... Intersection. Netflix e alcune terze parti utilizzano i cookie . ... Best Netflix Shows and Series To Binge (January 2021) Even though her husband wants another baby, she refuses to go through the same thing all over again. ... Más películas y series. Une pédiatre idéaliste. At the Karasu estate, evidence emerges that could put others at risk. Quand leurs routes se croisent, leurs vies basculent. Publicité | Dirilis: Ertugrul or Resurrection is one of the highest-grossing Turkish serial of all time. Feyza identifies Süreyya in a series of photographs. Il s’agit de l’une des premières séries turques disponibles sur Netflix. Synopsis : Deux hommes d'affaires riches et passionnés par les automobiles. Netflix se adhiere a los principios de la Alianza de Publicidad Digital. Not only is it loved and… Kivanc Tatlitug said everything was fine, but today the news that Uçankuş'un entered was written to leave Tuba Büyüküstün. Intersection (TV Series 2012– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Las 25 series de Netflix mejor valoradas por la crítica. Sinon les premières saisons étaient top..puis ça a pris une tournure ..deçue par la suite. About Ibrahim Celikkol. Ali Nejat (Ibrahim Celikkol) is a young businessman who comes from a wealty … Love enters the equation, and their lives change for good. Two wealthy businessmen with car obsessions cross paths with an idealist pediatrician. Netflix and third parties use cookies . Bon par où commencer? Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. ... Questa serie unica nel suo genere dà un tocco moderno alla mitologia greca e romana, esplorando temi come le politiche di genere, il potere e la vita nei bassifondi. Deux hommes d'affaires riches et passionnés par les automobiles. Bref, amour, déception, manipulation, perversité, désespoir, gentillesse, douceur, sourire, etc... que d'émotions mais vraiment la fin me déçoit énormément, le passage de la S2 à S3 est lamentable, on y comprend rien et rien ne colle. A produção acompanha … By joining TV Guide, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Intersection - Full Cast & Crew. Gökçe and Nazli spend unwanted alone time together. She’s currently acting in US film Backstabbing for Beginners, in which she stars alongside Ben Kingsley. Ali è un ex pilota e un playboy che si trasforma in un uomo d’affari. A couple goes on a road trip in southern Louisiana to support a friend. Game of thrones, Orange is the new black, Prison break, Suivre son activité Where to Watch. Gökçen Usta. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built while making a fortune in ship building. Une pédiatre idéaliste. An unlikely person spends time with Genco. Intersection (Imagem: Divulgação / Netflix) Para quem gosta de triângulos amorosos, Intersection é um prato cheio. Cette série turque, raconte l’histoire d’Ali Nejat. Netflix Netflix. James Wan zieht alle Register des Schreckenskinos und kreiiert damit einen perfekten Gruselfilm. : Meanwhile, Gökçe keeps a secret from her family. Actor 9 Credits. Ex. Qui sommes-nous | Original Title: Kordugum English Title: Intersection Also Known As: Genre: Drama, Romance Episodes: 31 Broadcast Network: Fox Tv Broadcast Period: January 7, 2016 – October 23, 2016 Production Company: Endemol Shine Turkiye Director: Gokcen Usta Screen Writer: Yigit Okan Synopsis. Süreyya discloses what she gave to Naz. L’acting de Naz est extra ainsi que du petit Kaan. ... Best Netflix Shows and Series … Intersection is a great film for people who love romantic dramas with happy endings, which is probably most people, though some of us won't admit it. While on business trip in Italy with his friend … Nihan discovers the truth behind Naz's whereabouts on her last day. Lire sa critique, Suivre son activité Intersection (2016) is available on Netflix United States. Bref si quelqu'un peu me dire comment se procurer la saison 3 merci , Pour écrire un commentaire, identifiez-vous. Gökçe's mother discovers her secret. Geeignet ab 12 Jahren. Murat begins following Melissa after his suspicions grow. The famous Turkish series Diriliş Ertuğrul, is available on Netflix under the title Resurection: Ertuğrul. Der/die Serie Intersection erschien 2016. Au début, j'ai tellement aimé que j'écoutais les émissions en boucle... kaan est un excellent acteur, ainsi que Naz, Ayhan, Umut, Gockze et Aysan par exemple... Deux hommes d'affaires riches et passionnés par les automobiles. Ibrahim Celikkol. Mais Ali Nejat (Ibrahim du vrai nom)... ouffff... je l'ai aimé dans le film Sadecen avec Naz (Belcim du vrai nom)... j'ai vraiment aimé leur chimie... mais alors là dans Intersection, je ne comprends pas comment les directeurs l'ont pris comme personnage ... Trop long trop sombre triste. J’ai découvert cette série il y a quelques jours et je voulais partager mon ressenti. © 2021 TV GUIDE, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Dieser Serie ist Bewegend, Romantisch. CGU | His real passion is still cars and he dreams of launching a new car. Año de estreno: 2016. Trouble from the past resurfaces, and Kaan sees a darker side of Murat. Produced by Endemol Shine Turkey, Kordugum series is the 31st episode. Intersection subsequently debuted on Fox Turkey in January. Love 101 è una serie arrivata da poco su Netflix ma sta appassionando milioni di telespettatori. Intersection Season 3 Episodes. Season 3 Episode Guide Season 3 Season 2 Season 3 5 Episodes 2016 - 2016. Intersection è una serie turca del 2016 che vede come protagonista Ibrahim Celikkol. 18 Episodes 2016. 2016; 3 seasons Netflix Drama Watchlist. Der/die Serie Intersection erschien 2016. Recrutement | Sie können Ihre persönliche Favoritenliste zusammenstellen, um diese später über Netflix anzusehen. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2016; 3 seasons Netflix Drama Watchlist. Intersection pretends to be a movie of grown-up, middle-aged concerns, but it plays like a rather dull and pointless soap opera. Where to Watch. 2 abonnés Préférences cookies | Politique de cookies | Kördügüm (TV Series 2016– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. An offer for a job reaches Umut. From the highly anticipated series of the new season, a shocking claim was made for Black and White. Six months later, a mysterious phone call results in a tragic loss, a wrongful arrest and the revelation of a long-held secret in the Karasu family. Netflix y terceros utilizan cookies y tecnologías similares en este sitio web para recolectar información sobre las actividades de navegación, que utilizamos para analizar el uso del sitio web, personalizar nuestros servicios y modificar nuestra publicidad online. Revue de presse | Der nervenzerfetzende Gänsehaut-Horror mündet in eine Fortsetzung - "Conjuring 2" ist ebenfalls bei Netflix und sehenswert! Below you find an overview of all movies and series with Ibrahim Celikkol on Netflix. Umut complica las cosas con Naz cuando se une a la empresa de Ali Nejat y sus temperamentos son puestos a prueba. Ali Najat est très attachant mais à la fin, je le trouve vraiment hyper égoïste. Intersection (Kördüğüm) es una serie de televisión turca. Die Serie wurde nach der Produktion von 31 Episoden bei drei Staffeln beendet. A young woman shows interest in Enver. Bref Naz extra j'aime beaucoup cette actrice très joyeuse. Es könnte gut sein, dass Sie in Ihrer Wohnung alle Lichter anmachen, wenn Sie bei Netflix den Play-Button aktivieren. Naz who is a paediatrician loses her baby during pregnancy. With Gabe Silva, Jessica E. Stone, Stephen Ott, Becca Ayers. Puoi modificare le tue (preferenze ... Intersection. Neslihan must make a compromise on Umut's behalf. This is a regularly updated list with movies, series and documentaries with Ibrahim Celikkol on Netflix. Intersection Series by Endemol Shine TurkeyStarring Belcim Bilgin - Ibrahim Celikkol - Alican Yucesoy I sentimenti di Naz per Umut cambiano. Intersection. ©AlloCiné, Retrouvez tous les horaires et infos de votre cinéma sur le numéro AlloCiné : 0 892 892 892 (0,34€/minute). Intersection (Kordugum) est une série turque sentimentale que l’on peut voir sur Netflix. Director 1 Credit. Naz who is a paediatrician loses her baby during pregnancy. She goes to Italy for a conference and meets Ali Nejat there. She goes to Italy for a conference and meets Ali Nejat there. Beaucoup de monde critique l’acting d’Ali Nejat mais c’est son personnage qui fait ça... il n’arrive pas à exprimer sa souffrance et surtout bcp de remords. México Iarel Verduzco Isaid Pelayo - Meto Joaquín López Óscar Garibay - Vendedor de librería Ricardo Bautista - Alper Chile Loreto Vial Bref de bons passages quand même mais la fin pas compris ??? It is being talked about the breakdown of the series that will be shared by Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ and Tuba Büyüküstün. Karma pays Murat a visit. Hacemos un repaso de todas las series que ha cancelado Netlfix, de Sense8 a Mindhunter. The Best Movies and TV Shows on Netflix in February, The Best Movies and TV Shows on Amazon Prime in February, The Best Movies and TV Shows on Hulu in February, Best Shows & Movies on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and HBO This Month. With Ibrahim Celikkol, Alican Yücesoy, Belçim Bilgin, Rojda Demirer. Gökçe faces Genco's interventions in her plans. Próximamente. ALI NEDJAT beau mais franchement froid et mou !!! Kördüğüm (Intersection) episode 31, which air on Thursday evenings, Tariq Karasu avenged Murat. Les services AlloCiné | Une … decided to make the final with the episode. Even though her husband wants another baby, she refuses to go through the same thing all over again. Kordugum (Intersection) est une série turque romantique produite par Endemol Shine et diffusée sur FOX TV en 2016. ... erhalten Sie jede Woche ein E-Mail mit allen neuen Netflix-Releases der vorangegangenen Woche. The series,… An unknown caller tempts Naz with information. The series stars Ibrahim Celikkol, Belçim Bilgin, Alican Yücesoy, Saadet Isil Aksoy. Données Personnelles | Tomb Raider (Anime) Centinela. Wenn Dir Intersection gefällt, dann sollten Du vielleicht einmal You're the … Discussing the cast, Eren says: “Belçim has appeared in many feature films internationally and here in Turkey, and Intersection is the only drama series she has taken part in. La 1ère saison et le début du 2nd sont ... C'est une belle intrigue avec d'excellents acteurs dont NAZ mais la fin est beaucoup trop triste et n'a pas de sens vis à vis de Kaan. Retrouvez toutes les news et les vidéos de la série TV Intersection. Avec l’aide du petit Kaan et de Naz son personnage évolue... enfin c’est ce que je pense. Anno di uscita: 2016. Lire sa critique, Contact | Quand leurs routes se croisent, leurs vies basculent. The best rated item with Ibrahim Celikkol on Netflix is "Intersection" and appeared on screen in 2016.
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