Battery Reverse Protection B. Thank you for purchase of a VOOPOO Product. Contact in EU: VooPoo has released their new TOO Starter Kit paired with their high performing 3.5mL UForce sub-ohm tank. Shajing St, Bao’an District, The wattage can be adjusted between a range from 5W minimum to 80W. Voopoo Find S 120w Starter Kit The VOOPOO FIND S 120W Starter Kit provides a lightweight, ergonomic system with the advanced GENE.FIT Chipset, integrated 4400mAh rechargeable Battery to fire the powerful 8mL UFORCE T2 Tank. Size: 88 x 54 x 33mm B. Interface Introduction, C. How to switch between Power and Temperature modes: Press the fire button 3 times rapidly to rotate between modes. Do not use if pregnant or breast feeding Like x 3; Vicstas New Member. SS: 1000-1600 Standard Default Value: i. e. Suggested Battery Brands: Sony, Samsung I need some plastic bottles for my e liquids and will probably order from 3FVape, the Voopoo Drag is selling for $40 there and I could order it at the same time. The Eleaf Invoke is a giant step for Eleaf with a centered 510 and larger 1.3-inch display. PRODUKTPRÄSENTATION. 5-180W(Dual batteries) The VooPoo Too is a Single or Dual 18650 Box Mod operated by the ever so distinct GENE Chip. And Voopoo is not responding to emails, support ticets, and facebook mesages. E. Overcharge Protection≥ 8.5V k. Do not use if you have an unstable heart condition, servere hypertension or diabetes. Keep the contents of this package out of reach of children and animals Safety Protection Function: A. Lowest resistance in Power mode: 0.050 The Gene Chip within the VooPoo Too is capable of accuracy within 0.1% for wattage mode and a full temperature control suite, along with a 10 Millisecond firing time to make one … When you have finished adjusting the curve, press and hold the fire button for two seconds to save and exit. Ein leistungsfähiges Chipset, eine einfache Bedienung, gut schmeckende Fertigköpfe in großer Auswahl und eine schicke Transportbox runden dieses gelungene Paket ab! The display will return to the Custom Mode Interface. Compaired with UFORCE T1 Tank brings great flavor and vapor production. Die verwendeten Materialien (Aluminium und Kunstleder) und auch die Fertigungsqualität sind … 32,90 CHF . D. TC Mode operating instructions: Die Tankeinheit wird magnetisch gehalten, so dass man den 4,5 ml fassenden Tank bequem von unten befüllen kann.Im Lieferumfang sind je ein PnP-V5 0,2 Ohm und ein PnP-VM 6 0,15 Ohm Fertigkopf enthalten, die für einen tollen Geschmack und mächtige Wolken sorgen. Please read this manual carefully to ensure proper use. Alle Preise inkl. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days. Da er mit allen Fertigköpfen und der RBA (Selbstwickeleinheit) der PnP Serie kompatibel ist, wird hier so ziemlich jeder Dampfer ein für ihn optimales Exemplar finden, die Range reicht von DL Fertigköpfen, über DL/MTL Versionen bis hin zum klassischen MTL Fertigkopf. I just noticed there is a W, the M1-5 and a WV, in WV you set the voltage. Sowohl die Optik wie auch die Haptik sind überzeugend, so dass ein tolles Handgefühl garantiert ist. This function is only available under Temperature Control mode. VooPoo Too 180W TC Mod - VooPoo. Same brand, model and specification when using two batteries Voopoo bringt mit dem Argus GT Kit eine tolle Kombination aus... Weiterführende Links zu "Voopoo Argus GT Kit", Ja, senden Sie mir den ZAZO Newsletter. If swallowed, rinse out your mouth and seek immediate medical attention. 1300 Adjusting Rate: Short time press: 1, long time Press: 10 Under Temperature Control Mode the Function Menu Interface has the following options: Press up and down buttons simultaneously for 2s, the device will enter the Function Menu Interface. Kit Pod Voopoo Argus Air 900mAh Voopoo. Make your adjustments using the up or down buttons. Das VooPoo Argus Kit weist einen fest verbauten Akku auf, der eine stattliche Kapazität von 1500mAh bietet. TC: 100~7000 Standard Default Value: VooPoo PnP Pod Tank. VOOPOO Find S Kit comes with stylish hand rope design, making it convenient to carry anywhere. Speziell für den Outdooreinsatz hat man auf ein möglichst leichtes Gewicht und Stabilität geachtet und der Tank aus PCTG ist auch entsprechend haltbarer als ein Pendant aus Glas.Mit einer Gesamtgröße von 132,1*51,3*26,1 mm liegt das Kit sehr gut in der Hand und insbesondere das Leder macht die Kombi zu einem echten Handschmeichler. Unlike the common, eye-catching in the streets. 2. The UFORCE utilizes a quick vent channel to produce huge vapor without heating the tank up too quickly. 18650 battery with a discharge rate greater than 30A MwSt. The VooPoo PnP Coils are to be used with various VooPoo products including the VooPoo Drag Baby Trio and can operate with either Salt Nic or Freebase e-liquids. 49,95 € * VooPoo PnP Pod Tank . I Like It! Aufladen kann der Nutzer diesen Akku schnell und si Das Kit ist sehr wertig aus verzinktem Aluminium mit Kunstlederapplikationen gefertigt und sieht klasse aus. $32.63 Authentic VOOPOO Argus GT 160W TC Box Mod - Black&Blue ship to Trecastelli Italy. Ich bin mir bewusst, dass ich mich jederzeit problemlos und kostenlos abmelden kann. VooPoo PnP Replacement Coils. C. Over-temperature Protection≥85°C Brand VOOPOO. To create the DRAG Mini, VOOPOO reinvented DRAG from the inside out. VOOPOO TOO Box Mod can support the single or dual batteries that output the power 80W or 180W. They have removable stylish sides or doors available in 4 different patterns so you can ultimately change the look of the mod depending on your mood! Dieser kleine Tank fasst stattliche 4,5 ml an Liquid und ist denkbar einfach im Handling. 12,95 € * 5x VooPoo PnP-R2 Coil . h. Do not use batteries whose skin is broken or torn, or which are otherwise not completely insulated. Die Bedienung ist dank großem Display und intuitiver Menüführung ein Kinderspiel! Bei Bedarf bitte zusätzlich bestellen: Akkuzellen 18650, flacher Pluspol, ungeschützt.Daten• Geregelter Akkuträger für zweimal 18650 er Akkus• Wertige Fertigung und tolle Materialien• Internes Laden der Akkus mittels USB-Type C Kabel möglich• Alle relevanten Schutzschaltungen verbaut• Modernes leistungsstarkes Gene TT Chipset• Bis zu 160 Watt (8,4 Volt) an Leistung• Für Widerstände von 0,1 – 3 Ohm• Power und TC Modus• Einfaches Befüllen von unten• PnP-VM 5 0,2 Ohm und PnP-VM 6 0,15 Ohm Fertigkopf im Lieferumfang• Kompatibel mit allen Fertigköpfen und RBA der PnP Serie• Zugverhalten gut einstellbar je nach verwendetem Fertigkopf von MTL bis zu offenem DL• Schicke Transportbox im Lieferumfang enthalten, Inhalt1 x Voopoo Argus GT Mod Akkuträger1 x Voopoo PnP Pod Tank Verdampfer1 x Voopoo PnP VM-5 Coil Verdampferkopf 0.2 Ohm1 x Voopoo PnP VM-6 Coil Verdampferkopf 0.15 Ohm1 x USB- Type C Kabel1 x Bedienungsanleitung1 x Transportbox, MaßeHöhe: 132.10 mmBreite: 51.30 mmTiefe: 26.10 mm. On the left side of Customize Interface you will see a table labeled ”Coil Advance Setting and Select”. If there are two batteries with different charge levels, the two battery icons will show the charge levels of each. VooPoo has tried something new with the design of the VooPoo Too. You will see the “W” wattage icon flashing. When finished, press and hold the Fire button for 2 seconds to confirm and save. (Note: the Fire button will still function when the device is locked.) NC: 100-400 Standard Default Value: Paired with the VooPoo Mojo is the UFORCE Sub-ohm Tank. Die verwendeten Materialien (Aluminium und Kunstleder) und auch die Fertigungsqualität sind tadellos. 30 seconds without any operate, The device will full-screen display battery power large icon running. D. Output Over-current Protection> 45A Tl: 3500~4500 Standard Default Value: ii. With the same advanced GENE. VOOPOO ARGUS GT 160W STARTER KIT-$79.95. Using the same zinc alloy and leather process as the racing bike, it's more aesthetically pleasing and 30% lighter than the usual Mod. The VOOPOO Argus GT finds inspiration for dynamism and lightness from racing bikes. VooPoo Argus GT Mod . The temperature setting will increase or decrease in 1 degree increment. It’s normal for the device to get hot during charging. For safety, please read below... How to Use VOOPOO TOO Starter Mod/Kit – User Manual, IJOY SHOGUN UNIV Manual – Instruction/Problems, How to Use Justfog Minifit Pod Kit – User Manual/Problems, How to Use VOOPOO MOJO TC Starter Kit – User Manual, How to Use Vaporesso Polar Starter Kit – User Manual. Im Lieferumfang sind je ein Exemplar des 0,15 und des 0,2 Ohm Fertigkopfs enthalten die beide auf einen offenen direkten Zug ausgelegt sind. K. VOOPOO Firmware Customization instructions USB charging interface, the product into the charging mode. b) Press Fire button and Up buttons at the same time for 2 seconds to lock the adjustment buttons. Adjust the wattage by pressing the up or down button. Under temperature control custom mode, the upper right corner shows the adjustment temperature control value), To adjust the Power or Temperature curve, for each increment. B. F. Over Discharge Protection< 6.4V (One battery< 3.2V) The wattage will increase or decrease in 1W increment, The product automatically recommends the output wattage according to the resistance of the atomizer when it detects that a new atomizer has been attached. 1. Liked. The display will return to the main display interface. Voopoo Argus GT Kit Eine Kombi mit Wow Effekt -das Argus GT Kit von Voopoo! 1000 Adjusting Rate: Short time press: 1, long time Press: 10, h. Regulating Temperature control wire calculated cooling United Kinged. zzgl. VOOPOO FIND S 120W STARTER KIT The VOOPOO FIND S 120W Starter Kit provides a lightweight, ergonomic system with the advanced GENE.FIT Chipset, integrated 4400mAh rechargeable Battery to fire the powerful 8mL UFORCE T2 Tank. The VooPoo Too features a beautiful angular design with four separate colorways available at release. 1 Points. j. eXvape | eXpromizer TCX RDTA Mesh TopCoiler Ein neuer Stern am Dampferhimmel - eXvape | eXpromizer TCX RDTA Mesh TopCoiler Nicht nur der Preis kann sich beim eXpromizer TCX RDTA von eXvape sehen lassen, nein, auch die Verarbeitung, das Design aber vorallem der Geschmack sind wahrlich TOP! Press the Fire button to confirm your selection. Constructed from impact-resistant zinc-aluminum alloy, the FIND S 120W box mod protects the inte VooPoo New TOO kit utilizes the super efficient GENE chipset and boasts a breathtaking 10 milliseconds firing speed, uses either single or dual 18650 batteries to bring a sense of fun and style. The stylish design of the FIND S features smooth rounded corners for an ultra comfortable feel and grip. This 32 byte advanced chip currently has the world's fastest firing speed of 10 milliseconds. Diese Kombination aus geregeltem Akkuträger für zwei 18650 er Akkus und einfach zu handhabendem Fertigkopftankverdampfer macht rein optisch schon ordentlich was her. To adjust wattage while in TC Mode, press fire button 4 times rapidly to activate wattage adjustment. Ein kleines Bonbon: das Argus GT Kit wird mit einer tollen stabilen Transportbox ausgeliefert! For bringing our customer better use experience, we never stop doing our best to develop high adaptive UFORCE atomizer. Switch Timeout Protection: 10s Kit Pod Invader GT Tesla : kompakt und effizient, 3ml, 1200mAh, 50w. K. VOOPOO Firmware Customization instructions USB charging interface, the product into the charging mode. DN9 3GA. Press any key to recover display from sleep mode, When the device is connected to an external power supply (5士0.5V} using the built-in USB charging port, the device will enter charging mode, and the small battery iconson the main display interface will blink and show the current charge status to indicate that charging has begun. Add a comment(0) Vaping Legal Ltd Es lassen sich so Widerstände von 0,1-3 Ohm ohne Probleme befeuern. 1. Das Kit ist besonders für den Outdooreinsatz konzipiert und entsprechend strapazierfähig und stabil konstruiert. The shorter path from the air intake to the outtake will rapidly discharge the heat, users will enjoy great flavors and tremendous clouds without the drip tip over heating. a. Argus GT is powered by two external 18650… is backordered. VOOPOO Find Kit consists of the Find 120W TC Mod and 5ml UFORCE T2 Tank. Coil Resistance: 1.6ohm (Japanese Organic Cotton) Available in 6 colors. The PnP coils are available in four coil configurations, a 0.45 ohm M1 coil head rated at 28 to 35W, a 0.6 ohm M2 coil … Augvape V200 VS VOOPOO TOO Since Company Augvape has released their latest battery, now there are two very fast fire speed box mod on the market. Press up or down button to scroll through the menu options. Supported coil resistance range when the device setting is on 180W: 0.1-0.40 How to tum on/off: Press the fire button 5 times rapidly Unlike the common, eye-catching in the streets. They are Augvape V200 Box Mod and VOOPOO TOO. (Under Power mode, the upper right comer will show the adjustment power value. 4. The mod has an internal 2600mAh battery which powers the GENE.Fan Chip. b) Press fire button 4 times rapidly to enter the custom power or temperature curve menu. Built-in 4400mAh battery, upgraded GENE. The doors slide on and off with relative ease and we enjoyed just fidgeting with the doors, it’s kinda like its own fidget gadget! TC MODE: SS, NI, Tl, NC, TCR, A. Die Bedienung geht dabei stets einfach aus der Hand.Der kleine PnP Pod Tank passt optisch perfekt zum Mod und ist im Handling denkbar einfach gestaltet. Switch Timeout Protection C. Over-temperature Protection D. Output Over-current Protection E. Overcharge Protection F. Over Voopoo bringt mit dem Argus GT Kit eine tolle Kombination aus leistungsstarkem geregeltem Akkuträger für zweimal 18650er Akkus und dem PnP Pod Tank als passenden Fertigkopftankverdampfer auf den Markt. 16,95 € * 5x VooPoo PnP-VM1 Coil . If the device is not operated for 30 seconds, the screen will tum off. Charging mode of the fi卤30 seconds, the battery small icon will run as the battery charging which shows that charging began. Der Tank wird magnetisch auf einem 510 er Adapter aus Edelstahl gehalten und lässt sich so einfach zum Befüllen entfernen. Lowest resistance in TC mode: 0.050 VooPoo Mojo 88W TC Kit Tiny frame, powerful output, the VooPoo Mojo kit is a compact and portable mod with a minimalistic design. More Details Sale. 6500 Adjusting Rate: Short time press: 1, long time Press: 10 Dimension: 89.5x54x25mm
iii. Charging Rate: 3H (Requirement: 5V 2A supply only), c. Supports charging while vaping (and also supports adjusting device settings while charging) l. This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive and toxic substance The VOOPOO DRAG Mini 117W TC Starter Kit is the perfect mid-level wattage vape system, integrated with a built-in 4400mAh battery and the exceptional GENE Fit Chip for battery-efficient outputs. c. The device uses 5V rechargeable series circuit, and also it supports balance charging. By custom curves I think you are talking about the M 1-5 curves, you would set changing temps along a line graph. This products battery should not be treated as household waste, instead it should be handed over to the applicable used battery collection point for recycling. e. Please uses high rate discharge batteries, a discharge rate over 30A is recommended * Kostenloser DHL Versand in Deutschland ab 29 € Bestellwert! Under Custom Mode, press the Fire button 3 times rapidly to switch between the four custom mode options: Stable Power (W) Mode and the three Temperature Control Modes: TC-SS/ TC-Ni200/TC-Ti. f. Screen Size: 0.91 Inch OLEO, g. Accommodation coefficient of the TC wire: Regulating Temperature Control wire default value, NI: 6000-7000 Standard Default Value: To switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit, press the down button until the temperature reaches the lowest Celsius temperature, 100℃。 Release the down button and then press the down button again and the temperature will cycle to the highest Fahrenheit temperature, 600℉. Equipped with the Gene Chip, its … Select Customize from the menu on the left of the VOOPOO Firmware interface, click on the “Parameter” tab. Battery: 1 x 18650 & 2 x 18650 A beast behind the beauty, Eleaf Invoke boasts an elegantly crafted compact profile while allowing a massive output power of 220 watts by dual 18650s. 1 Points. The Gene Chip inside the TOO offers a full … Informationen zum Schutz Ihrer Daten finden Sie in unserer, Akkuzellen 18650, flacher Pluspol, ungeschützt, Joyetech AIO GRATIS Aktion (10ml Flaschen), Joyetech AIO - New Color GRATIS Aktion (10ml Flaschen), UWELL SE1 Tank Verdampfer GRATIS Aktion (10ml Flaschen), Joyetech eGo AIO ECO GRATIS Aktion (10ml Flaschen). a. i. Dabei wurde auf ein geringes Gewicht geachtet, so dass das Kit nicht wirklich schwer in der Hand liegt. 2). b. Two more TC types are available using the VOOPOO APP: Ni- Chrome(NC), and a user definable type (TCR), which can be used for any additional coil types. Joined: … To unlock, press the Up and Down buttons simultaneously. 250 Adjusting Rate: Short time press: 1, long time Press: 10 Color Quantity. The VOOPOO Find S 12W Pod System is a neatly precise vaping pod system, incorporating an integrated 420mAh rechargeable battery, the advanced GENE.POD chipset, and works in conjunction with the 2.0mL side-filled Find S pod to vaporize eJuice or nicotine salts.Crafted from a durable aluminum alloy, the chassis is incredibly lightweight but strong, lending protection to … Utilizing a large 4400mAh internal battery for longevity and convenience! VooPoo Argus GT Mod. Specifications: 4. 30 seconds without any operate, The device will full-screen display battery power large icon running. When the batteries are fully charged the battery icons will show full charge, and stop blinking. Der Clou: es passen alle anderen Fertigköpfe und die RBA (Selbstwickeleinheit) der PnP Serie, so dass wirklich jeder Dampfer ein für ihn passendes Exemplar finden sollte.Die Luftzufuhr kann sehr einfach auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse eingestellt werden und reicht je nach verwendetem Fertigkopf von MTL bis hin zu einem offenen direkten Zug. So in this article, let's talk about the uniqueness of the two best vape mods. Um ZAZO in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. At least one coil type must be enabled, and a maximum of 5 coil types may be enabled. Ich erkläre mich ausdrücklich einverstanden, den Newsletter laut Ihrer Datenschutzerklärung zu erhalten. Der Akkuträger kann bis zu 160 Watt (8,4 Volt) an Leistung ausgeben und das moderne Gene TT Chipset ermöglicht auch das interne Laden der Akkus mittels USB-Type C Anschluss Selbstverständlich sind alle relevanten Schutzschaltungen an Bord und neben dem Powermodus steht auch ein gut funktionierender TC Modus zur Verfügung. Versandkosten, wenn nicht anders beschrieben. You will want to hop onto the hype train and try out this innovative and interesting box mod that is going to be a conversation piece in its own right. In order for you to have better use of all the functions of this product, please carefully read the operation notes and detailed functional instructions before your first use of this product. If there’s still no operation for 30 minutes after the screen tums off, the device will enter sleep mode. Thanks for your purchase of a VOOPOO product. Die Luftzufuhr lässt sich sehr gut auf die individuellen Präferenzen einstellen. First Message. With the push-pull design for the double sideslip covers, it can be changed in 4 different colors for the unique style. Press up button to select the Customization Mode. The VooPoo TOO 180W TC Box Mod with Gene Chip inside is a dual 18650 (sold separately) or single 18650 (sold separately) powered mod compatible with the VooPoo PC App for full customization and fine-tuning settings and paired with the UForce Sub-Ohm Tank, a sub-ohm tank that features a quick vent channel. Beide sorgen für einen intensiven Geschmack und mächtige Wolken. a) Press Up and Down buttons at the same time for 2 seconds, the device will enter Function Menu Interface Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Auch das interne Laden der Akkus wird mittels USB-Type C Kabel unterstützt und selbstverständlich sind alle relevanten Schutzschaltungen verbaut. When seeking medical advice, have the liquid product container or label at hand. The stylish design and unique colorways that this mod is made in will really have it standing out against the rest of the crowd and have you wanting to pull it out every chance that you can. f. While using the device, do not throw/drop it or immerse it in water etc. $49.95. Under Power Mode the Function Menu Interface has the following options: b. Thank you for choosing IJOY! g. Please use the proper working mode for your atomizer’s design and material. ... Deren Stärke kannst du über das farbige OLED Display individuell einstellen. a. The mod has internal 2600mAh battery and outputs up to 88W. By default, your device comes with three temperature coil types pre-installed: Stainless Steel (SS316), Nickel (Ni200), and Titanium(Ti). m. This product should not be treated as household waste, instead it should be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Charging mode of the fi卤30 seconds, the battery small icon will run as the battery charging which shows that charging began. a) Press up or down button to scroll between Modes M1 loM5. You can use the UFORCE to get the portable and exciting vape experience. Dieser hat ein modernes Gene TT Chipset verbaut welches bis zu 160 Watt an Leistung zur Verfügung stellen kann. Geschmacklich finde ich den Kopf dazu echt Gut. the mojo vape mod with an ergonomic design makes it really comfortable to hold, clean portable mod without any redundant line, all buttons are hidden, it built-in 2600mah battery and max output 88watts, the battery supports 2A fast charge to …
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