Applications are invited for 2021 LSE and UCT Double Degree Masters Scholarships. One Postdoc (to be nominated by the Law Faculty to the UCT executive – only two Postdoc positions will be filled for the entire university, hence nomination by the Law Faculty does not guarantee ultimate … He serves on several boards including the European Centre for Development Policy Management and is a … We have put together a short video to give you a quick overview of our postgraduate Law programmes.. Our Faculty has a long-standing reputation for academic excellence and an innovative and critical approach to … Established over 100 years ago in 1912, the Faculty is the oldest medical school in sub-Saharan Africa, and the top-rated on the continent. Our Credentials. The Student Experience. 1 UCT’s reputation is underpinned by its pioneering research, led by distinguished … The taught Master of Transport Studies (EM029CIV06) requires the completion of three core courses totalling 60 credits, two core research project courses totalling 50 credits, and approved elective courses totalling a minimum of 80 credits. The rest of the programme is taught online through UCT’s educational platform by UCT academics and global experts. Coaching to Excellence, Associate Coaching and Professional Coaching are the most prominent courses offered by the centre. Professional Taught Masters Degree (MEng Radar): This Masters Degree consists of 6 x 20 credit courses and a 60 credit mini dissertation. When it comes to upgrading, it is usually the reason why professionals with more time in the business choose the MBA: to continue learning and remain competitive in a globalized market. About the University of Cape Town. He taught at UCT, and then joined the South African Department of Trade and Industry in 1995. For information on South Africa's response to COVID-19 please visit the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal. 4. Ms Salega Tape (021 406 6340) Postgraduate Admissions Office - for application information and processes at UCT Please note: The MPhil in Emergency Medicine is not regarded as basis for registration as a specialist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa , but is a fully fledged Masters that may be registered as an additional qualification. Entry requirements LSE/UCT Double Degree Masters Scholarships 2021/2022 Upper second class honours (2:1) degree or equivalent in social science, or a degree in another field with professional experience in media and communications. View the brochure below or download the PDF. Law of Mineral and Petroleum Extraction and Use. Two students enrolled for an LLM/MPhil (by dissertation; by coursework & mini-dissertation; or in the professional Masters programme). Centre of excellence. Since graduating from UCT, I have obtained both my jobs through serendipitous conversations. This unique double degree allows students to study for one year at LSE in London, the UK’s media capital, and one year at the Centre for Film and Media It is for use in the academic administration and supervision of students in all faculties. I undertook my Masters through a Mandela-Rhodes Scholarship, and I met my first employer at one of the scholar workshops where he was a speaker. 2. For detail on the courses on offer across the LLM Programme in Commercial Law, go to the links in the list above. For more detail, consult the Faculty Handbook or go to the School for Advanced Legal Studies at Up-to-date information on the University’s decisions in regard to COVID-19 are available on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 page.. To enhance the postgraduate experience, the university provides numerous resources and has steadily increased its funding for postgraduate studies. CML2001F. International Relations. UCT has amplified its reach by offering online short courses for the global audience. Students work on exercises created from company … Research Masters (dissertation only) Please consult the School for Advanced Legal Studies website. But on 3 March 2017, the university offered a one-stop shop for development studies within its halls for the first time, when the Studying Development website and handbook were … 3. Research. We also offer a stream of Electronic Defence within this degree structure. The sixth edition of the US News Best Global Universities rankings saw UCT being ranked 121st globally for 2020. Masters in Law; Doctoral Degrees; Commercial Law Service Courses. I met my second employer at a seminar where he was a guest speaker. Students are encouraged to apply the analytical abilities acquired in previous … Upcoming Events. The UCT Graduate School of Business joins top business schools in 34 countries around the world to offer this full-time master’s programme aimed at young graduates or those who have … Contact us. From 2002 to 2012 he managed economic policy in the South African Presidency, represented the Presidency in the G20, and was co-chair of the G20 Development Working Group. The course offers an overview of the laws that govern the nature, formation, and management of partnerships, trusts, companies and close corporations with the main focus being on companies. Registration. It is designed to provide students with the professional basis for a career path in the computer industry, and/or to enable them to … The Masters programmes in Computers Science involve two years of full-time study undertaken after completion of an Honours degree in Computer Science. Constitutional and Administrative Law PHD Programme. An electronic copy can be submitted to . Through its School for Advanced Legal Studies, UCT's Faculty of Law offers postgraduates an unparalleled choice of options in full- and part-time postgraduate studies. Contact the UCT GSB. Introduction to Radar and Mathematics, plus four more specialized radar courses. We are one of less than 100 business schools in the world to be triple-crown accredited. Please note that if you intend submitting your Master's dissertation for examination between December and before the academic term commences the following year you will not be required to register. UCT GSB faculty can discuss applicants' research ideas and preliminary proposal at their discretion, but we advise applicants not to contact potential supervisors without some preliminary research ideas. 2021 22 Feb 09:00 — 24 Feb 17:00. There are two core courses, viz. The scholarship allows students to study for one year at LSE in London, the UK’s media capital, and one year at the Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town. UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN FACULTY OF LAW 2019 Postal Address: University of Cape Town Private Bag X3 7701 RONDEBOSCH Dean's & Faculty Offices: Wilfred and Jules Kramer Building, Middle Campus Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 08h30 - 16h30 Fax: +27 21-650 5608 Telephones: Dean's Office (021) 650 2706 Faculty Office (021) 650 3086 The UCT GSB, in partnership with Africagrowth Institute (AGI), is offering an MPhil (Development Finance) which aims to enable students to meet the development needs of the continent. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (Professional) A qualifying degree in architecture that provides students with the knowledge, values and skills to enter the profession of architecture and/or to pursue further qualifications in architecture or fields associated with the architectural profession and built environment. This programme will give students the opportunity to: critically explore mediation in a global context, examining processes of […] One student enrolled for a PhD. Register as an intern psychologist with the HPCSA and complete a supervised HPCSA approved 12-month internship programme at a training institution. Scholarship details Level: MastersWorth: fully fundedApplication Deadline:29 April 2021 Objective of the… Valuation of Hospitality and Leisure Property . Students have long been able to seek knowledge related to development in their own faculties and departments, from economics to sociology. including eco assessment and basic Entry Requirements: An approved undergraduate bachelor’s degree in agriculture, health, toxicology, chemistry, social science or other relevant field The GSB … Admission is competitive, not guaranteed, and is primarily on the basis of academic results. d-school. During this time, you will be an employee of your training organisation and undergo extensive and specialised training in all the areas of … Commercial Law Comparative Business Law in Africa. Why Health Sciences at UCT? 121st US News. Prof Masters. CML5657F Electronic Intellectual Property Law: 30 credits: CML5657X Electronic Intellectual … The guideline is … We discussed education and leadership at length, and the discussion … 21-28 January 2021. The Faculty of Health Sciences research … The course aims to provide … (excluding Professional Masters and Honours degrees) PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDELINE Questions relating to who may/may not supervise or co-supervise Masters and Doctoral degrees at UCT frequently arise at many levels within the university. UCT offers a full range of postgraduate programmes in its 6 faculties: Commerce; Engineering & the Built Environment; Health Sciences; Humanities; Law; Science; For more details see the postgraduate studies and post-doctoral fellowships hub. LCT and UCT Dual Masters Degrees for African Stidents 2021. A professional can make the decision to study an MBA for two basic reasons: updating their professional concepts or learning basic business management skills. Cumulatively, they constitute 30% of the credits for the degree as shown below. PREPARE YOUR … It is focused on developing independent critical enquiry in preparation … Application Deadline:29 April 2021 This unique double degree allows students to study for one year at LSE in London, the UK’s media capital, and one year at the Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town. The tasks are intended to demonstrate professional expertise and are each worth 15 credits. Core courses include: Integrated … For a hard copy of the … This unique double degree allows students to study for one year at LSE in London, the UK’s media capital, and one year at the Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town. The UCT GSB has been setting the pace for business education in Africa for more than five decades and is one of under 100 business schools globally with prestigious triple-crown accreditation, having been accredited by three leading global bodies: AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB. Company Law - CML2001F. Please note that without a supervisor your application will not be considered, and you will not be able to register for the PhD in Business Administration degree. Share on Fact sheet: Postgraduate studies at UCT. Registration will take place via service requests. This guideline exists to inform such. About the UCT GSB. Our MCom in Development Finance will give you the ability to conduct high-level research and engage in the policy … Our teaching, learning and research is directed towards building a more economically … Courses offered in Professional Communication Studies help to equip students graduating from the faculty for the demands their future careers. Courses comprise written and oral examinations. Environmental Law Marine and Environmental Law. of the progamme in residence at UCT. This programme will give students the opportunity to: critically explore mediation in a global context, examining processes of … Research . Masters by Coursework and Dissertation. The academic … 25-29 January 2021. Continuing Professional Development ; Rules ; Fees ; Degree Options. Specialised Centres Allan Gray Centre for Values-Based Leadership Bertha Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Case Writing Centre Centre for Coaching Development Finance Centre Lean Institute Africa Power Futures Lab Raymond … The organisational psychology Masters programme at UCT is accredited by the HPCSA. The UCT GSB CEMS Master of Management specialising in International Management (MIM) is a powerful combination of theory and business expertise that will help you kickstart your career. Home > Study at UCT > Degrees & diplomas > Commerce > Postgraduate Vula myUCT People Soft (students) Applications Course timetable Emergency numbers Commerce The Professional Masters program's research component consists of 4 research tasks, related to the four courses. Workshops combine theory with actual case studies and examples to provide a realistic context for participants to practise their skills. With a stellar reputation in education and research we were ranked 48th in the 2014 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The UCT GSB has five decades of experience in business education in an emerging market context and is a globally-ranked business school with a world-class reputation. Master of Transport Studies. 4. Founded in 1829, the University of Cape Town (UCT) has cemented its place on the global academic stage, consistently holding the position of Africa’s leading university. UCT moved 20 places to 136th position in the latest 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings. ... Masters in Development Finance. Development studies at UCT has been around for a while. 21-28 January 2021.
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