earth, Cliffjumper engaged in many of the key battles during the early years of that conflict before quickly getting lost in the crowd.In one splinter timeline, he wound up in an alternate \"mirror\" universe where up is down, black is white, right is wrong, and Cliffjumper is an important character. Tailgate was a member of the Delta Team, along with Arcee, on Cybertron. Cliffjumper knocked Bumblebee away trying to swipe at Inner Moka who managed to dodge and hit Cliffjumper. Chapter 9 up! ", Cliffjumper aimed a rifle with his sights right on Megatron's head, however he missed his shot, and the Decepticons dispatched Laserbeak to chase off the Autobot eavesdroppers. Somehow, this gets him neither killed nor demoted. Reply Shirobutterfly Oct 20, 2011 This Studio Series 64 Deluxe Class Cliffjumper figure features vivid, movie-inspired deco and converts from robot to car mode in 20 steps. He expects the mech to forget him, just like everyone else in his life does. Bumblebee shook his head. It all starts with a relic. IDW comics Cliffjumper holds one hand over his optics, "Am I dead? The Twins reply with Cliffjumper needing to take a break. Their simple recon mission to a drive-in movie theatre quickly turned into a battle when the Decepticons arrived. When Bumblebee was a baby, he was watched, and looked after, by his older brother, Cliffjumper. Bumblebee met Arcee somewhere between the fall of Cybertron and Arcee's arrival to Earth with Cliffjumper. He was quite a character from the word go in More Than Meets The Eye, all the way back in '84 and he was an important character in Transformers Prime and he had a pivotal scene in Bumblebee. Bumblebee Cliffjumper friendship. The commander panicked, thinking Cliffjumper was attacking, and fired, destroying himself and seriously damaging the Autobot. Two Decepticons, Shatter (voice of Angela Bassett) and Dropkick (voice of Justin Theroux), are interrogating the Autobot Cliffjumper (voice of Andrew Morgado) on … Revelation, Following the Autobot takeover of Cybertron, Cliffjumper was assigned to the shuttle Orion under Bumblebee's command, bringing supplies back to Jazz and his troops on Earth. Therefore, Cliffjumper hates everybody. Charlie and Bumblebee comforting each other with a hug later on. Totaled! Although they found Sludge, immediately thereafter all three were captured by the Decepticons and so badly damaged that they were left offline. Over their years as teammates on Earth, the two became friends, with Arcee once referring to Bumblebee as family. 1 History 2 See Also 3 Appearances 4 References 5 Gallery Ectronymous Diamatron detected a Cybertronian signal emanating from Earth. All Hail Megatron Issue 4, Cliffjumper is among the Autobots who defend the Ark from the attacking Decepticons and escape through the Spacebridge with the AllSpark. Spike asked "Uh, you could say that, beside the whole close-bond thing. Bumblebee looks up to Arcee, like a younger sibling to older sibling. By: Zarak342. Cliffjumper and Bumblebee are Brothers? One day, the Autobot Windcharger informed Baby Bumblebee and Cliffjumper that their parents died from Megatron. He refused to give up any information other than his name and rank. While the shape is a little weird in a movie-twins kinda way, the basic layout is still Cliffjumper and he finally gets his glass gun (two in fact). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He kept up his rhetoric even after Optimus Prime ordered him to shut the hell up. On the outside is a trigger-happy, untrusting jerk with serious impulse-control problems. Function: Sequel to 'The Bug, the Spider and Regret'. Chapter 9 up! Cliffjumper and Bumblebee asked him what happened. The results surprise them both. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Bumblebee starts Complaining, but Cliffjumper is telling to stop. The effect of all of this is how two brothers would bond forever. He doesn't seem like the calculating type. "Then there're mold brothers," Bumblebee finally said "which isn't really a brother bond but, it's just being the same mold. By: Zarak342. However, Charlie activating Bumblebee also causes a signal to go out across the galaxy. Cliffjumper was fighting alongside his fellow Autobots, Ratchet, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Arcee and Brawn on Cybertron, when they were nearly overrun by the Decepticons, until Optimus Prime came to their rescue and told them to flee the planet and rendezvous later on Earth. 1 Allies/Friends 2 Tailgate (deceased) 3 Cliffjumper (deceased) 4 Optimus Prime 5 Bumblebee 6 Bulkhead 7 Ratchet 8 Smokescreen 9 Wheeljack 10 Ultra Magnus 11 Jackson Darby 12 Miko Nakadai 13 Rafael Esquivel 14 June Darby 15 Enemies 16 Megatron 17 Starscream 18 Airachnid 19 Predaking (formerly) 20 References Tailgate was Arcee's first partner and … Cliffjumper tried to hide but was forced to kill three of the squad before offering to surrender to save Kita. Within Cliffjumper burns the spark of a hero and a dedicated Autobot. He volunteered to tag along on Hound's recon mission to scout out Decepticons because he was itching to "boot some Decepticon right in his turbocharger." playlist_add. By: Zarak342. After Death [edit | edit source] Years after his death, Tailgate was still remembered. Cliffjumper acquitted himself well in combat, single-handedly driving off Starscream and Thundercracker with his glass gas. Bumblebee and Cliffjumper aren't happy. Join us! Well, the Decepticons desperately wanted that bounty, so rather than just steal it, they decided to sneak into the race. After one such mission, Cliffjumper found himself stranded and hunted on a primitive planet where he made friends with a local brother and sister, Coll and Kita. He’s young, small, and eager and at times, sarcastic and loud mouthed. Bumblebee (Transformers) Cliffjumper (Transformers) Prowl (Transformers) Lugnut (Transformers) Blitzwing (Transformers) Megatron (Transformers) Bulkhead (Transformers) Summary. They were rescued by Bumblebee. ""None of your damn business, Hound. Cliffjumper shoots first and asks questions much, much later. Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise Deluxe Class Cliffjumper 4.1 out of 5 stars 33. During The Transformers the Movie, Cliffjumper is stationed on Moonbase 1, from which he, Spike Witwicky, Bumblebee, and Jazz try unsuccessfully to escape when attacked by Unicron. The Transformers: The Movie (1986). Unfortunately, the human military got in the way, distracting Cliffjumper and Huffer long enough for Rumble's earthquakes to throw them for a loop. Though he was unfamiliar with the Autobot's physical appearance, Bumblebee still took on the mission and soon enough, told Optimus that Sentinel Zeta Prime had died at the hands of the Decepticons. Bumblebee joked half the ship could hear him and used his nickname, Eck. Cliffjumper swiped at Inner Moka but she dodge easily, Bumblebee hit Cliffjumper causing the two brothers to duel, with Cliffjumper's focus firmly on Bumblebee Inner Moka managed to get in a few hits. Bumblebee and Cliffjumper aren't happy. Sep 30, 2014 - "Strike first, strike fast, strike hard.". Ectronymous stated his whole name, reminded them he worked hard for his title, and asked for some respect. Prime Directive, Part 6, Sometime later, the unified Cybertronian army arrived on Earth and demanded the surrender of all active Autobots and Decepticons. They couldn't believe it and wanted to report it to Bumblebee, having been given something of Huffer’s which was recovered by Daniel from the Autobot mausoleum, seeks out Cliffjumper, who he’s always admired. Cliffjumper's special weapon is his glass gas, which embrittles metals on contact so that they shatter like glass. Autobots Thank you." Bumblebee, having been given something of Huffer’s which was recovered by Daniel from the Autobot mausoleum, seeks out Cliffjumper, who he’s always admired. Cliffjumper was one of the Autobots driving in the rally and was unaware that the scary black Cadillac was actually being driven by Megatron. With potentially more Transformers of the likes of Arcee and Cliffjumper from the decade the cartoon was at its height of popularity only makes Bumblebee all the more exciting. In Sabrina Tucker's eyes, the problem with Jasper, Nevada, was that it was so small nothing exciting ever happened. in excitement. Meanwhile, Charlie and Memo try to clean up Bumblebee’s mess, before Charlie’s family gets home. A lot of people consider Bumblebee and Cliffjumper to be brothers, includeing me. Mold brothers are … We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! You have been killed as a prisoner of the Decepticons." When the Autobots awakened from their four million-year slumber, Cliffjumper was eager for action. Bumblebee shook his head. Granted, CliffJumper was originally just a repaint of BumbleBee but still...he's doesn't deserve this I also wanted to do CliffJumper so I could offer his lineart to people that wanted to color him like BumbleBee and get G1 Bumblebee head-sculpt. The colours work well and unlike many recent Cliffjumper toys, the head is all Cliffjumper rather than being that of Bumblebee as an afterthought repaint. Spotlight Cliffjumper, In the present, Cliffjumper is with the Autobots on Cybertron, watching over the critically wounded Optimus Prime. He makes a habit of pulling ridiculously huge guns out of nowhere and attacking impulsively despite orders or sanity. These are Arcee's relationships. Enter the Nightbird, In 2005, Cliffjumper was stationed at Moonbase One, and was left there with Jazz when Optimus Prime left with a few other Autobots to reinforce Autobot City. Japanese Name: Warnings/contents: … Join Planet Minecraft! Quickly getting up he leaves the confused twins in the sand surrounded by toys. Cliffjumper's bio indicates that he compensates for his small size by being the first to rush into any dangerous situation, desiring only to beat up "Decepti-creeps."
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